Quando fa udire la sua voce, c'è una moltitudine di acque nei cieli; e fa salire i vapori dalle estremità della terra; fa i lampi con la pioggia, e fa uscire il vento dai suoi tesori. Quando emette la sua voce - Invia il tuono.

There is a multitude of waters - For the electric spark, by decomposing atmospheric air, converts the hydrogen and oxygen gases, of which it is composed, into water; which falls down in the form of rain.

Causeth the vapours to ascend - He is the Author of that power of evaporation by which the water is rarified, and, being lighter than the air, ascends in form of vapor, forms clouds, and is ready to be sent down again to water the earth by the action of his lightnings, as before. And by those same lightnings, and the agency of heat in general, currents of air are formed, moving in various directions, which we call winds.

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