Daniel 12:55
Comentário Bíblico Católico de George Haydock
Two. This punishment was not unusual: yet it is probable that the two old men were stoned to death by the law of retaliation. (ver. 61.; Exodus xix. 4.) There is an allusion, in Greek, between schinon and schisei, and also between Prinos and prisei; (ver. 58, 59) and hence it is concluded that this work was originally in that language. But there might be a similar allusion in Hebrew or Chaldee or the translator might think it lawful to put one tree for another.
(Calmet) --- We find a tree called shinar, in Persia. (Tavern. iv. 6.) It would be easy to produce similar allusions in the Latin ilex; thus ilico peribis, &c. (Menochius)