1 Coríntios 9:16

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


1 Coríntios 9:16. Woe is unto me, if I preach not the Gospel!

RESPECTING men’s call to the ministerial office, it would be difficult to speak with any degree of certainty. That of the Apostles was clear and unquestionable: that of individuals, amongst ourselves, must be judged of by many circumstances, known only to the persons themselves, and but indistinctly known even to them. But the obligation to discharge the office with fidelity, when once it has been undertaken, is as manifest in relation to us, as it was in reference to St. Paul himself: a dispensation having been committed to us, we may every one of us say, “Woe is unto me, if I preach not the Gospel!”
In discoursing on these words, I will endeavour to explain,

I. The office of ministers—

This, in one word, is to “preach the Gospel.” And here let us distinctly mark,

1. What is meant by the Gospel—

[The Gospel imports glad tidings; and it is particularly to be understood of the glad tidings which are brought to men respecting a salvation provided for them, a salvation through the blood and righteousness of our incarnate God. Such a salvation has been effected for us by our Lord Jesus Christ, who expiated our guilt upon the cross — — — and now lives in heaven to complete the work which he began on earth — — — and offers salvation to all who will believe in him — — — This is the Gospel: nor does any thing but this deserve the name — — —]

2. The duty of ministers in relation to it—

[They must preach it, as God’s heralds and ambassadors: they must preach it fully, in all its parts; freely, without any mixture of self-righteous conceits; and constantly, making it the one subject of all their ministrations. If they preach the law, it must be in order to prepare men for the reception of the Gospel. If they preach obedience, as doubtless they must, is must be as flowing from the united influence of faith and love. They must speak to men nearly in the same strain as they would if they had received a commission to preach to those who are already suffering the penalty due to their sins. They should not flatter men with any conceits about their own goodness, or the ability which they possess to deliver themselves; but should offer them mercy through the atonement made for them upon the cross, and call them to accept it as the free gift of God for Christ’s sake — — —]

Supposing us to have undertaken this office, let us notice,


The indispensable necessity of discharging it with fidelity—

“Woe is unto us if we preach not this Gospel” faithfully. For if, from any consideration whatever, we forbear to do so, what account shall we give,

1. To God, who has committed this office to us?

[If we have neglected it, through the fear of man, or the love of this present evil world, or through mere indolence, what shall we say, when summoned to give an account of our stewardship? Should we have loved any thing in comparison of Him? or feared any besides Him? or counted any thing too much to do for Him? How vain will all our excuses appear in that day!]

2. To the souls whom, by our unfaithfulness, we have betrayed?

[Men may now say to us, “Prophesy unto us smooth things; prophesy deceits;” and they may be pleased with our compliance. But when they meet us in judgment, how bitter will be their reproaches, and how loud their complaints against us! — — — The very persons whose favour we courted when on earth, will be among the first to cry out for vengeance on our souls.]

3. To the Saviour, whose dying love we should have made known?

[What shall we say, when the Saviour shall remind us of all that he has done for the salvation of our souls? Is it thus that we should have requited him? Did he come from heaven for us, and die upon the cross for us, and confer on us the honour of being his ambassadors to a ruined world; and have we felt no more regard for him, and his interests in the world? How shall we call on the rocks and mountains to cover us from his merited indignation!]

4. To ourselves, who have trifled thus with our own salvation?

[Now any foolish excuse will satisfy us: but how will our conduct appear in that day? Methinks our self-reproach will be the bitterest ingredient in that cup of bitterness which we shall have to drink for ever.]

But let us not close the subject without reflecting on what is evidently implied in it—

The woe which awaits those who embrace not the Gospel—

[If we are bound to preach it, no doubt you also are bound to receive it with all humility of mind, and with the gratitude which such tidings call for at your hands. You must not think that you have discharged your duty, when you have merely heard the word: you must receive it as the word of God to your souls: you must embrace it, as suited to your necessities, and sufficient for your wants. You must contemplate it, and rely upon it, and glory in it, and get your souls poured, as it were, into the very mould of the Gospel; that so it may have its perfect work upon you. This you must do: and if you do it not, it will prove to you, “not a savour of life unto life, but a savour of death” to your heavier condemnation. Remember, then, your own responsibility: and, whilst you pray for your minister, that he may be found faithful, be exceeding urgent with God in prayer, that the word ye hear may take effect, and prove the power of God to the salvation of your souls.]

2. The blessedness of those who discharge their ministry aright—

[They may meet with much opposition from an ungodly world: but they are truly happy, in the hope that “they shall both save themselves and those who hear them.” Sweet is the thought which a faithful minister has in looking forward to the time of meeting his people at the judgment-seat of Christ. The sight of many whom he shall then have to present to God as his spiritual children, saying, “Here am I, and the children whom thou hast given me;” and the prospect, that, to all eternity, he shall have them as “his joy and crown of rejoicing” before his God; say, is not this delightful? Will not this be a rich reward for all his labours, and for all that he had suffered in the discharge of his high office? Yes, verily, if he had died a thousand deaths for them, this would be an abundant recompence: and this blessedness assuredly awaits the laborious minister, the faithful servant of his God [Note: If this were the subject of an Ordination or Visitation Sermon, here, of course, would be the place for encouraging ministers to labour diligently in their high and holy calling.]

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