2 Coríntios 6:1-2

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Coríntios 6:1. We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain. For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

“THE grace of God,” mentioned in the words before us, is the same with that which in the preceding context is called “the word of reconciliation:” it is the declaration, that “God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them.” This is elsewhere called, “the Gospel of the grace of God;” and a wonderful display of divine grace it is: because from the first devising of this plan of reconciliation in his eternal counsels, to the last bestowment of its blessings on any child of man, it is altogether of grace: grace laid the foundation; grace raised the superstructure; and, when the head-stone shall be brought forth, the universal shout will be, “Grace, grace unto it [Note: Zacarias 4:7.].” In bringing men into a state of reconciliation with God, we ministers are fellow-labourers with God [Note: 1 Coríntios 3:9. with the text.]. Not that we do, or ever can do, any thing towards perfecting the work of Christ; (that was finished by him upon the cross, when he offered himself a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world;) but we are ambassadors from God, and speak to men in Christ’s stead, and thus are “workers together with God:” and in this character we beseech you, as the Apostle did the Corinthians, “not to receive the grace of God in vain.”

That we may proceed agreeably to the example set before us in our text, we shall consider,

I. The exhortation here given—

And here we shall separately notice,

1. The subject-matter of it: “Receive not the grace of God in vain”—

[The generality of those to whom the word of reconciliation comes, hear it to no purpose. Many pay no attention at all to it, but, like Gallio of old, care for none of these things. Many hate it, and oppose it with all their might; either regarding it as foolishness, through their philosophic pride, or making it a stumbling-block, through their self-righteous habits. To all such it comes in vain, or rather, worse than in vain, seeing that it proves to them a savour of death to their more aggravated condemnation. In truth, all receive it in vain, who do not welcome it into their hearts, and conform to it in their lives. O that it might be embraced thus by all to whom it now comes! Receive it, brethren, as the most stupendous effort of Divine Wisdom for the salvation of your souls — — —]

2. The manner of it: “We, as workers together with God, beseech you”—

[We come not in our own name, when we announce these glad tidings, but in the name of our God and Saviour. We have no private ends to accomplish: it is the work of God, and that only, that we endeavour to advance: we have the same end in view that God himself had, when he sent his only dear Son into the world; the same that Christ had, when he died upon the cross: the ministry of reconciliation is committed to us; and, in the exercise of this ministry, “we are fellow-workers with God.” In this capacity we might command you all: but we choose rather, like the Apostle, to use the language of entreaty: yes, “We beseech you;” in the very name and stead of Christ himself, we beseech you, that ye receive not this grace in vain. If ye will not listen to us, listen to that God in whose name we speak; and, if ye will not bow to his commands, resist not his entreaties; for it is he himself who beseeches you, by our mouth, “Be ye reconciled to God.”]
To impress this exhortation the more deeply on your minds, We will call your attention to,


The considerations by which it is enforced—

The Apostle urges his request—

1. From the written word—

[“Whatsoever was written aforetime, was written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.” Every promise of God throughout the Bible has a general aspect upon the Church of God, and, in the spirit of it, may be applied to individuals of the present day, as well as to those to whom it was more immediately addressed [Note: Compare Josué 1:5. with Hebreus 13:5.]. The promise before us was primarily addressed to the Messiah, assuring him of success among the Gentiles [Note: Isaías 49:8.]: but it is also fitly applicable to us; because all the blessings promised to the Head, belong also to all the members of his mystical body. To him this promise was fulfilled: in every time of need he was succoured; and in due season he was exalted above all his enemies: and so shall it be to us also, if we embrace his proferred salvation: what a delightful thought is this, that the very promise which was made to Christ, and fulfilled in him, is made to us, and shall be fulfilled in us! What an encouragement is this to receive the grace of God aright, when we are thus assured of the very same assistances and triumphs as Christ himself enjoyed!]

2. From his own inspired comment upon it—

[The accepted time, the day of salvation, was then come to the Gentile world; and we may say with truth that it is come to us also. It is come to us, because the word of reconciliation now sounds in our ears, and is proclaimed to us in the name of God himself. How long this shall continue we know not. We know that the candlestick has long since been removed from Churches, where the light of the Gospel once shone as with meridian brightness: and how soon it may be removed from us, who can tell? But it does now shine, and the grace of God is displayed amongst us in all its freeness, and in all its fulness: we are authorized therefore to say with full assurance, that it is now the accepted time respecting you. But further, it is the accepted time with you, because you are yet here to receive these tidings. With multitudes who once heard the word of reconciliation, the day of grace is passed: they are now gone into that world where offers of mercy are never sent. And how soon may this be the case with you! Many who, but year ago, were as likely to live as you, have been summoned into the presence of their God in the past year; and many who are now in health will, before another year, be called to follow them: but who they shall be we know not: the young and vigorous have no more security than the weak and sickly: it is of the present hour only that we can speak with any measure of certainty; and it is of that only that we can say, “It is the day of salvation.” But it is possible that you may still be preserved in life, and the Gospel be yet sounding in your ears, and your day of salvation may have actually already come to a close. We may, by our obstinate rejection of mercy, provoke God to withdraw his Holy Spirit, who alone can make those offers effectual for our good. He has said, that “his Spirit shall not always strive with man:” and when he sees us obstinately bent on our own evil ways, he may say of us, as he did of Israel of old, “Ephraim is joined to idols; let him alone.” He has given us many awful warnings on this subject [Note: Provérbios 1:23.], and many fearful examples of the judgment actually inflicted [Note: Hebreus 3:11; Hebreus 3:18; Lucas 14:24.]. Surely, this should lead us all to “seek the Lord” whilst he may be found, and to call upon him whilst he is near. The Lord grant that we may know the day of our visitation, and “seek the things belonging to our peace, before they be for ever hid from our eyes!”]

That this subject may be yet further impressed upon your minds, consider,

1. How wonderful this grace is—

[The more we consider the gift of God’s only-begotten Son to assume our nature, and to expiate our guilt by his own blood, the more shall we be lost in wonder, love, and praise — — — And shall all this be done in vain? Shall he become sin for us, and we not seek to be made the righteousness of God in him? — — —]

2. How awful will be the consequence of rejecting it—

[Happier will Tyre and Sidon, yea, and Sodom and Gomorrha, be in the day of judgment, than those who hear and make light of these overtures of reconciliation. Think of those awful words, “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?”]

3. How truly blessed they are who receive the grace of God in truth—

[Well does the Psalmist say, “Blessed are the people that know the joyful sound!” Truly, they are beyond expression, and beyond conception, blessed. In this world, their “peace passeth all understanding,” and their “joy is unspeakable and glorified:” but their portion in the world to come, who shall declare? An archangel would in vain attempt to give it utterance. And shall all this belong to those who accept God’s offers of reconciliation aright? — — — Let not one of you delay to flee for refuge to the hope that is set before you — — —]

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