Atos 2:36

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Atos 2:36. Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

WHEN we consider the advantages possessed by the Apostles, we are astonished to find how slow of heart they were to receive and understand the great mystery of the Gospel salvation. Not only before the death of their Lord, but after his resurrection, yea, and after all his appearances to them, and the fresh instructions given them during the space of forty days, they could not divest themselves of the idea of a temporal kingdom. Not an hour before his ascension to heaven, they asked him, “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?” But from the day of Pentecost there was no more of doubt upon their minds respecting any fundamental point of our religion. For some years indeed they retained their prejudices about the Gentiles, not conceiving that they were to be admitted to a full participation of the blessings of the Gospel: but, respecting Christ, and his salvation, they were fully instructed, and never spake but with the most unshaken confidence. This appears from the very first sermon which was delivered by any one of them. St. Peter argued with as strong a persuasion of mind as he possessed at any future period; and without hesitation affirmed, in the presence of thousands of his countrymen, that Jesus, even the very person whom they had crucified, was indeed the Christ, the true Messiah [Note: The order of the words in the Greek makes the expression very emphatical.].

His words are evidently the close of an argument: and, as they are delivered with peculiar confidence, it will be proper to consider,

I. The force of his reasoning—

Our Lord, according to his promise, had poured out the Spirit in a visible manner on his Disciples, whereby they were enabled to speak a great variety of languages, which gift was emblematically represented by the appearance of cloven tongues, as of fire. The circumstance of their immediately addressing all persons in their native tongues, excited the greatest astonishment: but those who understood not the particular language which they spake, represented them as in a state of intoxication. In vindication of himself and his associates, the Apostle justly observes, that such an imputation was absurd, since none but the most abandoned of men could have been drinking to intoxication so early as nine o’clock in the morning, and that upon a solemn feast-day, when they were about to worship God in his temple; and then proceeds to argue with them respecting the Messiahship of Christ, as proved by this event. He states,

1. That this miraculous gift was foretold by the Prophet Joel, as to be conferred by the Messiah—

[The passage cited from the prophet Joel undoubtedly refers to the times of the Messiah [Note: Compare ver. 16–21. with Joel 2:28.]. Previous to that time the Holy Spirit had been given only in a very partial way to a few: but, when Christ should be glorified, he was to be poured out, as it were, upon multitudes, both of men and women, that by his miraculous operations he might testify of Christ, and by his efficacious grace he might bring men to Christ.

After this should have been done for a space of time sufficient to evince the distinguished kindness of God towards his ancient people, and their incorrigible obstinacy towards him, God would give them signs of a very different kind; even such terrible signs, as should be like “turning the sun into darkness, and the moon into blood;” and then should destruction come upon them to the uttermost: but as, previously to that period, all who should believe in Christ should be saved from the condemnation in which all others would be involved, so, at that period, all his believing people should escape the miseries which would overwhelm the residue of that devoted nation.

This was the plain meaning of the prophecy, which at this time began to be fulfilled; and which in due season should receive a perfect accomplishment.]

2. That this gift was actually conferred by Jesus—

[It was known to all of them, that Jesus, during his ministry on earth, had wrought innumerable miracles in confirmation of his word and doctrine: and though the nation had put him to an ignominious death, yet had God raised him from the dead, and empowered him to send forth the Spirit in the manner he had done.
With respect to the truth of his resurrection, it had been foretold in terms that could be applicable to him alone [Note: Compare ver. 23–28. with Salmos 16:8.]. It could not be of himself that David spake those words; for he did die, and see corruption; and his tomb remained even to the Apostles’ days: but Jesus saw no corruption: his soul was not left in the place of departed spirits, nor was his body permitted to continue in the grave long enough to undergo any change: he rose on the third day, as all his Disciples could testify, because they had themselves seen him on that day, and occasionally conversed familiarly with him for forty days afterwards, even to the very hour when in their presence he ascended up to heaven. Moreover he had expressly told them that he would send down the Holy Ghost upon them, in the manner he had done: and therefore it must be HE, and none other but HE, that had wrought the miracles which they now saw and heard [Note: ver. 29–33.].

If they should still be inclined to think that David had had any concern in this miracle, the Apostle called their attention to another prophecy of his, wherein David himself declared, that the person who should be thus invested with power at the right hand of God, was his Lord; and that the person so exalted, should “make all his foes his footstool [Note: Compare ver. 34, 35. with Salmos 110:1.].”

It was evident therefore, that, as the Messiah was to rise from the dead, and ascend up to heaven for the purpose of establishing his kingdom upon earth; and as Jesus had risen and ascended agreeably to those predictions; there could be no doubt but that it was he who had now sent down the Spirit, according to the promise which he had given them. He had told them, but a few days before, that he would send forth upon them the promise of the Father, and baptize them with the Holy Ghost [Note: Atos 1:4.]; and he had now done it in a way which commended itself to the eyes and ears of all the people.]

3. That therefore Jesus must unquestionably be the true Messiah—

[It was not in the power of any creature to work the miracles now wrought: nor would the Father work them in order to confirm the claims of an impostor. They must of necessity therefore have been wrought by Jesus, who had thereby proved himself the true Messiah.
On these grounds Peter declared to them, that, as they could not doubt the existence of those prophecies, or the application of them to the Messiah, or the miracle now wrought by Jesus in confirmation of his claim to that office, “the whole house of Israel might know assuredly, that God had made that very Jesus, whom they had crucified, both Lord and Christ.”]
Such was the Apostle’s reasoning: and from the confident manner in which he expressed himself, we are led to notice,


The importance of his conclusion—

If God has constituted Jesus both Lord and Christ, then we may know assuredly,

1. That Christ is our only Lord and Saviour—

[The force of this was felt by Peter’s audience, insomuch that three thousand of them instantly obeyed the heavenly mandate, and surrendered up themselves to be saved and governed by him alone. Precisely in this manner must we devote ourselves to him: we must not be contented with “calling him Lord, Lord,” but must feel the same need of him as they did, and cast ourselves upon him for mercy, and consecrate ourselves entirely to his service [Note: ver. 37, 38.]. We must admit no other ground of hope but his obedience unto death — — — we must suffer no “other Lord to have dominion over us:” — — — but, having been bought by him with his most precious blood, we must “glorify him with our bodies and our spirits, which are his.”]

2. That he is an all-sufficient Saviour—

[Whatever we can want, he is exalted to bestow. Do we need forgiveness of sins? He is empowered to grant it. Do we need repentance? He can impart that also. This we are assured of, on the testimony of Peter and all the other Apostles. What joyful tidings are these! Hear them, all ye who are labouring under a sense of guilt; and know, that “the blood of Jesus Christ is able to cleanse you from all sin:” — — — and ye, who mourn on account of the hardness of your hearts, know that he can “take away the heart of stone, and give you an heart of flesh” — — — If God the Father has constituted him “Head over all things to the Church,” you need not fear, but that there shall be found in his fulness an ample supply for all your necessities [Note: St. Paul pursues the same line of argument as St. Peter, and founds upon it this consolatory truth. Atos 13:35. See also Hebreus 7:25.] — — —]

3. That none shall ever look to him in vain—

[“Him that cometh unto me,” says Christ, “I will in no wise cast out” What then have we to do with desponding thoughts? Has God thus exalted his Son, and will he disappoint those who trust in him? No: it cannot be: “he never did,” nor ever will, “say to the seed of Jacob, Seek ye my face in vain.” Did the vilest person in the universe only desire mercy as much as God delights to exercise it, he would in one instant be purged from all his sin — — — We need only look to the effect of Peter’s sermon on the murderous Jews, and we shall see a perfect pattern of what God is ready to do for us, the very instant we believe in Jesus — — — “Know this,” my brethren; know it “every one of you;” know it “most assuredly;” know it for your inexpressible comfort: and may God make this another Pentecost to our souls, for his mercy’s sake! Amen.]

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