Gênesis 6:22

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Gênesis 6:22. Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he.

NEVER, from the foundation of the world to this hour, if we except the sacrifice which Christ made of himself upon the cross for the sins of men, was there such a demonstration of God’s hatred of sin, as that which was given at the universal deluge. All flesh having corrupted their way, God determined to execute vengeance upon all, and to destroy from the face of the earth every living thing. There was, however, one favoured servant, whom, together with his family, he was pleased to exempt from the general judgment. Noah was a righteous man, and obtained favour in his sight; and, by means prescribed to him by God himself, he was preserved. Let us consider,

I. The obedience rendered by him—

It is not easy to form a just estimate of this—
[Let us contemplate the circumstances in which he was placed. He was appointed “a preacher of righteousness,” unto all who came within the reach of his ministrations: and he was commanded to declare that God would overwhelm the whole world with a deluge. Of such a judgment there was no appearance whatever for the space of 120 years, during the whole of which period he proclaimed its approach. If at the beginning of his ministrations any were impressed with fear, they soon were led to deride the menace; and to conclude, from the delay, that the threatened calamity should never come upon them.

Let us next notice the means he was directed to use for the preservation of God’s chosen remnant. He was to build a vessel of stupendous magnitude, capable of holding two of every sort of animals that breathed, and of containing also provision for them. The expense and labour employed in constructing this ark must have been immense: and the ridicule which it must have excited, year after year, must have been almost beyond endurance.

Let us, lastly, observe his perseverance in the use of those means, till he had completed the work assigned him. Nothing could induce him to desist from his work, till it was perfected in every part. Then he, with his whole family, entered into the ark, having first assigned to every living creature its place: and then “God shut him in:” and on that very day the rain descended, and the flood commenced, which speedily reached above the highest mountains, and destroyed every living creature from the face of the earth.]

Verily this obedience was of a most exalted character—
[It shewed how firmly he believed the divine testimony, whilst yet there was not only no symptom of any such calamity, but no conceivable mode by which the threatened judgment could be inflicted. It shewed how much he stood in awe of God; and how determined he was, whilst yet the means of safety were within his reach, to avail himself of the opportunity that was afforded him, lest he also should be involved in the general ruin. It shewed, too, how boldly he faced reproach, when cast upon him for executing the divine commands. Had such a conduct been called for during the space of a few days only, we should have been the less astonished at it: but when it continued without intermission or abatement for the space of 120 years, we cannot but reckon it amongst the sublimest acts of obedience ever rendered unto God by fallen man.]
But in perfect accordance with this, is,


The obedience required of us—

1. The danger to which we are exposed is similar—

[God has declared that he will call the whole world into judgment; and that in that day “the wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God [Note: Salmos 9:17.].” We see not, indeed, any preparation for such a judgment; and are ready to think that it never can be executed. But God has denounced it against the whole world; and executed it shall be, whether men will believe it or not. Multitudes who assisted in building the ark, would not believe the declarations of God, till the threatened judgments were inflicted: and so it is with us. Multitudes laugh at the threatenings of God; and will continue to do so, till their day of grace shall have passed, and the wrath of God shall fall upon them to the uttermost.]

2. The means provided for our escape are similar—

[God has provided an ark for us—even his only dear Son; an ark, into which all who believe shall be admitted, but which will speedily be closed against the unbelieving world. Many think it altogether absurd to imagine that such an ark is provided for us: they would prefer one of their own constructing, and for which their own good works shall afford the materials. To enter into Christ by faith, and to look for salvation through faith in him, is in their eyes an unsuitable device: and it is derided accordingly, as an indication of weakness and folly. But this, after all, will be found “the wisdom of God,” yea, and “the power of God unto salvation” also to all them that embrace it]

3. The distinction that will be made between the believing and unbelieving world will also be similar—

[Of those who believed the testimony of Noah, not one perished: of those that disbelieved it, not one was saved. And so it will be at the last day. Those who are “found in Christ,” will be monuments of God’s sparing mercy; whilst those who have neglected and despised him, will be monuments of his righteous indignation for ever and ever.]
To dilate more, either on the original fact, or on its typical adaptation to our circumstances, will not be necessary: the whole taken together in one combined view will be found, I apprehend, more instructive.

Learn then, from the whole,

The office of faith—

[It was to his faith that Noah’s conduct on this occasion must be ascribed [Note: Hebreus 11:7.]. He did not reason on the subject that was revealed to him. He did not say, How can such a deluge be produced? or, How can it be supposed that a merciful God should exercise such severity? or, How can it be hoped, that, if all the rest of the world be destroyed, any vessel that I can build will preserve me? It is probable that others argued thus: but he believed, and acted upon, the divine testimony. Now it is precisely in that way that we must exercise faith in the divine records. We are not to argue, How can it be, that any should be punished with endless torments in hell? or, that so great a part of mankind should be doomed to that fate? or, that a simple faith in the Lord Jesus Christ should be sufficient to deliver those, who without such faith must inevitably perish? We are to give credit to the divine testimony; and to assure ourselves, that whatever God has spoken shall surely come to pass;—that “he who believeth and is baptized, shall be saved; and that he who believeth not, shall be damned.”]

2. The necessity of fear—

[By this also was Noah actuated; and under the influence of it he prepared the ark [Note: Hebreus 11:7.]. And if we believe God’s threatenings against sin and sinners, how can we but fear? The wrath of God is not to be disregarded, as a matter of no concern: no, in truth, it becomes us to tremble at it, and to flee from it with all imaginable earnestness. Well would it have been for them, if the people whom he warned had feared also: but, because they would not fear, they perished. So will it be with us also [Note: Mateus 24:37.]. It shall surely be found a truth at last, that “he who, being often reproved, hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without a remedy [Note: Provérbios 29:1. Compare 2 Pedro 2:5; 2 Pedro 2:9.].”]

3. The benefit of obedience—

[Here you behold with your eyes what shall be again realized in the day of judgment. Behold Noah for 120 years an object of universal derision, but now, with his family, borne above the waves in perfect safety, whilst all the rest of the world, not excepting the very builders of the ark, are overwhelmed in one common destruction! Thus let the ungodly world laugh at piety now, if they will: but such will be the issue of their contemptuous proceedings, when those who were the objects of their scorn will be honoured by their God, and be saved with an everlasting salvation. “Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him; for they shall eat the fruit of their doings: but woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him, for the reward of his hands shall be given him [Note: Isaías 3:10.].”

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