Mateus 18:14

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 18:14. It is not the will of your Father which is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.

OF all the images used in the Holy Scriptures for the representing of the Christian character, that of a little child is perhaps the most just and the most instructive. Its simplicity, its teachableness, its entire dependence on its parents for all things that are needful, render it a fit pattern for our imitation; so that our blessed Lord, when he would shew his Disciples the most exalted of all characters, “took a little child, and set him in the midst of them;” and declared, that the person who most resembled such a child was “the greatest in the kingdom of heaven [Note: ver. 4.].” But, whilst the resemblance is to be traced chiefly in the dispositions of the mind, it will be found also in the utter incapacity of a child to protect itself, or to supply its own necessities. The state of God’s children upon earth is one of great danger; insomuch, that they must of necessity perish, if he do not continually exert himself in their behalf. But, helpless as they are, it is the purpose and determination of God that not one of them shall ever perish. In confirmation of this truth, I will endeavour to set before you,

I. Their dangers—

All the Lord’s people are exposed to many and great dangers;

1. From the corruption of their own hearts—

[They are by nature as depraved as other men, and as liable to commit every species of iniquity — — —]

2. From the temptations which beset them on every side—

[They have not a desire, to the gratification of which they will not find incentives, wherever they go — — —]

3. From the assaults of their great adversary, the devil—

[He is justly represented as a serpent for subtlety, and as a lion for strength: and his efforts to destroy them are incessant: “As a roaring lion, he goes about seeking whom he may devour.” And who can understand his wiles, or be sufficiently on his guard against his devices? He has all the powers of darkness also confederate with him, for the destruction of the Lord’s people. And who would be able to withstand him, if Almighty God himself did not stand forth for their help? If left to his assaults, not any child of man could ever be saved — — —]

4. From the pernicious influence of false brethren—

[To these, especial reference is made in the preceding context [Note: ver. 7.]. “It must needs be that offences will come:” some dishonouring the Gospel by their unholy lives; and others departing from it altogether. The effect of such examples is pernicious in the extreme: and, inasmuch as they prevail in every age of the Church, every one will be more or less in danger of being drawn to abandon the faith which has been so dishonoured by them [Note: 2 Pedro 2:2.]

But, in our text, we see,


Their security—

1. God regards them as his peculiar property—

[It is this consideration which induces a shepherd to go in search of a sheep that he has lost. If there be only one out of a hundred that goes from the fold, he will search and inquire till he find it. And to this he is stimulated by the consideration that it is his property [Note: ver. 12, 13.]. Now, God regards his “little ones” in this view. Even the lambs of the flock are not despised by him. “He has loved them with an everlasting love:” “he has chosen them in Christ before the foundation of the world;” and “predestinated them to the adoption of children,” and set them apart to be a peculiar people for himself. Hence he feels a peculiar interest in them, and keeps his eye continually fixed upon them for good. He has given them from all eternity to his dear Son, to be his purchased possession: and they shall therefore be reserved as jewels to adorn his crown.]

2. He determines to preserve them even to the end—

[We are not to understand by the words of our text, that God has no ill design towards them; for he entertains not these against any child of man: “He willeth not the death of any sinner, but that all should come to repentance and live.” But, in behalf of “those who believe in Christ” [for this is the description given of his little ones], he has a fixed purpose, that they shall not perish: “He keeps them by his power” for that very end, that they may not fall: and “he will never suffer any one to pluck them out of his hand [Note: João 10:28.].”

We must not however imagine that he will keep them without exertions of their own. No: it is by and through their own exertions that God will keep them. The Holy Spirit is said to “help our infirmities;” just as one man helpeth another, by bearing together with him a part of his burthen [Note: συναντιλαμβάνεται.]. And, if we will not exert the powers which God has given us, we shall in vain look for aid on his part. I consider this sentiment as peculiarly important: because many, from an apprehension that God’s promised agency will generate supineness in us, discard altogether the idea that God has undertaken any thing for us. But God has assuredly engaged to “keep the feet of his saints,” and to finish in them the work he has begun: but he will carry this into effect by calling forth our efforts to the uttermost. “His working in us to will and to do of his own good pleasure,” is our encouragement to “work out our own salvation with fear and trembling:” and, if we will not work for ourselves, we give a decided proof that the grace of God is not in us. If, on the other hand, we will “arise and work,” we shall find that “God is with us of a truth,” and that “our labour shall not be in vain in the Lord.”]

See, then,

What should be our minds towards “the little ones” of Christ’s flock—

[We should “not despise them,” either because they are his, or because they are but weak [Note: ver. 10.]: still less should we put any obstructions in their way: for “it were better that a millstone were hanged about our neck, and that we were cast into the depth of the sea, than that we should offend one of his little ones [Note: ver. 6.].” We should rather be like-minded with God himself towards them, and afford them every aid in our power — — —]

2. How we ourselves maybe of their happy number—

[We have before said, that they are described by our Lord as “believing in him.” If, with a sense of our lost and undone condition, we come to him, and seek acceptance through him, then may we be sure that we are his; especially if our faith approve itself as genuine, by its fruits. “Cleave, therefore, to him with full purpose of heart;” and rest assured that God will “keep you from falling, and present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.”]

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