Mateus 2:10

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 2:10. And when they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.

IN so concise a history as that of our blessed Lord, the events of whose life and death were so numerous, that, if circumstantially related, they would occupy too many volumes to be read by the world at large, it must of necessity be found, that there is much omitted which we should have been glad to know. But the Scriptures were not written to gratify a vain curiosity: the inspired writers had a far higher object in view: they were content to record so much only as was necessary for our instruction, and to give us such brief hints as would set before our eyes one continuous and comprehensive whole. In the account of the wise men, who came from the East to worship the new-born Jesus, there is much left to mere conjecture. We know not who they were, nor whence they came, except that it was to the eastward of Judζa; nor how long it was after the birth of Christ; whether a few weeks, or several months. What the star was, we know not. It could not be a common star; but only a meteor, resembling one. How they came to regard it as intimating the birth of any one, and especially of one who should be the King of the Jews, we know not. It is probable that they were astronomers; and that, seeing this new star over the land of Judζa, they concluded it to be ominous of some great event: and, having heard of the general report, that there was expected to arise, about that time, in Judζa, one who should govern the whole earth, they might suppose the star to be an indication of his birth. Yet, on the whole, I think it more probable, that the same Almighty and gracious God, who sent this star to guide them to Judζa, revealed to them the occasion of its appearance, and the wonderful event of which they themselves were to be the favoured witnesses. The inquiry which they make on reaching Jerusalem seems indeed to place this matter beyond a doubt: for they do not ask whether some great personage were born: they express no doubt whatever respecting the fact; but only inquire where the new-born infant was; “Where is he that is born King of the Jews?; for we have seen his star, and are come to worship him.” The Jews themselves, it seems, were unconscious of any remarkable occurrence, till the confident inquiry of these strangers drew their attention to it: and then both Herod the king, and all the people at Jerusalem, were filled with consternation. Herod, a remarkably jealous prince, summoned the chiefs of the Jewish nation, that he might learn from them where their Messiah, according to the Scriptures, should be born. They, from a well-known prophecy, informed him, that Bethlehem was the highly-favoured city for which this honour was reserved: and he, on receiving this information, directed the Magi thither, with an express command, that, when they should have found him, they would come back to him, and communicate all that they should have learned respecting him. Thither the Magi now directed their steps. But no sooner had they re-commenced their journey, than the star, which they had seen in the East, and which had for some time disappeared, came again; and guided them, not to the city only, but to the house where Jesus was; thus pointing out, with infallible precision, the very child whom they desired to find. On this occasion it is said, “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.” Now, the terms in which their joy is here spoken of are so strong, as to be incapable of being translated literally into our language. Their general import, however, is sufficiently conveyed in the words before us: “They rejoiced with exceeding great joy.”

In speaking of this their joy, we shall find it profitable to inquire, What it indicated in relation to them.
From this interesting portion of divine history we may learn,

I. The magnitude of the object which they pursued—

They sought to behold and to honour the new-born King. This was an object worthy of pursuit:

As viewed by them, it was of great moment—

[Supposing them only to conceive of him as born to a kingdom, yet, taking into consideration the miracle with which his birth was announced, and the prophetic declarations relative to the place of his birth, they might well regard him as worthy to be served and honoured. And in proportion as we suppose their views of his character and office to have been enlarged, the importance of their object must, of course, have been magnified in their minds.]

With the additional light which we enjoy, it was an object the most important that any creature could pursue—

[We know that infant to have been “Emmanuel, God with us.” Yes, he was “God manifest in human flesh:” and not a king of one nation only, but of the whole earth, even “King of kings, and Lord of lords.”
To behold him in this his humbled state; to worship him, and glorify him; what could the highest archangel desire more? This was an object worthy of ambition to every child of man: nor could any labour, any privation, any suffering, be too great to be encountered willingly, and sustained cheerfully, in the pursuit of it.]
In their labours, we behold also,


The ardour of mind with which it should be pursued—

Their journey, whether from Arabia or any other country, was long and arduous—
[Their setting out from their own country, and prosecuting their journey to Judζa, argued no little zeal: but to persevere when the star had disappeared, and when so much difficulty and uncertainty must, in all probability, attend their future exertions, required a zeal more than ordinarily intense and ardent: and we admire their steady perseverance in so great a work.]

What, then, should ever damp our ardour in the service of our Lord?
[Methinks, this is a labour in which our whole lives should be occupied. We need not, indeed, leave our homes in order to behold his face, since he is here in the midst of us: but we must be ready to part with all, if called to it: and, whatever difficulties may obstruct our way, we should determine, with God’s help, to surmount them all — — — Nor should we take with us a portion only of our property; but go and offer to him all that we are, and all that we have. Our whole selves, body, soul, and spirit, must be consecrated to his service, that he may be glorified in all — — —]

In them we may yet further see,


The blessedness that shall crown our labours—

“They rejoiced with exceeding great joy”—
[They, even before they had fully attained their object, rejoiced: what joy, then, must have filled their souls, when they were introduced into the very presence of this infant, and had the honour of presenting to him their gifts of gold, and frankincense and myrrh!]
But the believer’s joy at finding the Saviour, is incomparably more exalted—
[It is truly said to be a “joy unspeakable and glorified.” O how richly are the labours of a whole life repaid by one glimpse of the Saviour’s glory! And what prospects does it open to him in the eternal world! — — — Truly, no languagecan express the joy that he feels, nor any heart conceive the blessedness that awaits him — — —]


The nominal Christian—

[Though not truly interested in the Saviour, you are highly privileged: because you have an infinitely better guide than ever the Magi had, even the word of God, which will he a light to your feet, and a lantern to your paths; and will infallibly, if duly followed, lead you to the Saviour’s presence. Improve, then, your privileges; and let them remind you of your obligations also: for if your light be more clear than theirs, so should your surrender of yourselves to Christ be more entire.]

2. The inquiring Christian—

[You, like the Magi, may feel discouragement in your journey heavenward; and, through the withdrawment of light from your soul, be ready to doubt whether you shall ever attain the object of your desires. But hold on, in the midst of all discouragements; and doubt not but that your labour shall be crowned with success at last: for God’s promise to you is, “Then shall ye know, if ye follow on to know the Lord. His goings forth are prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto you as the rain, as the former and as the latter rain upon the earth [Note: Oséias 6:3.].”]

3. The assured Christian—

[You have found the Saviour, and presented yourselves to him. Now, then, shew yourselves worthy of this high privilege. A sad indifference exists in relation to him, even amongst those who from their office and their general information ought to be most forward in calling the attention of others to him. And, from the reports which we have of his reception in heathen lands, even amongst the most barbarous Africans and Hottentots, we may all blush for our coldness and ingratitude. However, if you have been led to the Saviour, take care to honour him in the midst of an ungodly world, and labour to make him known to all around you.]

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