Mateus 21:18-22

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 21:18. Now in the morning as he returned into the city, he hungered. And when he saw a fig-tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig-tree withered away. And when the disciples saw it, they marvelled, saying, How soon is the fig-tree withered away! Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig-tree, but also, if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea, it shall be done. And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

THE miracles wrought by our Lord were, for the most part, very different from those which had been performed by the great legislator of the Jews. Those by which Moses confirmed his divine mission were mostly awful and calamitous; but those wrought in vindication of our Lord’s authority, were all mild and benevolent, suited to the dispensation which he was sent to introduce. This, which we have now before us, may seem an exception [Note: That of sending the devils into the herd of swine was rather a permission to them to fulfil their own desire, than an actual miracle wrought by our Lord himself.]. Yet the injury done (if we may so speak) was small, since the tree was already barren; and the miracle, if it had been duly attended to, might have saved thousands from both temporal and everlasting destruction. We shall,

I. Explain the miracle—

There is some difficulty with respect to the literal meaning of a part of this narration—

[The miracle, as related by St. Matthew, is easy to be understood; but St. Mark mentions, that “the time of figs was not yet [Note: Marcos 11:13.].” This has given occasion to infidels to represent our Lord as looking for figs at a season when, according to the Evangelist’s own confession, there was no probability of finding any. But “the time of figs” refers to the time of gathering them; and as that time was not yet fully come, there was every reason to expect that the whole crop was yet upon the tree. The fruit of a fig-tree grows at least as early as the leaves; and therefore, as the foliage was luxuriant, there was ground to hope that the fruit also was abundant. This accounts in an easy manner for the disappointment experienced by our Lord; and shews how weak and frivolous are the objections urged by infidels against the truth of our holy religion [Note: If the words, “And when he came to it he found nothing but leaves,” Marcos 11:13. be included in a parenthesis, the sense of the whole will appear at once. The very same writer has expressed himself on another occasion precisely in a similar manner, chap. 16:3, 4. Inclose the former part of ver. 4. in a parenthesis, and the true meaning of the passage becomes obvious.]

Respecting the prophetical meaning of the miracle all are agreed—

[The Jews had enjoyed every advantage of care and culture; yet they constantly disappointed the expectations of their God. They professed themselves indeed to be his peculiar people; but they brought forth no fruit that was suited to that relation. Now therefore God had determined to abandon them to judicial impenitence, and utter desolation. The speedy effect, which followed from our Lord’s denunciation against the fig-tree, intimated the near approach both of the spiritual and temporal judgments which were coming on the Jews. And the event answered the prediction. It was but four days before they filled up the measure of their iniquities by crucifying the Lord of glory; and but forty years before the temple and city were finally destroyed. Thus was the fig-tree made a warning to the Jewish nation; and a salutary emblem would it have been, if they had regarded it as they ought.]

Having explained all which is necessary to a just understanding of the miracle, we shall,


Consider the declarations founded upon it—

The former of these relates to his own more immediate disciples—

[Being now soon to leave the world, our Lord was studious to support and comfort his disciples. And the surprise which they expressed at the speedy destruction of the fig-tree, too clearly manifested their low thoughts of his power, and consequently their need of having their faith in him increased. On this account, as it should seem, he made a less obvious improvement of the miracle than he might otherwise have done; and turned that into a ground of comfort, which would more naturally have afforded an occasion of solemn admonition. The disciples, like himself, were to work miracles in confirmation of their word; and greater works than this were to be performed by them. He tells them therefore to exercise faith in God, and to proceed to the performing of the greatest miracles with the most assured confidence, that the effects predicted by them should instantly and infallibly be produced. Thus he prepared them for their future ministrations, and encouraged them to rely on the invisible agency of an Almighty God.]

The latter may be understood in reference to the Church at large—

[This indeed, like the former, may be taken in a limited sense: but it may also be applied to the great body of believers. It accords with many other passages that confessedly relate to all [Note: João 14:13.]. And what encouragement does it, in this view, afford us! We need never despond on account of any difficulties. Not even mountains of guilt and corruption should cause us to say, There is no hope. The prayer of faith shall bring Omnipotence to our aid. Nor is there any thing promised in the sacred oracles which shall not be given to the believing suppliant. The same almighty power that blasted the fig-tree, shall blast our enemies, and cause, if need be, the very mountains to start from their bases, and be buried in the sea.]

From hence we may learn,

The danger of a fruitless profession—

[God expects his people to be fruitful in good works. Nor will he acknowledge us as his if we disappoint his expectations. Let us not then be satisfied with the fairest leaves of profession, without bringing forth the fruits of righteousness to his praise and glory. Jesus is assuredly coming soon to inspect us all. He hungers, as it were, after our good fruits. Let us then study to bring forth such, that “our Beloved may come into his garden and eat with pleasure [Note: Cântico dos Cânticos 4:16.].” And let us dread lest we provoke him to make our sin our punishment, and lest, being “filled with our own ways [Note: Provérbios 14:14.],” our “nakedness appear unto all.”]

2. The true source of all our fruitfulness—

[Jesus, in cursing the fig-tree, had nothing to do but to withhold his blessing from it; and instantly it was withered both in root and branch. Its power even to bring forth leaves had been derived from him. Thus, if his Spirit be taken from us, we shall become “twice dead, plucked up by the roots [Note: Jude, ver. 12.].” To him then we must give the glory of all the good that we have been enabled to do; for, “of him has our fruit been found [Note: Oséias 14:8.],” and “by his grace alone we are what we are.” “We have nothing which we have not received.” And to him must we look for strength to fulfil his will in future; for, “All our fresh springs are in him [Note: Salmos 36:9; Salmos 87:7.].”]

3. What exalted thoughts we should entertain of Christ’s power—

[This was the peculiar improvement which our Lord himself made of his miracle. And alas! what need have we to be continually reminded on this subject! At every fresh difficulty we are ready to be discouraged, as though He were not able to deliver. And doubtless our unbelief often prevents him from exhibiting his wonders to our view [Note: Mateus 13:58.]. Has he not said that, If we believe, we shall see the glory of God [Note: João 11:40.]? Let us then be “strong in faith, giving glory to God.” Let us never limit the power and grace of Christ, but with unskaken affiance follow the direction he has given us, “Look unto me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am God, and beside me there is none else.”]

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