Provérbios 31:10

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Provérbios 31:10. Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

WHILE we rejoice in the progress of civilization, we cannot but regret the loss of primitive simplicity. In former days, women of the highest rank did not disdain to employ themselves in the most common offices of life [Note: Gênesis 18:6.]. King Lemuel, supposed by some to be Solomon himself, was exhorted by his inspired mother to select for his wife a woman who was not ashamed to occupy herself in domestic duties. The description here given of a queen, is, alas! but ill suited to the refinement of the present age. It is rather calculated for the lower classes of the community. With a more immediate view therefore to their benefit, we shall consider it, and shew,

I. The character of a virtuous woman—

There is no other character so fully drawn in Scripture as this. She is described by,

1. Her industry—

[She rises early [Note: ver. 15.]: and when occasion requires, goes late to rest [Note: ver. 18.]. She encourages industry in her dependents [Note: ver. 15.], and sets them an example of it herself [Note: ver. 19.], willingly [Note: ver. 13.], regularly [Note: ver. 27.], without regarding fatigue [Note: ver. 17.]

2. Her prudence—

[She sells the produce of her labour [Note: ver. 24.], and lays out her money with judgment for the permanent benefit of her family [Note: ver. 16.]. She provides comfortably for her family in respect of food [Note: ver. 15.] and clothing [Note: ver. 21. In the margin it is “with double garments.”]. She guards against all waste of her husband’s property [Note: ver. 11, 12.]. She employs her leisure in improving her mind [Note: ver. 26.]; and conducts herself with love and kindness towards all [Note: ver. 26.]

3. Her piety—

[She is not satisfied with performing her duties towards man, but endeavours to serve God also [Note: ver. 30.]. She accounts “the fear of God” to be the one thing needful. She labours above all things to cultivate this divine principle: she makes it the source and motive, the rule and measure, the scope and end, of all her actions; and, while she serves her God, she delights also to benefit the poor [Note: ver. 20.]

Of such a character it is not easy to estimate,


The worth—

Rubies are accounted valuable among earthly treasures: but the worth of such a woman is infinitely above them—she is,

1. An ornament to her sex—

[However highly beauty is prized among men, the endowments before mentioned render their possessor incomparably more lovely [Note: ver. 30.]. The person possessing them must be admired in any station in life; but her excellence is then most conspicuous and most valuable, when she sustains the relations of a wife and a mother [Note: ver. 29.]. It is to be lamented that such characters are rarely “found [Note: The text.]:” but the more scarce they are, the more worthy are they of our esteem.]

2. A blessing to her family—

[Of whatever rank they be, they cannot fail to reap much benefit from her prudent management, and pious example. If they be poor, especially, the good arising to them will be incalculable. They will enjoy a thousand comforts, of which others of their class are destitute. Their decent appearance will procure them respect, and redound to her praise [Note: ver. 23.]. Her children will love and honour her, and bless God on her account [Note: ver. 28.]. Her husband will delight in her himself, and make his boast of her to others [Note: ver. 28.]. They will all esteem her as a rich and continued source of domestic felicity.]

3. A comfort to all around her—

[The rich will be glad to aid her by their wealth and influence. The poor will find in her a friend, to counsel them in difficulty, and relieve them in distress. All who behold her, will be constrained to applaud her conduct [Note: ver. 31.], and many will be excited to follow her example.]

We may now hope for a favourable attention, while we set before you,


The tendency of this institution to increase their number—

Though piety is as common among the poor as among any class of the community, yet it is very rare indeed that we can find among them a combination of the qualities before insisted on.
[From want of education they know not how to manage their affairs — — — And from habits of inattention, they are indisposed to learn — — —]
But to the rising generation much good will arise from a school of industry—
[The instruction which they gain in common schools, is very confined; but in this they will be taught all that can qualify them for usefulness in this world, or happiness in the next. To read the Bible, and to fear God, will be proposed as the first objects of their attention. To qualify them for service, and to fit them to manage their own families at some future period, is the next concern we wish to promote. To call forth their own exertions, and stimulate a desire to excel, every encouragement will be afforded them. Thus habits of industry, of economy, of subordination to men, and of piety to God, being formed, they will fill up their future stations in life with far greater advantage to themselves, and benefit to society.]

We will now consider some objections that may be made—

Among the rich—

[Some think it better that the poor should be kept in ignorance. But these are themselves ignorant, unfeeling, and ungodly. Some have a fear that persons may be wanted for agricultural work; but there will always be found many who stand in need of employment.]

2. Among the poor—

[These are unwilling to forego the immediate earnings of their children. But in a little time they will earn much more than they now do. They will sooner find situations where they will live at free cost. they will probably be able at a future period to aid their parents, instead of being a grief, and perhaps a burthen, to them. They will have a far better prospect of heaven, by having their minds instructed, and their conduct regulated, than they would have had, if brought up in ignorance and sin.]

We conclude with recommending the institution to your support—
[If self-interest alone were consulted, the rich should help forward such institutions: for, if extensively promoted, they would soon lower the rates. But if benevolence be allowed to operate, it has unbounded scope for exercise in such institutions as these; since they render the lower orders of people more intelligent, more useful, more properous, and more happy.]

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