Salmos 67:33,34

Comentário Bíblico Católico de George Haydock

Sing ye to God, is rejected by St. Jerome; but defended by St. Hilary, &c. It seems proper to connect the former sentence after Selah, (Berthier) or may be added instead, to express applause. (Haydock) --- East. From Mount Olivet, which is on the east side of Jerusalem. (Challoner) --- God fills all places, ver. 5., and Deuteronomy xxxiii. 26. (Calmet) --- Religion has gone westward, but will return to the east, Apocalypse xvi.

(Tirinus) --- Power. That is, he will make his voice to be a powerful voice; by calling from death to life, such as were dead in mortal sin: as at the last day he will, by the power of his voice, call all the dead from their graves. (Challoner) --- He will come to judge with great majesty, (Worthington) and his thunder shall resound, as well as the last trumpet, 1 Corinthians xv. 52.

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