Lucas 10:23,24

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Lucas 10:23. And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: for I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.

OF all things relating to the world around us, the most delightful is the progress of the Gospel, and the consequent augmentation of the Redeemer’s empire. This event had commenced through the ministrations of the seventy disciples, whom our Lord had sent as his harbingers throughout the land of Judζa: and it had filled our blessed Saviour himself with joy, in the midst of all the sorrows with which he was daily encompassed [Note: ver. 17, 21.]. His own more immediate disciples he particularly congratulated on the insight which they had into the mysteries of his religion; in which respect they were favoured far beyond all the servants of God who had preceded them, not excepting the most distinguished of their kings, or the most enlightened of their prophets [Note: The Exordium might be varied to suit any particular occasion. Suppose it were the subject of an Ordination or Visitation Sermon, or on occasion of a Bible or Mission Society, Christ’s appointment of the Seventy might be noticed. If it were on the Fifth of November, it might be stated that, amongst the chief blessings for which we were then called to thank God, was the preservation of the Protestant Religion.]. To impress this the more deeply on their minds, “he turned to them apart, and privately whispered it, as it were, in their ears.”

To you, publicly, I will offer the same congratulations, whilst I set before you the blessings of a preached Gospel,

I. As enjoyed by the immediate Disciples of our Lord—

The patriarchs and prophets were highly privileged in the light they enjoyed—
[They were instructed in the knowledge of the one true God, of whom all the rest of the world were ignorant. They had a view also of all his glorious perfections, of which the wisest philosophers could form no just conception. They knew, moreover, in what way a sinner might find acceptance with God; whilst all the rest of mankind were left in awful suspense respecting their future state; not knowing, certainly, whether they should live in another world, or whether, if they did, they should partake of a happy or a miserable existence. Of Abraham it is said, that “the Gospel was preached to him in that blessed promise, that in him, and in his seed, should all the nations of the earth be blessed.” “He greatly desired to see the day of Christ; and he did see it, and was glad.” Succeeding prophets discerned it yet more clearly; for, with progressive accuracy and minuteness, they were inspired to describe his person, work, and offices; though, alas! they did not comprehend their own predictions, whilst they declared “the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.” Yet, compared with all the rest of the world, they were in Goshen, whilst all others were surrounded with “a darkness which might be felt.”]
But the Disciples were far more highly favoured than they—
[They were permitted to see the Son of God himself; and that, not darkly, in types and prophecies, but clearly, and face to face. They were privileged to behold all his mighty works; and to hear from day to day the instructive discourses of Him who “spake as never man spake.”They enjoyed the yet further privilege of having his public discourses explained to them in private; and of being taught, by a fuller and more explicit interpretation, what to others had been communicated only in parables. At the same time, they had the peculiar felicity to see a perfect exhibition of the whole will of God in the life and conversation of their Lord; and that, not in circumstances which were inapplicable to themselves, but in circumstances in which they themselves were soon to move. Now, compare their advantages with any that were enjoyed by the patriarchs or prophets of former ages, and they must be acknowledged to have enjoyed privileges which kings and prophets might well desire, and which, in fact, they had desired, but in vain.]

But the congratulations will be found still more due to us, if we consider the Gospel,


As enjoyed by ourselves at this day—

Great as were the advantages of those who attended upon our Lord, they were not without considerable alloy—
[The very appearance of our Lord amongst them was such as to lay a stumbling-block in the way of his immediate attendants. How could they conceive him to be the Saviour of the world, whom they saw exposed to hunger and thirst, and destitute of “a place where to lay his head?” Or, if from his miracles they entertained a hope, what must they think when they beheld him seized, condemned, crucified, entombed? Though lie had often told them that he should be put to an ignominious death, and shed his blood as an expiation for sin, they never could comprehend his meaning: nay, they would not endure the thought of his being so treated. They were, like all the rest of their nation, deluded with the expectation of a temporal Messiah, who should deliver them from the Roman yoke; and, even after his resurrection, they could not divest themselves of this erroneous hope. On the day of Pentecost, indeed, their views were rectified in a considerable degree: but not even the Apostles themselves, for a very long period, were able to understand the design of God in his Gospel to save the Gentile world, nor the extent of the commission which they themselves had received to “preach the Gospel to every creature.” When Peter was prevailed upon, by a series of special visions and express directions, to go and shew the way of salvation to Cornelius, the whole college of Apostles called him to an account for it, as though he had transgressed a positive command of God. And for many, many years did an opinion prevail very extensively through the Church, that the law of Moses was still obligatory on those who embraced the Gospel; so contracted were their views of Christ, as having fulfilled the Law; and so imperfect their knowledge of his salvation, as excluding every ground of hope, except that which was founded on his atoning sacrifice.]
But to us is the Gospel preached under every advantage—

[Neither Jewish prejudice, nor Gentile philosophy, have any longer a footing amongst us, to distract and darken our views; at least, such delusions are found only amongst those who love to indulge them, and who wish for an excuse to reject the pure Gospel. We see the whole plan of salvation in one entire view, as concerted between the Father and the Son, as carried into effect by the incarnation and death of the Lord Jesus, and as applied to the souls of men by the Holy Spirit. We see all the types fulfilled in Christ, and all the prophecies accomplished. We behold the perfect model as delivered to Moses, and can compare it with the structure itself which is now completed. We behold the Person of Christ, as God and man; his work, as obeying the Law, and enduring its penalties for us; his offices of King, Priest, and Prophet; and the office also of the Holy Spirit, in applying to us the salvation which the Lord Jesus has wrought out for us. We have the further advantage of seeing many prophecies fulfilled, in the destruction of the Jewish state and polity; the dispersion of that nation over the face of the globe, whilst yet they continue a distinct people in every place; and the establishment of the Redeemer’s kingdom throughout the Gentile world. I say, then, that the congratulations given to the Disciples are due in a very superior degree to us; since, whilst we are partakers of their privileges in all that they saw and heard, we are freed from many disadvantages under which they laboured, and enjoy many advantages which they were not privileged to possess.]

Now let me commend this subject to the more particular attention of those who, like our Lord’s Disciples, are capable of estimating their high privilege—

What a debt of gratitude do you owe to Almighty God, for the mercies you enjoy!

[You would think, perhaps, that kings and prophets are objects worthy to be envied. But I declare to you, that not kings, with all their grandeur, nor prophets, with all their inspiration, are blessed in comparison of you. I will even go further still, and say, that not even the immediate attendants on our Lord are to be compared with you, in respect of the privileges you enjoy. A view of the Gospel salvation, and of the glory of God as revealed in it, is the highest privilege of man on earth, a privilege which even the angels in heaven covet to enjoy. Alas! how little is a preached Gospel valued amongst you as it ought to be, and how unconscious are most of you of the distinguished mercies you possess! Do, my dear brethren, learn to estimate your blessings aright; and let the daily language of your hearts and lips be, “thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift!”]

2. What care should you take to improve these mercies!

[You must not be satisfied with hearing the Gospel: no: you must embrace it with your whole hearts: it should be your life, your joy, your all. Do but consider how glorious it is in itself, and what blessings it brings into the soul: consider the pardon of unnumbered sins, the mortification of deep-rooted lusts, the peace it gives you with your offended God, and the very earnest of heaven which it pours into your soul: I say, consider these things, and lay hold on them, and glory in them, and let them be “all your salvation and all your desire.”]

3. How earnest should you be in diffusing these blessings through the world!

[It is not for yourselves alone that you are thus instructed, but for the world around you. And see how many millions of the human race are ignorant of that Saviour whom you worship, and of that salvation which you enjoy! The unhappy Jews have yet the veil upon their hearts, which you should endeavour to remove; and the Gentiles are yet bowing down to senseless idols, that can never profit nor deliver them. Labour, then, both for Jews and Gentiles, to bring them to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus. Unite with the societies that are established for that end: and let no petty jealousies keep you from cooperating with those who are engaged in the blessed work of diffusing the Scriptures all the world over, and sending missionaries to every quarter of the globe. The sphere is large enough to occupy the utmost exertions of all. “The field is the world:” and how few are the labourers to cultivate the ground! Let a sense of gratitude to God stir you all up to impart to others the blessings which you yourselves have received. “Freely you have received; and freely you should give:” and know, for your comfort, that, instead of diminishing your own blessings by imparting them to others, the more richly you distribute them, the more abundantly will they flow into your own souls.]

Veja mais explicações de Lucas 10:23,24


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