Lucas 14:16-18

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Lucas 14:16. Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many: and sent his servant at supper-time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready. And they all with one consent began to make excuse.

PERSONS, who are very ignorant of true religion, often express a desire to participate its blessings. Wherever we find them thus open to instruction, we should endeavour to teach them the way of God more perfectly. This was the uniform practice of our blessed Saviour [Note: See João 4:15; João 4:21; João 6:34.]. The person, that addressed our Lord, seemed but little acquainted with the nature of the Messiah’s kingdom [Note: ver. 15.]. Our Lord took occasion to rectify his apprehensions on that subject, and to shew him, under the idea of a feast, that the provisions of his Gospel would be slighted by that whole nation. The parable in this view declares the rejection of the Jews and the call of the Gentiles; but it is also applicable to nominal Christians in all ages. Its import, as it respects us, may be comprised in two observations:

I. God invites us to partake of the blessings of his Gospel—

The Gospel dispensation is fitly compared to a sumptuous feast—
[In feasts every thing is set forth that can gratify the palate. Thus in the Gospel there is every thing that can administer delight or vigour to the soul. There is pardon for all the sins that we have ever committed: there is strength against all the corruptions or temptations that can assail us: there is communion with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: there are foretastes and earnests of the heavenly glory. On these accounts the prophets also spake of it under the image of a feast [Note: Salmos 25:6.]

God sends his servants to invite men to his table—
[The first persons that were invited to it were the Jews. Upon their rejection of the Gospel the Gentiles were to be called in [Note: Romanos 11:11.]. The invitation to us Gentiles is still continued: the servants of God are sent to hasten your tardy steps. We are to inform you, that “all things are now ready, and, as it were, waiting for you [Note: The blood, which is to cleanse you, is already shed: the Spirit, that is to renew you, is already poured out: God is reconciled and is ready to receive you: nothing is wanting, but that you come and fill the place prepared for you.]: we are moreover to urge you to accept the invitation: we are to take, as it were, no denial from you [Note: It is the force of persuasion which we are to use; not the force of penal statutes: such compulsion as that, is as abhorrent from reason, as it is from religion.]. Such is God’s desire to bless us with all spiritual blessings.]

Nor are any, however mean or abandoned, to be overlooked—
[We are to go and call people of all ranks and descriptions: we are to search out the persons most distant, most obscure, most impious [Note: This seems intimated by the streets and lanes of the city, and the highways and hedges without the city.]: we are to bring them in, however labouring under infirmities of body, or distress of soul [Note: “The poor, the halt,” &c. may refer to their spiritual as well as temporal condition.]. God will have his “house to be filled:” nor are his servants to desist from their labours till that work be accomplished; and, thanks be to God! “there is yet room” for more.]

One would suppose that such rich blessings would meet with universal acceptance: but,


We ungratefully reject them with vain and frivolous excuses—

Few find any inclination to accept the invitations of the Gospel—
[The Jews in their day withstood the solicitation of the Apostles: so now, all, however importuned, “begin to make excuse.” Some plead the importance of their earthly business; others urge that they must attend to the concerns of their families. Thus earthly cares, or carnal ease and pleasure, stupify the world.]
But God will resent the contempt poured upon his mercy—
[The pleas urged in the parable are not sinful in themselves: but nothing, however good, should keep us from attending to the one thing needful. Every concern becomes sinful, when it is inordinately followed. Hence God declares that he is “angry” with those who offer such pleas: he threatens that they shall never partake of the feast they so despise, nor even “taste” of his bounty to all eternity. “None,” however attentive to their worldly callings, shall find an exception in their favour. How awful their state, who are never to taste of pardon, peace, or glory! May we never bring upon ourselves so terrible a doom!]


Those who are averse to accept the invitations of the Gospel—

[Every one is forward to offer pleas in extenuation of his guilt; and, while some civilly beg to be excused, others roughly answer, “I cannot come.” But whatever be our plea, and in what way soever it be offered, God will discern its fallacy. Indeed the very persons who refuse our invitations, know that their excuses will avail nothing in the day of judgment [Note: “I can not,” and “I will not,” will then be found to have meant the same thing.]. What folly, then, is it to offer that in justification of ourselves now, which will serve only to condemn us in the last day! Let us no longer cherish such fatal delusions. We may give to the world and our family a due portion of our care; but let nothing keep us from the feast which God has prepared.]

2. Those who are afraid to come at the bidding of their Lord—

[Many are kept from Christ by an apprehension of their own unworthiness. They think it would be presumption in them to accept his invitation: but it is not possible to describe more clearly the persons invited. If we be poor, or halt, or maimed, or blind, we are expressly called; nor is our distance or unworthiness any ground of exclusion. Let none then yield to unbelieving fears. We would “compel” you all, by every argument we can devise. Reflect on the greatness of the host that invites you, and the excellence of the feast he sets before you. Consider the blessedness of partaking of it, and the certain consequences of absenting yourselves from it [Note: If the Sacrament be administered, it may be observed, that the table is now spread before their eyes, &c.]. Let all come, and “delight their souls with fatness.” The command given to the Church is yet addressed to you [Note: Cântico dos Cânticos 5:1.]—]

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