Lucas 2:49

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Lucas 2:49. And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me. wist ye not that I mutt be about my Father’s business?

THE prophets and apostles of old are proposed to us as examples in a variety of respects: but we are to follow men no further than they themselves followed Christ. Christ is the great pattern, to which all are to be conformed: and so fully is his character delineated in the Holy Scriptures, that we can scarcely ever be at a loss to know either what he did, or what he would have done, in any circumstances of life. The account we have indeed of his early days is very concise. There is little related of him to gratify our curiosity, but enough to regulate our conduct. The only authentic record which we have of the transactions of his childhood, is that before us.
His parents had carried him up at twelve years of age to Jerusalem, where all the males were obliged to assemble thrice in the year. After the paschal solemnities were completed, his parents set out on their journey homeward, and proceeded for one whole day, concluding that Jesus was in the company together with them. In the evening, to their great surprise, they sought for him in vain among all his kinsfolk and acquaintance; and therefore they returned the next day with their hearts full of sorrow and anxiety to Jerusalem, to search for their beloved child: but there they could hear no tidings of him all that night. Prosecuting their inquiries the third day, they found him at last, conversing with the doctors in the temple. Joseph being only his reputed father, left the task of reproving him to Mary his mother. She, gently chiding him for the distress he had occasioned them, received from him the reply which we have just read; in which he vindicated his conduct, from the superior obligations which he owed to his heavenly Father, and shewed, that their anxieties had arisen from their own ignorance and unbelief. They, we are told, “understood not his saying:” but we understand it: and from a sense of the vast importance of it, we will,

I. Explain to you his reply—

[This was probably the first time that he had ever been at Jerusalem since he was quite an infant: and he was solicitous to improve to the uttermost the opportunity which this season bad afforded him, of cultivating divine knowledge, and “increasing in heavenly wisdom.” Not wearied with the seven days that he had spent in spiritual exercises, he was happy to prolong the time, and to sit among the doctors (not with dictatorial forwardness, but with the modesty of a child) to answer any questions that were put to him, and to ask for information on those points, in which he found himself not yet sufficiently instructed [Note: ver. 41–47.]. It was in the use of such means as these that the indwelling Godhead gradually irradiated his mind, and trained him up for the office, which at a more advanced age he was to fulfil. This was “the business to which his heavenly Father had called him,” at this time; and it was the delight of his soul to execute it: nor was he responsible to his earthly parents for overlooking on this occasion that attention to their feelings, which, in less urgent circumstances, he would have gladly shewn.

For all this he appealed to them: “How is it that ye sought me with such anxiety? Wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” You know whence I am, that I am, in a way that no other child ever was, or ever will be, the Son of God. You know the end for which I was sent into the world, even to save my people from their sins. You know what marvellous interpositions have been vouchsafed me, insomuch that I was preserved, whilst all the children of Bethlehem, from two years old and under, were slain. You know also that the same heavenly Father who bade you carry me into Egypt, advertised you afterwards of Herod’s death, and directed you to return with me to our native land. And can you doubt that a child so born, and born for so great an end, and so miraculously preserved, shall be taken care of? Was not my heavenly Father’s care sufficient without yours?

Again, You have known my habits from my earliest infancy, and how entirely I have been devoted to my God, whilst in no single instance did I ever shew myself forgetful of you. You might well have concluded therefore, that I acted under the special direction of my heavenly Father, and might have been assured in your minds, that I was engaged “in my Father’s business.” You had abundant reason to be satisfied of all this; and therefore, though I cannot disapprove of your returning to search for me, I cannot altogether commend your sorrows and anxieties respecting me; since, if you had duly considered the circumstances I have referred to, your minds would have been comforted, being stayed on God.

Now, though “his parents understood not this at the time,” we, who enjoy a fuller revelation of God’s will, clearly comprehend it; and therefore may well, like Mary, treasure it up in our hearts. And being further informed, that during the whole of his youthful days “he was subject to his parents,” we see, that the construction we have put upon his words is true, and our vindication of his conduct is correct.]
Having explained his words, let me now,


Commend to your attention the sentiments contained in them—

Two things are here evidently insinuated;

1. That the service of God is of paramount obligation—

[God’s claims are infinitely superior to all that man can assert. We are to love and serve him with all our heart and soul and strength. In matters of mere arbitrary institution, he is pleased indeed to wave his claims, and to give a priority to ours; saying, “I will have mercy, and not sacrifice [Note: Oséias 6:6.]:” but in the service of the heart and of the soul, he will never for a moment abandon his rights: He says, “My Son, give me thine heart:” and this we must give him at the peril of our souls. In comparison of him, “our earthly parents, yea and our very life itself, are to be objects of hatred” and contempt [Note: Lucas 14:26.]. We are not to regard the authority of any superiors whatever, but to say, “whether it be right to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye [Note: Atos 4:19.]. Nor are we to be influenced by any examples, however numerous; but like Joshua, we must say, “Whatever the whole nation may do, I and my house will serve the Lord [Note: Josué 24:15.].” This is strongly inculcated under the Christian dispensation: “Give thyself wholly to these things [Note: 1 Timóteo 4:15. See the force of the Greek.].” “Rejoice evermore: pray without ceasing: in every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 5:16.].” In a word, our whole life should be such, as, if any one shall inquire after us, to leave no doubt upon his mind, but that we are dutifully and diligently engaged “in our Father’s business.” It is not necessary that we should be always praying: our Lord himself was not praying at this time, but gaining instruction in the things of God. This was his duty. Ours is to perform the various offices of life in their season, combining in their due measure the services which our station in life calls for, with those which we owe more immediately to God. But in all that we do, we must have respect to God’s authority as appointing it, and seek God’s glory in the execution of it. “We must live not unto ourselves, but solely and entirely unto God [Note: Romanos 14:7.].”]

2. That in serving him, it is not possible for us to engage too early, or too earnestly—

[Our Lord was only twelve years of age at this time: and now, after having fulfilled all his duties during the seven days of the feast, he persisted even till the tenth day in prosecuting what he judged to be for the improvement of his own mind, and for the honour of his heavenly Father. It is probable that, whilst all the males of Israel were at Jerusalem together, he, a little child, could not gain the attention of the great doctors at Jerusalem, who would almost of necessity be fully occupied with those who had come from every quarter of the land. But when the strangers were all gone, he might without difficulty gain access to the great and authorized instructors of the Lord’s people. This probably was one reason of his staying at that time, that so he might improve to the uttermost the only opportunity that had ever been afforded him. In like manner, when, in the course of his ministry, he had been labouring all the day, and praying all the night, and then, without taking any sustenance, was labouring also the next day, his friends sought him, fearing “he was beside himself” (as we translate it), or rather, that “he was transported too far,” so as irreparably to destroy his own health [Note: Marcos 3:21. ὅτι ἐξέστη.] Now in all this he has shewn us, that, however we may be wearied in the Lord’s service, we are never to be weary of it; but are to prosecute it incessantly to the very utmost of our power. In short, whatever progress we may have made in our divine course, we are to “forget the things which are behind, and to reach forth to those that are before,” and never to pause till we have gained the prize [Note: Phill. 3:13. 14.]


To parents—

[You have a solicitude for your children’s welfare: you are anxious for the preservation of their health, and the advancement of their temporal prosperity. These feelings, if kept within due bounds, I by no means condemn. But your chief anxiety should be for the welfare of their souls; and your labour should be to engage them thoroughly in the business assigned them by their heavenly Father. If you neglect this, or shew a lukewarmness about it, you will involve yourselves in guilt of the deepest die. You remember how Eli was punished for this sin [Note: 1 Samuel 3:11.]: and his sons Hophni and Phinehas will reproach him in the last day as accessary to their destruction, Beware lest that reproach be vented against you by your children: for assuredly, if your souls will be required at the hand of your minister, much more will the blood of your children be required at your hands [Note: Ezequiel 33:8.]

2. To young people—

[You have from the moment you came into the world a business assigned you by your heavenly parent, and you are bound to execute it from the very beginning according to your capacity. If you commence it early, you have a special promise from God, that you shall succeed in your efforts [Note: Provérbios 8:17.]. And tell me, what period of life is there, in which you can be so well employed as in doing your Father’s will? You may think that youth and manhood are seasons rather for pleasure and for temporal pursuits: but the more you resemble Christ, the happier you will be. Who is there amongst you that does not congratulate Samuel, Obadiah, Timothy, on their early surrender of themselves to God. Be assured, that such a retrospect in your own case will, in a dying hour, be a source of much comfort to your souls. In the meantime you will greatly honour God by dedicating your whole lives to him, and will diffuse blessings through the world, instead of being, as alas! too many are, curses to all around them. And thus, it may be hoped, you will conciliate the favour both of God and man [Note: ver. 52.]. But if unhappily you be blamed for consecrating yourselves to God, then must you be ready to give a reason of your conduct with meekness and fear [Note: 1 Pedro 3:15.].”]

Veja mais explicações de Lucas 2:49


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