Salmos 33:18-22

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 33:18. Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy; to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waiteth for the Lord: he is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name. Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.

IN the Psalms of David, we do not look so much for the peculiarities of the Gospel as for general views of God’s providence and grace. But let them not be undervalued on that account: for the very use of evangelical truth is so to bring us into a state of reconciliation with God, that we may have a richer and more intimate enjoyment of him in all his dispensations.
The words before us declare the interest which he takes in his peculiar people: and, in unfolding them to your view, I will endeavour to shew,

I. God’s care for his people—

The manner in which our attention is called to this subject clearly shews the vast importance of it: “Behold!” behold the eye of the Lord is on them that fear him.”
Two things in particular we are here called to notice: and,

1. The description given of his people—

[Never can we sufficiently admire the goodness of God in giving to us such descriptions of his people as will enable every upright soul to discern his own character, and to number himself among them. Were they designated by such terms as would comprehend only those of higher attainments, the lower classes among them would be driven to despair. But when, as in the text, the lowest terms are used, even such as mark the very babes in Christ, every member of Gods family is encouraged, and emboldened to claim the privileges to which a relationship to God entitles him. There is not in his family “a new-born babe” who does not “fear” him. All regard him as a mighty Sovereign, whom they are bound to obey. All desire to serve him, and greatly dread his displeaure. All account his favour as their supreme felicity: and desire so to approve themselves to him, that they may be accepted of him in the last day. Yet, it is not on their good dispositions that they found their hopes, and much less on their actual attainments. They are sensible of their short-comings and defects, even in their very best duties; and are conscious, that, if God were to enter into judgment with them on the footing of strict justice, they must inevitably and eternally perish. They therefore renounce, utterly, all claims upon the justice of God, and “hope altogether in his mercy,” in his mercy as revealed to them in the Gospel.
“Behold,” now, ye who are of a doubtful or desponding mind: Are ye not ready to leap for joy, when you find that persons of these low attainments may claim relationship to God, and assure themselves that they are interested in his paternal care? Hear, then,]

2. The particular interest which he takes in them—

[“His eye is over them at all times.” It is over the whole creation indeed, as we are told in the preceding context: “The Lord looketh from heaven; he beholdeth all the sons of men: from the place of his habitation he looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth [Note: ver. 13, 14.].” But on his peculiar people his eye is fixed with a more especial interest; namely, “to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine;” or, in other words, to preserve them from all dangers, and to supply their every want. In relation both to their souls and bodies, they are exposed to continual and most imminent dangers. Disease or accident may at any moment consign them over to the grave. And Satan, that roaring lion, goes about seeking daily and hourly to devour their souls. On every side the world also assaults them with its temptations, whilst their own inbred corruptions are ever watching for an opportunity to betray them into the hands of their great Adversary. But God’s eye is ever over them, to counteract the devices of their enemies, and to uphold them in his everlasting arms. Not one of them will he ever suffer to “be plucked out of his hands.” Their wants too, whether temporal or spiritual, he will supply. He may suffer them to be reduced to great straits, even as Israel were, when they had come out of Egypt. But sooner shall manna be given them from the clouds, and water from the rock, than they be left to perish: for his express promise to them is, that provision shall accompany his protection; and that, whilst “their place of defence is the munition of rocks, bread shall be given them, and their water shall be sure [Note: Isaías 33:16.].” “Whilst they seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, all needful things, whether of a temporal or spiritual nature, shall surely be added unto them [Note: Mateus 6:33.].”]

But, before you take to yourselves the full comfort of these declarations, it will be proper for me yet further to shew,


What should be your feelings towards him—

The truly upright, even of the lowest class, can say, with David, “Our soul waiteth for the Lord.” If you are indeed of the number of his people, then are you waiting for him,

1. In a way of humble affiance—

[The language of your heart is, “He is our help and our shield.” But is it thus indeed? Are you going to him from day to day, as sinners who stand in need of mercy? and are you crying to him continually for “grace to help you in every time of need?” I do not ask whether you are free from assaults; but, whether they drive you to him for aid? It is supposed that you have enemies to conflict with, and trials to sustain: else you would not need to be looking out for a shield to protect, or for help to succour, you. But do you so realize the watchful care of God, as to renounce all hope in the creature, and to rely on him alone? If you truly “fear him,” and truly “hope in his mercy,” you cannot but make him your refuge, and commit to him your every care.]

2. In a way of confident expectation—

[The Psalmist, having such a Protector and such a Helper, anticipates a successful issue to all his trials; and declares, that the very trust which he reposes in God is at once the ground and measure of his expectations from God: “Our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name. Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.” And shall this be thought too bold an assertion? It is not more bold than true: for God has repeatedly pledged his word, that “none of them that trust in him shall be desolate [Note: Salmos 34:22.].” Nay more, on every occasion we may consider him as saying to us, “According to your faith it shall be unto you [Note: Mateus 8:13; Mateus 9:29.].” His conduct towards Abraham clearly shews us how he will act towards all who believe in him. Abraham is tried as never man was: he is bidden to offer up in sacrifice his only son Isaac, in and through whom all the promises of God were to be fulfilled. The holy man proceeds to execute the divine command, assured, that though Isaac were already reduced to ashes on an altar, God both could, and would, raise him up again, and fulfil in him all that he had promised. Accordingly, Isaac was given him, as it were, from the dead; and was made the instrument of raising up to Abraham that “seed, in whom all the nations of the earth were to be blessed.” So, in proportion as our expectations are enlarged, shall be God’s exertions in our favour. If only we can say with David, “Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation: He only is my rock, and my salvation, and defence;” we may, with assured confidence, add with him, “I shall not be moved [Note: Salmos 62:1; Salmos 62:5.].”]

And now let me ask,

What evidence have you that you are the Lord’s?

[Do you answer to the character here given of his people, “fearing him” above all, and “hoping in his mercy” alone? Do you evince that that is indeed your character, by waiting upon him continually, and expecting at his hands his proffered benefits? Examine well the habit of your minds from day to day: for it is of such only that it can be said, His eye is “over them for good [Note: Deuteronômio 30:9.].” But far different is the state of those who fear him not: for “the face of the Lord is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth [Note: Salmos 34:15.].” I again say, and rejoice to say, that, though your attainments reach no further than holy fear and humble hope, the Lord will look upon you with tender and paternal love: but, if these graces be not rooted in your hearts, you have yet to learn what it is to receive the grace of God in truth.]

2. What would be your state, if God’s mercy to you should be measured by your regards for him?

[St. John prayed for Gaius, that “his bodily health might prosper as his soul prospered [Note: 3 John, ver. 2.].” And are you prepared to pray with David, “Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon me, according as my hope is in thee?” Verily, were this God’s rule of acting towards us all, the greater part of us would never taste of his mercy to all eternity. But, thanks he to God! he is sovereign in the exercise of his mercy, being “found often-times of them that sought him not, and made known to them that inquired not after him.” Yet let us not presume on this: for, if he shew mercy to any, he will assuredly bring them to the state described in our text, and both put his “fear in their hearts,” and “make them to abound in hope by the power of the Holy Ghost.”]

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