1 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 22 David prepareth for the building of the temple, 1 Chronicles 22:1: instructeth Solomon in God's promises and his duty, 1 Chronicles 22:6. He chargeth the princes to assist his son, 1 Chronicles 22:17. Then David said; partly by his observation of this gracious and glorious appearance of God, and his command to erect an altar, and his acceptance of a sacrifice offered in this place; and partly by the instinct and direction of God's Spirit, by which, as he is said to have had the pattern of the house, porch, altar, &c., 1 Chronicles 28:11,12,19; so doubtless he was also instructed as to the place where the house should be built. This is the house of the Lord God; this is the place appointed by God for the building of his temple and altar.

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