2 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 3 The place and time of building the temple. The measure and ornaments thereof, 2 Chronicles 3:1. The cherubims, 2 Chronicles 3:10. The veil and the pillars, 2 Chronicles 3:14. Where the Lord appeared unto David; which place the Lord had consecrated by his gracious appearance there, 1 Chronicles 21:26. Or, which was showed unto David, to wit, to be the place where the temple should be built; which God pointed out to him, partly by his appearance, and principally by his Spirit suggesting this to David at that time. The place that David had prepared, by pulling down the buildings which were upon it, or near it, by levelling the ground, and possibly by marking it out for the temple and courts, the dimensions whereof he very particularly and exactly understood by the Spirit of God. In the threshing-floor, i.e. in the place where that threshing-floor formerly stood.

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