since we heard More simply, having heard. He refers to the information given by Epaphras (Colossians 1:7), probably quite recently. On the question whether he had ever visited Colosssæ, see on Colossians 2:1 below, Introd., pp. 20, 21, and Appendix A. This verse gives no decisive evidence in the matter.

faith in Christ Jesus Cp. Ephesians 1:15 for a closely parallel passage. "The preposition [-in"] here … denotes the sphere in which their faith moves, rather than the object to which it is directed" (Lightfoot). But it is not easy to draw a clear distinction between "sphere" and "object" in this case. And surely Mark 1:15 (Greek) (cp. Romans 3:25; John 3:15; and, in the LXX., Psalms 77:(Heb. and Eng. 78.) 22) proves the possibility of reference here to the Object of faith, on and in whom it reposes, as an anchor in the ground. On the other hand 2 Timothy 1:13 (quoted by Lightfoot) shews the possibility of explaining, "faith maintained by union withChrist." But this more recondite meaning scarcely fits this context, where the parallelism of clauses seems to suggest the saints" regard towardsChrist first and then one another.

and of the love … saints "This is His commandment, that we should believeon the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and loveone another" (1 John 3:23). Divine faith, in true and full exercise, issues by its nature in a life and work of love towards men, regarded as either actual (as here) or potential brethren of Him who is faith's goal and rest.

all the saints Doubtless not at Colossæ only, but everywhere. It was one of the earliest glories of the Gospel, illustrated everywhere in the N.T., to bind together in love a world-wide family. Cp. Colossians 3:11 below. The words which ye have are probably in the true text.

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