1 Peter 2:22 ‘Who committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in His mouth;'

‘Who committed no sin' -Quotation from Isaiah 2:9. ‘Who'-Jesus. ‘Committed no sin'-Aorist tense, ‘never in. single instance did Jesus commit sin' (Woods p. 79). ‘He never sinned, nor was anything deceitful ever heard from his lips' (TCNT).

POINTS TO NOTE: 1. This statement is quoted by Peter, an eye-witness and close personal follower of Jesus. He had the chance to closely observe Jesus for three years, and see Him constantly under fire from hostile adversaries. And yet, Jesus never sinned. Not even so much as even. suggestion or guess concerning whether He might have sinned. Note the confidence of the statement. 2. 2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 7:26; 1 John 3:5; John 8:46; John 14:30.

‘nor was any deceit found in His mouth' -1. ‘This was not just an apparent sinlessness, for there was no deceit in Jesus.' (Davids p. 111) 2. Therefore, we must reject the idea that Jesus endorsed the events described in the Old Testament, even though He personally knew they weren't true. 3. ‘Guile is mentioned because servants were apt to tell lies to screen themselves from punishment' (Macknight p. 464). 4. ‘This teaching fits well as an encouragement to suffering slaves, for they are concerned about suffering for doing right. Jesus their Lord was perfectly innocent in every way, they are reminded, and yet he suffered. Thus their innocent suffering can be part of their identification with Christ.' (Davids p. 111)

The Example Of Jesus Under Fire:

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Old Testament