strengthened with all power, according to the might of his glory, unto all patience and longsuffering with joy;

'STRENGTHENED WITH ALL POWER' -(Ephesians 6:10; 1 Peter 4:13; 1 Timothy 1:12). Note that such strengthening is connected with "knowing his will" (Colossians 1:10). This isn't some mysterious inner strengthening, that overrides human freewill. Paul often strengthened the churches by teaching them (Acts 14:22; Acts 16:4). 'empowered with all power' (Robertson p. 476)

'ALL' -Consider how Paul prays for the utmost growth among Christians (Ephesians 1:19).

'ACCORDING TO THE MIGHT OF HIS GLORY' -i.e. His glorious might (Ephesians 1:19; Romans 6:4) Eadie notes, 'If we survey the glory of God in creation, the immensity of its architectural power overwhelms us; or in providence, its exhaustless and versatile energy perplexes us; or in redemption, its moral achievements delight and amaze us.' (p. 28)

The same type of "power" is available to Christians, i.e. through the true knowledge of God (Romans 1:16). If we just allow ourselves to be convicted by the gospel message, motivated by the selfless sacrifice of Jesus Christ, silenced by the grace of God and our own sins (Romans 8:32), then we will be convinced that there is nothing that we cannot face and overcome with such promises, instruction, incentives, warnings and assurances. '..realize the God-like in spiritual heroism, so as to resist evil, overcome temptation, banish fear, surmount difficulties, embrace opportunities of well-doing...and prove that they are able to rise above everything before which unaided humanity sinks and succumbs.' (Eadie p. 28)

'UNTO ALL PATIENCE' -Carefully note the result of such strengthening. The strengthening that Paul was praying for, wouldn't result in miracles, superhuman strength or the removal of all difficulties. The strengthening under consideration falls into the moral and ethical realm

'PATIENCE' -5281. hupomone hoop-om-on-ay'; from 5278; cheerful (or hopeful) endurance, constancy: -enduring, patience, patient continuance (waiting).

Points to Note:

1. Consider carefully the contents of these prayers being offered by Paul and his associates. 'There is nothing in this world so practical as prayer. It is not escape from reality. Prayer and action go hand in hand. We pray not in order to escape life but in order to be better able to meet it.' (Barclay p. 109)

2. And remember, the "patience" which is. godly virtue, isn't mere resignation. 'it does not mean patience in the sense of simply bowing the head and letting the tide of events flow over one. It means not only the ability to bear things, but the ability, in bearing them, to turn them into glory. It is. conquering patience...the ability to deal triumphantly with anything that life can do to us.' (Barclay p. 110) (James 1:2; Romans 5:3)

3. Unfortunately, too many members are under the impression that as long as they don't cuss, swear or lose their temper, that they have been "patient". 'It is the ability to go manfully onward in the midst of life's setbacks.' [Note:. The Book of Colossians. Garland Elkins, Thomas B. Warren Editors. p. 57.] 'stout-heartedness under ill fortune' (P.P. Comm. p. 5)

'LONGSUFFERING' -3115. makrothumia mak-roth-oo-mee'-ah; from the same as 3116; longanimity, i.e. (objectively) forbearance or (subjectively) fortitude: -longsuffering, patience.

-Which includes longsuffering with people (1 Thessalonians 5:14). Sadly, the people we tend to be the least longsuffering with, are those people we claim to love the most, i.e. our parents, spouses, children and especially our own brethren. 'Long endurance that does not retaliate' (Robertson p. 476)

These passages and others infer the truth that causes of distress, trial and irritation will always exist in this life. The Christian greatly needs patience and longsuffering for the precise reason that MANY EVENTS AND PEOPLE in life will try one's patience and fortitude. False teachers will always exist. Suffering will always exist. The temptation for fulfillment now will always exist, etc..

'WITH JOY' -Listen to Erdman: 'It is possible to endure and to forbear with. spirit which is stoical and sour; but it should be possible for. Christian to meet difficulties and to endure wrongs with. temper of buoyant and triumphant gladness..' (p. 47) Joyfulness and patient endurance, contentment in the midst of adversity--now that's Christianity (1 Peter 4:11).

'If joy is not rooted in the soil of suffering, it is shallow. It is easy to be joyful when things go well...So the Christian prayer is, "Make me,. Lord, victorious over every circumstance; make me patient with every person; and withal give me the joy which no circumstance and no man will ever take from me'. (Barclay p. 110)

Thus the real question isn't, "Are you still faithful?" The real question is, "Are you happy that you are still faithful?" Do you resent your tender conscience and morality or do you rejoice in such things? Are you mad at the church or do you rejoice in the fellowship available with other Christians?

This infers that if one is. Christian and miserable, that such. person is simply "enduring" for the sake of outward appearances, the feelings of others, etc...


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