Ye also were made to the law

(κα υμεις εθανατωθητε). First aorist indicative passive of θανατοω, old verb, to put to death (Matthew 10:21) or to make to die (extinct) as here and Romans 8:13. The analogy calls for the death of the law, but Paul refuses to say that. He changes the structure and makes them dead to the law as the husband (Romans 6:3-6). The relation of marriage is killed "through the body of Christ" as the "propitiation" (Romans 3:25) for us. Cf. Colossians 1:22.That we should be joined to another

(εις το γενεσθα ετερω). Purpose clause with εις το and the infinitive. First mention of the saints as wedded to Christ as their Husband occurs in 1 Corinthians 6:13; Galatians 4:26. See further Ephesians 5:22-33.That we might bring forth fruit unto God

(ινα καρποφορησωμεν τω θεω). He changes the metaphor to that of the tree used in Romans 6:22.

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Old Testament