Philippians 4:13. I can do all things in him that strengtheneth me. The insertion of ‘Christ' in this verse is due to a marginal gloss, and has not the authority of the earliest texts. It is noteworthy how the phrases, ‘in Christ,' ‘in the Lord,' ‘in Him,' abound in this Epistle, almost as much as the expressions of joy with which it is so filled. St. Paul has no glory but in Christ. ‘I can do all things' is a proud declaration, but it is followed at once with the confession of the source whence the power is drawn. So ‘not I, but the grace of God which was with me.' To Timothy (1 Timothy 1:12) he speaks of this power as specially given for the ministry of the Gospel. ‘Christ Jesus enabled me, appointing me to His service.'

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Old Testament