The woes upon Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum(Luke 10:12 cp. Matthew 10:15). These were the cities in which 'most of His mighty works were done,' and yet nothing is said in the Gospels of any ministry at Chorazin, and of Bethsaida we only know that the five thousand were fed there. Chorazin lay 4 m. NE. of Capernaum, inland, but not far from the lake. There are said to have been two Bethsaidas, one E. of Jordan near the head of the lake, where the five thousand were fed, generally called Bethsaida Julias, the other near Capernaum, W. of the lake. The latter is mentioned Mark 6:45 (cp. John 6:17), and probably in John 1:44; John 12:21

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