tabernacle pattern

The tabernacle, speaking comprehensively, is explained in the New Testament As typical in three ways:

(1) of the Church as a habitation of God through the Spirit (Exodus 25:8); (Ephesians 2:19).

(2) of the believer (2 Corinthians 6:16).

(3) as a figure of things in the heavens (Hebrews 9:23); (Hebrews 9:24). In detail, all speaks of Christ:

(1) The ark, in its materials, acacia-wood

( See Scofield) - (Exodus 26:15)

and gold, is a type of the humanity and deity of Christ.

(2) In its contents, a type of Christ, as:

(a) having God's law in His heart (Exodus 25:16).

(b) the wilderness food (or portion) of His people (Exodus 16:33)

(c) Himself the resurrection, of which Aaron;s rod is the symbol (Numbers 17:10).

(3) In its use the ark, especially the mercy-seat, was a type of God's throne. That it was, to the sinning Israelite, a throne of grace and not of judgment was due to the mercy-seat formed of gold and sprinkled with the blood of atonement, which vindicated the law, and divine holiness guarded by the cherubim (Genesis 3:24).

( See Scofield) - (Ezekiel 1:5)


( See Scofield) - (Romans 3:25)

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