If we read these verses as we ought, with a view to Christ, here most eminently hath Jehovah manifested those sovereign acts of mercy and judgment, by redemption in his dear Son. And, surely, it was not without reference to this, in a most eminent manner, that the Lord did, at the request of Moses, make all his goodness pass before his servant in the holy mount. For what is God's glory, but his goodness in Christ Jesus? and to a soul that is regenerated, and made one in Christ, God's justice and righteousness are as dear as his mercy and his love; evidently because the believer is thereby convinced, that God's justice and righteousness have both been satisfied and magnified by the death of Christ. Consult those passages, and compare them, and behold in them the most blessed proof, in confirmation, that it is a glorious part of Jehovah's character, He will by no means clear the guilty, Without a sacrifice; which sacrifice Jehovah himself hath provided, and accepted and approved, when Christ offered himself upon the cross. Exodus 34:5; Romans 3:25.

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