Stip, Stir up stur: Used transitively and intransitively to indicate inner, concentrated movement; translates a number of Hebrew and Greek verbs, each of which has its different shade of meaning. Thus, e.g. in Psalms 39:2, we have `akhar, "to be troubled," "excited"; in Song of Solomon 2:7, `ur, "to awake," "disturb" (by the festal dances and songs). In 2 Timothy 1:6, it stands for Greek anazopureo, used of the resuscitation of a flame; in 2 Peter 1:13, 2 Peter 3:1, Greek diegeiro, "to awaken from sleep or stupor"; in Acts 21:27, Greek sugcheo, "to commingle," vividly portraying the confusion and tumult that resulted; in Acts 13:50, Greek parotruno, "to urge on"; Acts 17:13, Greek saleuo, "to shake to and fro."