Hawker's Poor man's commento
Isaia 10:20-23
Reader! how blessed is it to discover, here and there, through all the sacred writings, the outlines of Jesus? It hath the same effect as to a thirsty traveler going over some hot burning sands on a sultry day, when he finds a cooling stream; so when to the spiritual Reader quest of Jesus; going over the account of Israel's sins, and their enemies triumphs in consequence, their salvation by Jesus is brought into the view, oh! how doth it refresh the soul! How very blessed to this amount is this portion! Here is the gospel-day first spoken of, and then the gracious consequences of it.
There is still a remnant in the worst of times, and they shall escape. The Apostle was commissioned by the Holy Ghost to preach from this text, and to leave his sermon in print for the Church's comfort; and a blessed sermon it is. God had promised to Abraham that in blessing he would bless him, and in multiplying he would multiply his seed, as the stars of heaven, and as the sand upon the sea-shore.
Well, saith the Apostle, as the Patriarch was promised it, and as the Prophet predicted it, so is it come to pass. Reader, turn to the scriptures, and satisfy yourself on this great point. See Genesi 22:15. Behold Christ and his Church here gloriously set forth? Then read once more what the Prophet hath said in these four verses: and then turn to Romani 9:27, to the end, for a beautiful explanation of the whole.
There is one circumstance more to be attended to, in these verses, that I would not wish the Reader to overlook, and that is, that of the remnant here spoken of, it is said, they shall no more again stay upon him that smote them, but shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. And what can more plainly speak the blessed effects of grace upon the heart, than when precious souls of God's redeemed are gathered off from all false refuges of lies, all self-confidences, all self-righteousness; and are brought to stay themselves wholly upon Him, whose name, by way of striking emphasis, is called the Lord Our Righteousness? Oh! the preciousness of seeing Christ so pointed out, so fully and sweetly preached by the prophet, and of being taught by the Spirit thus to know him, and to rejoice in him, and to stay our souls upon him! Geremia 23:6; 1 Corinzi 1:30.
The last verse in this portion is as awful as the former verses are gracious and consolatory. And what doth it declare, but what every other portion in the word of God both declares and confirms: Say ye to the righteous, it shall be well with him: woe unto the wicked, it shall be ill with him! Isaia 3:10; Atti degli Apostoli 3:23.