Apocalipse 22:20

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Apocalipse 22:20. He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly; Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

IN the Book of Revelation is contained a series of prophecies, from the apostolic age to the end of the world. To them must nothing be added: from them must nothing be withdrawn. To alter any thing contained in them is at the peril of our souls. In perfect agreement with them will every event be found at the last: the Church will triumph; her enemies will be put to shame; and the Lord Jesus Christ, into whose hands all things are committed, will be glorified in all. Speedily, too, will this desirable result appear: for “He who testifieth of these things,” even the Lord Jesus Christ, the Judge of quick and dead, says, “Surely I come quickly.” And his beloved Apostle, to whom he had revealed these things, welcomed the glorious consummation, saying, “Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”
Now, in these words we see Christ’s coming to judgment,

I. As a period to be expected—

Of this period the whole Scriptures testify—
[In the Old Testament indeed, little, in comparison, is spoken of it: yet we can have no doubt but that it was known, not only to the descendants of Abraham, but even before the flood: for St. Jude tells us, that Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied respecting it, saying, “Behold, the Lord cometh, with ten thousand of his saints, to execute judgment upon all [Note: Jude, ver. 14, 15.].” In the New Testament it forms a very prominent part of the inspired records; continual reference being made to that period, and the circumstances that shall then take place being fully developed. The person of the Judge, the manner of his advent, the establishment of his tribunal, the solemnities of his judgment, the final sentence which he will pronounce, and the eternal states of men fixed in perfect accordance with it, are all described, with a minuteness which places every thing, as it were, before our eyes, and enables us to anticipate with certainty the whole process [Note: Mateus 25:31.] — — —]

And it is now fast approaching—
[Time, in our eyes, appears long: but “with God, one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” Our blessed Lord, when on earth, spake of it as near at hand. St. Paul adverted to it in such strong terms, that he was misunderstood by many, whose misconceptions he afterwards removed by a more plain and full declaration respecting it. Since the period that this revelation was given to John, above seventeen hundred years have elapsed: so that, if at that time it could be said by our Lord, “Surely I come quickly,” much more must it be true at this day. Even in reference to the general judgment, it is true; because the time that shall intervene before it, is no more, in comparison of eternity, than the twinkling of an eye. But, in reference to individuals, it is true, even in the most obvious and literal sense: for our time is only like a shadow that departeth, and hasteth away like the eagle in its flight. “Surely,” my beloved brethren, as it respects every one amongst us, “the Judge is at the door.” For aught that we know, we may this very day or hour be summoned into his presence, and receive at his hands our final doom — — —]
Yet, awful as the future judgment will be, we may well contemplate it,


As an event to be desired—

Not that it is desirable to all: for, when it shall arrive, many will call upon the rocks to fall upon them, and the hills to cover them from the presence of their Judge. To those only can it be an object of desire, who are “prepared to meet their God.” For this high attainment three things are requisite:

1. A view of salvation, as wrought out by Christ—

[The proud self-righteous moralist can never desire that day. He may indeed so harden himself in unbelief, as to feel no dread of judgment; and so deceive his own soul, as to think that the issue of it will be favourable to him. But he cannot look forward to that event with real satisfaction. He knows not what it is to be “looking for, and hasting unto, the coming of the day of Christ.” He has no solid ground of hope: when he reflects candidly on his state, he cannot but feel some secret misgivings, that all will not be well with him; and, consequently, he cannot really desire that day: on the contrary, it would be a satisfaction to him to be informed that there should be no discrimination of persons, and that all should sleep a perpetual sleep.]

2. A hope of salvation, as obtained through Christ—

[It is not a mere knowledge of the Gospel that will bear up the soul in the prospect of that great event. There must be in us some consciousness that we have fled to Christ for refuge, and laid hold on the hope that is set before us. It is a small matter to us that Christ has come into the world, and died for us, if we have not somewhat of a well-grounded hope of an interest in him. When we can see the promises as freely made to us, and are enabled to rest upon them, then may we look forward with composure to the dissolution of our earthly tabernacle, and to the transmission of our souls to “an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens [Note: 2 Coríntios 5:1.].”]

3. An earnest of salvation, as already enjoyed in Christ—

[This is given to many of God’s favoured people: and, though I say not that it is necessary to saving faith, I must say, that without it no man can cordially adopt the language of my text, and say, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” We must have some assurance of our acceptance with God, before we can really desire to enter into his presence; and some sense of an interest in Christ, before we can truly “love his appearing.” But if “the Spirit of God bear witness with our spirits that we are his children,” then may we number death amongst our “treasures [Note: 1 Coríntios 3:22.],” and “desire to depart, that we may be with Christ.” Then may we adopt the triumphant language of the Apostle, and say, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” for then our great enemy is slain, and “God has given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ:” yea, “death is swallowed up in victory [Note: Isaías 25:8. with 1 Coríntios 15:54.],” and heaven itself is commenced in the soul.]

Observe, then—

How sad is the prospect of those who are yet in their sins!

[Whether ye will believe it or not, know assuredly, that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming quickly, to call you into judgment: and to him shall ye give account, not only of your words and actions, but of the most “secret counsels of your hearts.” How terrible is this thought to those who have never repented of their sins, nor ever sought for mercy through the Redeemer’s blood! I would that I might prevail upon you, my beloved brethren, to lay to heart this awful consideration, whilst it may yet avail for your good. But let death once execute his commission, and drag you to the judgment-seat of Christ, and all your future regrets will be in vain: your sentence will then be pronounced upon you, and your doom be sealed for ever — — —]

2. What a sweet reality is there in religion!

[See what the Gospel can effect—can effect even in this present life! what peace it can bring into the soul; and what an assurance respecting its eternal interests! I will not presume to say that it will open to a man the book of God’s decrees, and shew him his name written in heaven; but it will give him a confidence respecting the issue of the future judgment, and a joyful anticipation of eternal blessedness. Only therefore seek an acquaintance with the Lord Jesus, and an experience of his love; and then may you look forward to his advent with exceeding joy, and welcome it as the consummation and completion of your bliss.]

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