Atos 12:5
Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon
Atos 12:5. Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.
THE Scriptures inform us, that “God’s counsel shall stand, and that he will do all his pleasure.” Let the combinations against him be ever so formidable, the ultimate issue of the contest is certain [Note: Salmos 2:4.]. Whatever circumstances therefore we may be in, we may safely commit our cause to him with confidence and composure [Note: Salmos 11:1.]. We cannot conceive a finer illustration of this subject, than that which is contained in the account of Peter’s deliverance from prison.
Let us make some observations upon,
I. His danger—
This was imminent indeed; whether we consider,
1. The crime of which he was accused—
[Had he been guilty of sedition or murder? No. What then had he done that had incensed Herod, and rendered his apprehension and death a subject of universal satisfaction? He had preached the Gospel with indefatigable zeal, and had laboured to convert both Jews and Gentiles to the knowledge of Christ. This was an offence that could not be expiated, but by his blood. All that had preceded him in the same path from the beginning of the world, had incurred the resentment of their contemporaries; and, almost without exception, had suffered death for their fidelity; as Abel, and all the prophets, abundantly testify. And we cannot but wonder, that, when persons are hated, reviled, and persecuted, simply for righteousness’ sake, (as thousands in this day are, as well as in former times,) it does not immediately occur to their persecutors, that these very sufferings are a testimony in their favour [Note: Lucas 21:13.]; inasmuch as they mark a close resemblance between them, and the persecuted saints of old. But as long as “men love darkness rather than light,” they will hate, and extinguish too if they can, the light that shines around them.]
2. The state to which he was reduced—
[He was in prison, chained to two soldiers, (one on either hand,) and guarded by sixteen, four of them at a time. His friends, though numerous, had no power to rescue him; nor had he any in Herod’s court to intercede for him. Nor was there now time for any favourable occurrences to arise; for this was his very last night; and on the morrow he was to be brought forth for public execution: and all his own country-men were anxiously waiting for the last tragical scene, and hoping within a few hours to feast their eyes with his blood. What hope then remained for him? Die he must: nor did there appear the smallest prospect, but that the fate which had already removed James, awaited him.]
But “what is impossible with man, is possible with God;” as we see in,
His deliverance—
Mark the means used for his deliverance—
[From human interference there was no hope: but the poor trembling Disciples did not yet despair: they knew that “whereinsoever the enemies of the Church might deal proudly, God was above them.” To God therefore they addressed themselves with redoubled importunity: and continued all night in unceasing prayer for him. What foolish means would these appear to those who knew how closely he was guarded, and how determinately both Herod and the Jews were bent upon his death!—But, if God be omnipotent, prayer, which interests God for us, may be called omnipotent also. What has it not done? It has opened and shut the heavens; vanquished armies; saved kingdoms; raised the dead;—and it has an express promise from God, that, whatever the subject of it be, (provided it be agreeable to his will,) the requests urged by two or three, with united faith and fervour, shall certainly be granted.
O that we, as individuals, as a Church, as a nation, did but justly appreciate the power of prayer! how safe should we be from enemies, and how happy under the protection of our God! — — —]
See also the manner in which he was delivered—
[God heard the supplications of his people; and marked, by the very time and manner of his interposition, what it was that prevailed for his deliverance. Access to Peter, though barred with respect to men, was as open as ever to God, and to angels, as his ministering servants. God therefore sent an angel to effect his deliverance: and behold, how speedily the work was done! the chains fell off his hands; the keepers and soldiers were constrained in some way or other, so that they could make no resistance; and the iron gate that entered into the city, opened to them of its own accord. So surprising was this deliverance, that Peter himself could not conceive it to be true, but thought it was all passing in a mere vision. And, when he went to the house where the people were praying for him, and the damsel who kept the door affirmed that it was Peter who stood knocking at the door, and that she knew his voice, they told her she was mad: and when they could not silence her positive assertions, they said, “It must be his angel.” Had they duly considered, they would have seen that he was expressly given to their prayers; and that God had fulfilled to them his own gracious promise, that “before they called he would answer, and, while they were yet speaking, he would hear [Note: Isaías 65:24. See a similar instance, Daniel 9:20; Daniel 9:23.]” — — —]
We may learn from hence,
The blessedness of serving God—
[It may appear at first, that there is no inference less deducible from the subject than this: for, is there any blessedness in imprisonment, and bonds, and death? But look at Peter on the very night previous to his intended execution: he is sleeping as soundly as if no evil whatever awaited him; insomuch that the extraordinary light which shone into the prison did not interrupt his slumbers; nor did he awake, till “the angel smote him on the side.” Behold too the interposition of God for him! Was an angel wanted to liberate him from prison? an angel is sent from heaven on purpose; and soldiers, chains, bars, gates, have no longer any power to confine him. Surely then, if to enjoy such composure in the immediate prospect of death, and such protection from God when all human help has failed, be blessed, it is blessed to serve our God, who vouchsafes such mercies to his faithful people — — — Be not ye afraid then of the frowns of men: but fear God, who is alike able to save or to destroy — — — Seek your happiness in doing the Divine will; and then you may safely commit your every concern to him, knowing, that if God be for you, none can, with any effect, exert themselves against you — — —]
2. The efficacy of united prayer—
[Prayer may appear for a time to be offered in vain: “God may bear long with his people,” even when they are most importunate. But we must not mistake delays for denials: “God has never said to any, ‘Seek ye my face’ in vain.” Circumstances may arise, wherein it will be more for the good even of the Church itself that prayer should not be answered precisely in the way that we might wish. This doubtless was the case with respect to James, whose fortitude in suffering martyrdom was more useful to the Church than his continued labours would have been. But where any matter will really issue in God’s glory and the Church’s good, we may ask for it with an absolute assurance that it shall be granted. No nation since the establishment of Christianity ever enjoyed greater mercies from God than ours; and if we knew the history of it as it is recorded in heaven, I doubt not but that the prayers of God’s people would be found to have wrought more for us, than all our fleets and armies have ever done. Let all of us then give ourselves unto prayer in our secret chambers: let societies for prayer be established; and those which already exist carry on their united efforts with unceasing ardour. Let us not be contented with a brief mention of our necessities to God, but plead earnestly with him for the relief of them, and “give him no rest, till he arise and make our Jerusalem a praise in the earth.”]