Hebreus 10:35,36

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Hebreus 10:35. Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.

THERE have been, to the Church of Christ, seasons of bitter persecution, and seasons of comparative tolerance and peace: but in whichever of these states we be, it becomes us not to yield to dejection on the one hand, or undue security on the other. We are soldiers on the field of battle, and must be ready to encounter our enemies whensoever they may advance against us. It will be time enough to put off our armour, when we have received our dismission from an earthly warfare, and are crowned with laurels in the realms of bliss. There had been to the Hebrew Christians seasons of severe trial, which the Apostle called to their remembrance: and it is probable, that when this epistle was written to them they enjoyed somewhat of tranquillity: but he bade them not to cast away their confidence: since they would still have need of it, as long as they should continue in the body.
In this apostolic injunction we see,

I. What state of mind befits the Christian—

The “confidence” here spoken of is a holy boldness in confessing Christ—
[This is essential to the Christian character. Not even faith itself will avail for our salvation, where this is wanting: “With the heart, man believeth unto righteousness; but, with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation [Note: Romanos 10:10.].” “If we are ashamed of Christ, and deny him, he will be ashamed of us, and deny us [Note: Mateus 10:32.].”

This holy fortitude we should maintain, under all circumstances. Never, for a moment, should we “cast it away.” If trials increase, we need it the more: if they abate, or even cease, we still need this divine quality; because we know not how soon it may be called for, or to what an extent it may be required.]
And it will bring its own reward along with it—
[It will keep us from all that disquietude and distraction which the menaces of the world might occasion in an unstable mind. It will induce a consistency of conduct, under all circumstances; and will bring into the soul, stability and peace. It will be to him who exercises it an unquestionable evidence of his own sincerity; and will doubtless be honoured with peculiar manifestations of the Divine favour. If more than ordinary supports are called for by reason of the augmented troubles that assault us, they shall be vouchsafed to us; even as they were to the Hebrew Youths in the furnace, when the Son of God himself condescended visibly to appear in their behalf]
To every Christian is this requisite, because of,


The occasion he will have for it—

Different as may be the path of different persons in some respects, in their great outline they are all the same. In their progress, all these different steps may be clearly and distinctly seen:

1. Duty—

[Every Christian “does the will of God.” To believe in Christ, to receive every thing from Christ in the exercise of faith and prayer, and to give himself up to God without reserve; this is the one habit of his mind, and the one labour of his life. From day to day he does not his own will, or the will of an ungodly world; but the will of God, as it is revealed in his blessed word.]

2. Suffering—

[This will always more or less attend a faithful discharge of our duty to God. There will now, as formerly, be seasons of comparative peace: but it is not possible for unregenerate men to love the light, whether it be set before them in the word, or be exhibited before them in the conduct of God’s faithful servants. “The servant cannot be greater than his Lord:” if they called the Master of the house Beelzebub, those of his household must assuredly expect some opprobrious designation at the least. And though, in comparison of imprisonment and death, this may be regarded as a light matter; yet is it not light, when we consider, that the names with which the godly are designated, are a signal for the world to load them with every species of obloquy and contempt.]

3. Patience—

[Our blessed Lord was “as a sheep led to the slaughter,” and, in the midst of all the indignities that were offered him, “opened not his mouth.” And in this manner his faithful followers also “possess their souls in patience.” They expect that they shall “have need of patience;” and it is their endeavour so to demean themselves under their trials, that “patience may have its perfect work; that so they may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”]

4. Glory—

[This is the object of their pursuit; and to this they press forward with all their might. They know, that “if they draw back, it must be unto perdition;” and that it is by believing only, and maintaining their faith with steadfastness, that they ever can be saved [Note: ver. 38, 39.]. They are well assured, that the means must be used for the attainment of the end; and that if used aright, the end shall be attained. They are well aware, that duty must be performed, suffering expected, patience exercised: and in this way they have no doubt but that glory shall be ultimately secured. “By a patient continuance in well-doing, they seek, and will obtain, eternal life.”]


Let us be thankful for the peace that we are privileged to enjoy—

[These are days of extraordinary toleration and candour. We cannot indeed say that “the offence of the cross has ceased:” for it never can cease, as long as the ungodly constitute the great majority of the world. But persecution, except in private circles, is but little known. The flames of martyrdom are no longer kindled amongst us, as in the days of old. Let us, then, make a due improvement of this great mercy, for the more abundant edification of our own souls, and for a more active advancement of Christ’s kingdom in the world [Note: See Atos 9:31.]

2. Let us, however, stand prepared for other days—

[No one can tell how soon the face of things may be changed. If Popery were to gain an ascendant again, it would, in all probability, bring with it all its attendant horrors. But even in private life we may be called to make severe sacrifices, and to suffer the loss of all our prospects upon earth. But let us remember, that Heaven will richly repay us for all that we may either lose or suffer: and if only we “receive at last the promise” of eternal life, we shall never have reason to regret the “patience” we exercised, and the “confidence” we maintained.]

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