Isaías 45:23-25

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 45:23. I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. Surely, shall one say, In the Lord have I righteousness and strength: even to him shall men comet and all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed. In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.

TO those who know the infinite importance of the doctrine of the divinity of Christ, it is delightful to see the irresistible evidence of it in the Old Testament as well as in the New. Who is it that in the two preceding verses says, “I am the Lord, I am God, a just God and a Saviour; there is no God else beside me, there is none beside me, there is none else?” Is this a creature? Who is this that, in the text, presumes to swear by himself; that arrogates to himself universal dominion; and that so frequently appropriates to himself the incommunicable name, Jehovah? Is this a creature? Who is it that can fulfil the promises here made to his friends, or execute the judgments here denounced against his enemies? Is he a mere creature? No person that is not blinded by prejudice, or warped by controversy, can doubt one moment, but that it is the supreme God, who is speaking throughout the whole passage: yet this very passage does St. Paul expressly apply to Christ, affirming that it was a prediction of his final victory, and of the appearance of the whole human race at his tribunal [Note: Romanos 14:10.].

For the further elucidation of these solemn words we shall consider,

I. The subject-matter of the oath—

To comprehend this aright, we should notice particularly those very opposite circumstances which were appointed to take place, before the predictions in the text were to receive their accomplishment. Christ was to be insulted by his whole nation; and his claims of Messiahship were to be made the subject of profane ridicule: he was not only to be rejected, but to be crucified as a malefactor, and to die as one unable to save himself: his enemies were to enjoy a momentary triumph; and his followers to be disappointed, dejected, and confounded. But, that these things should not be a stumbling-block to any, it was here foretold that all these circumstances should be speedily reversed. In this view, the oath relates to four things:

1. The exaltation of Christ—

[Christ, as King of kings, and Lord of lords, had a right to universal empire: every creature was bound to render him an unlimited and unreserved obedience. But it was foreseen that, instead of submitting to him, his creatures would rise up in rebellion against him, and cry out with one voice, “We will not have this man to reign over us.” Christ, however, laughed them to scorn; and told them by his prophet, many hundred years before, that every knee should bow to him, and every tongue take an oath of allegiance to him as the only sovereign of the universe; at least, if they did not do this willingly, as an expression of their unfeigned subjection, they should do it, in effect, against their will, by suffering the punishment due to their rebellion.]

2. The advancement of his kingdom—

[While in the world, he was to be considered as vile, yea, as the vilest of mankind; and to appear weak as other men: but in due time he was to be regarded, not only as righteous and powerful, but as the only source of righteousness and strength to all his creatures. In themselves, all are “ungodly and without strength:” feeling therefore their guilt and helplessness they are to “come to him,” each saying for himself, and each animating others to say, “In the Lord have I righteousness and strength.”]

3. The confusion of his enemies—

[Notwithstanding his unspotted innocence, and unbounded kindness, he was to be an object of utter abhorrence to his whole nation. But their triumph over him was to be of short duration: the time was soon to come, when they should “see him whom they had pierced, and mourn.” Their violence was soon to be recompensed upon their own heads, unless by previous repentance and faith in his blood they obtained the remission of their sins. At all events, they should be “ashamed,” whether penitent and pardoned, or impenitent and condemned. They should either be made to acknowledge with Paul, that they had been “blasphemers, injurious, persecutors, and the very chief of sinners, or to confess the justice of that sentence that consigned them over to everlasting misery.]

4. The salvation of his people—

[His enemies are the seed of profane Esau; but his friends are “the seed of Israel,” whose prayers prevailed with God, and whose example they imitate. These were for a time to be as men disappointed of their hopes; but, ere long, their expectations, founded on the word of Christ, were to be abundantly “justified” in the sight of men; and their persons too were to be “justified” in the sight of God; so that both before God and man they should have reason to glory in the name of Jesus. None of them should be left in their forlorn condition; but “all,” all without exception, be made to triumph in him as the Rock of their salvation.]
Such was the exaltation, and such the consequences of it to himself, to his enemies, and to his believing people, which Christ so long before predicted with a solemn oath: in confirmation of which we proceed to state,


The certainty of its accomplishment—

If God had simply asserted these things, it could not fail but that they must come to pass; for, “he is not a man that he should lie, or the son of man that he should repent.” But for our fuller conviction and assurance, he has sworn; and “because he could swear by no greater, he has sworn by himself:” his word is gone forth in righteousness and truth, nor shall it “return,” till every jot and tittle of it be fulfilled. But,

1. It has already been accomplished in part—

[At the hour of his death, his enemies thought that they had gained their end. He, whom they had arrayed in mock majesty, and crowned with a chaplet of thorns, and before whom they had bowed the knee in derision, crying, Hail, King of the Jews! had expired on the accursed tree, an object of universal execration and abhorrence: and his followers were scattered as sheep that have no shepherd. The leader being destroyed, it seemed as if this infant sect, like others that had preceded it, were crushed, and brought to nought. It only remained, that Jesus should be proved an impostor, by watching his tomb for three days; and then their victory would be complete. But in vain were the stone, the seal, the watch: at the appointed hour he rose triumphant; and the affrighted guards fled to relate the wonderful event. Now began his exaltation, which speedily reversed the scenes that had been exhibited. His enemies already stood confounded; and propagated an absurd falsehood to conceal their shame. The hopes of his disconsolate people were revived by many infallible proofs of his resurrection. They conversed and ate with him, and beheld him in the very act of ascending into heaven. It was but a few days afterwards, when, according to his promise, he sent down the Holy Ghost, and thereby completed the confusion of his enemies, and the triumph of his friends. Instantly no less that three thousand of his most inveterate enemies “bowed the knee to him” and “took, as it were, an oath” of allegiance to him as their rightful sovereign; though they had just before seen him “crucified through weakness,” and treated as the most infamous of malefactors, they “came to him” that they might obtain “righteousness and strength.” What confusion now seized the rulers, who still retained their enmity against him! All their efforts were in vain: the more fierce their opposition was, the more did the word prevail: so that in a little time, not Jerusalem only, but all Judea, yea the whole Roman empire, was filled with converts to the cause of Christ. Now the disciples triumphed in their turn: and from that time myriads in every place have been “justified by his blood,” and have “gloried” in his salvation.]

2. It shall be yet more fully accomplished at the day of judgment—

[It is in reference to this period in particular that the Apostle cites the passage before us [Note: Romanos 14:11.]: and then indeed will it be verified to the uttermost. The submission of his people will be more entire, their acknowledgments more grateful, and their glorying more ecstatic, than they could be in this world; while the subjugation of his enemies, and their confusion before him will be complete. When he shall say, as to those of old, ‘Many good works did I for you, for which of them did ye hate me? for you I left my glory, and veiled myself in human flesh; for you I sojourned upon earth, and died upon the cross; for you I sent my messengers to beseech you in my name to accept of mercy: for which of these things was I a stumbling-block unto you 2’ how will they hang down their heads with shame! Eloquent as they now are in vindication of themselves, they will not then have one word to answer. Thus shall it be both to the friends and enemies of Christ: as sure as there is a God in heaven, possessed of faithfulness and power to fulfil his word, so sure shall not one jot or tittle of it ever fail of its accomplishment.]


For conviction—

[Nothing surely can be more calculated to awaken the secure than this solemn oath of Jehovah. Methinks the Deity, to fix our attention and obtain belief, stands forth before the assembled universe, and, with his hand lifted up to heaven [Note: Alluding to Daniel 12:7.], swears, “As sure as I am God, thus and thus shall it be with my friends and with my enemies.” Must not then sinners be more deaf than adders, and more obdurate than rocks, if they do not hear, and relent, at the voice of their God? O that men would no longer trifle with their eternal interests! We may argue as we please against the word of God; but we cannot invalidate its tremendous declarations. Let us then believe and tremble, yea, “believe, and obey the Gospel.”]

2. For consolation—

[God, in his oath, consults more immediately the comfort of his people [Note: Hebreus 6:17.]. They are, alas! too backward to believe his word; and therefore he confirms it with an oath. Let every subject then of the Redeemer’s kingdom rejoice: let their confidence in him both for righteousness and strength be greatly increased: let them never doubt, but that his enemies and their enemies, shall soon become his footstool: let them know, that they are justified from all their sins: and let them glory in him as their God and portion. Difficulties they may, they must, expect; but the word of God shall not be frustrated: “the counsel of the Lord shall stand; and he will do all his pleasure.” Let them only rest on the oath of God, and they shall experience its accomplishment to all eternity.]

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