Isaías 65:12-14

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 65:12. Because when I called, ye did not answer; when T spake, ye did not hear; but did evil before mine eyes, and did choose that wherein I delighted not; therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, my servants shall eat, but ye shall be hungry: behold, my servants shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty: behold, my servants shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed: behold, my servants shall sing for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for vexation of spirit.

IN every age, and every place, God is the same: he is the Governor of the universe, and expects obedience from all his creatures, and will deal with them in a way of approbation or displeasure, according as they conduct themselves towards him. Whatever his people do, either in a way of obedience or of disobedience, he will notice it, in Order to a suitable retribution; taking into the account every thing which, on the one hand, may either extenuate or aggravate the guilt of the disobedient, or, on the other hand, enhance or detract from the services of the obedient. This is evident in the passage before us, where he specifies his own unwearied kindness to his people as greatly aggravating the guilt of their neglect, and as forming a ground for his executing the heavier judgments upon them.
Let us consider,

I. The evil laid to their charge—

This was indeed heinous beyond measure: for, notwithstanding all the remonstrances of successive prophets whom God sent to warn them of their guilt, “they forsook the Lord, and forgot his holy mountain,” where they ought to have worshipped him: and “offered sacrifices to a whole troop” of worthless idols. In this respect we, through mercy, stand on higher ground than they. Yet, though free from gross idolatry, we have acted altogether on the same rebellious principle as they, in that,

1. We have followed, every one of us, our own evil ways—

[We have not all acted in precisely the same way; some have run into the grosser sins of drunkenness and uncleanness, whilst others have been more decorous in their habits of life: but we have all neglected to choose the things wherein God did delight, and have “chosen the things wherein he delighted not.” To fear him, to love him, to serve him, to glorify him, these are the things which God would have approved: but how far have they been from being the objects of our choice!— — — A life of carelessness and indifference, of worldliness and vanity, and of an idolatrous attachment to the things of time and sense, this is hateful in the sight of God: and this has been our habit from our youth up even until now — — —]

This we have done notwithstanding God’s incessant endeavours to reclaim us—
[How constantly has he spoken to us in his blessed word! With what warnings, and invitations, and promises, and expostulations has he followed us all our days! How often has he spoken to us in his providential dealings, and how often by his Holy Spirit in our own consciences! yet all in vain: we have turned a deaf ear to every admonition; “we have pulled away the shoulder; we have refused to return” — — — Our Lord may well complain of us, “How often would I have gathered you, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, but ye would not!”
Now all this has greatly aggravated our guilt. As our blessed Lord said of the Jews, “If I had not come unto them and spoken unto them, they had not had sin; but now they have no cloak for their sin,” so it may be said of us: indeed of us it may be said in a peculiar manner, because of the plainness and fidelity with which the whole counsel of God has been for so many years declared unto you: verily we have in that respect been distinguished as Capernaum of old; and may expect to be distinguished also like that city in our punishment, if we continue to abuse the privileges with which we are so highly favoured.]
From the evil which they committed, we proceed to notice,


The judgments denounced against them—

Under the Jewish dispensation, the commands of God were enforced with temporal rewards and punishments: but to us he holds forth rather such as are spiritual and eternal. Certain it is that God will put a difference between those who serve him, and those who serve him not.
He will do it in this world—
[The servants of God, as to external things, may be, and for the most part are, in a state inferior to others: nevertheless they have in reality an infinitely bettor portion than the greatest or happiest of God’s enemies. “The very blessings of his enemies are cursed to them,” so that “in the midst of their sufficiency they are in straits:” but the Lord’s people have even their afflictions sanctified to them, so that they are enabled to “glory in their tribulations,” and to “take pleasure in their distresses.” They have “meat to eat which the world knows not of:” and so refreshing are their draughts from the Fountain of living waters, that “they never thirst again” for the polluted streams which this world affords. Their minds are tranquil and at ease, whilst “the wicked are like the troubled sea which cannot rest;” they live in higher regions, where the storms and tempests of this lower world can scarcely reach; and enjoy in the light of God’s countenance a very foretaste of heaven itself — — —]

He will do it in the world to come—
[O! who can conceive how different from that of the ungodly will be the lot of God’s servants there? The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus will serve to give us some idea of it. Here the Rich Man’s state appeared to have in it all that was desirable, whilst the destitution of Lazarus was extreme: but how different their condition there! the one banqueting at the table of his Lord, and “drinking of the rivers of pleasure which are at God’s right hand;” the other wanting “a drop of water to cool his tongue!” the one exalted in glory on his Saviour’s throne, and filled with a complete fruition of his God; the other “weeping and wailing, and gnashing his teeth,” in anguish, which no words can utter, no imagination can conceive! Verily the words of my text will then have their full accomplishment; and then shall every soul understand what is comprehended in this sentence, “Behold, my servants shall eat, but ye shall be hungry; behold, my servants shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty; behold, my servants shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed; behold, my servants shall sing for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for vexation of spirit.”]


Those who disregard the warnings of their God—

[What excuse have you for this rebellious conduct? Is there any thing unreasonable in his commands? Is he not worthy to be feared, and loved, and served, and honoured? and would not your own happiness be promoted by conforming to his will? — — — Or have you any doubt whether there be a day of future retribution, when “he will give to every man according to his works?” You cannot doubt of this. Why then will you not lay to heart the warnings and the exhortations which he sends to you from time to time? I pray you think of the judgments here denounced against those who are disobedient to his word; and “flee, whilst yet ye may flee, to the refuge that is set before you”— — —]

2. Those who obey him in spirit and in truth—

[We cannot but observe with what peculiar delight God contemplates the happiness of his obedient servants. No less than four times does he repeat the words, “Behold, my servants;” as though he had said, ‘These are the people whom I delight to honour; and the whole universe shall see, that they are above all others the blessed of the Lord.’ To you then I say, think of the blessings which are here accorded to you; and labour night and day to secure them. In particular, consult the sacred records, and see what those things are in which your God delights. Does he delight to honour his only dear Son? Let your whole soul engage in this blessed work, looking to him for all that you want, “receiving every thing out of his fulness,” and devoting yourselves in body, soul, and spirit, to his service. Does God delight in holiness? Seek it in its utmost heights, that ye may “be holy as he is holy, and perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”]

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