Mateus 18:1-4

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 18:1. At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

DISPUTES of any kind among the children of God are most unbecoming their holy character, more especially when they originate in a competition for pre-eminence. Yet such is the depravity of our nature, that we are prone to affect superiority and distinction even after we have seen the vanity of earthly things. The Disciples of Christ, as well from their condition in the world as from the example set before their eyes, seemed least exposed to such a temptation; yet even they repeatedly manifested an ambitious desire of worldly honours. They had been disputing who among them should be the greatest in that earthly kingdom which they supposed their Master was about to establish. Our Lord, knowing all which had passed in their hearts, interrogated them with respect to the subject of their conversation. But they, ashamed of it (as well they might be) held their peace. Finding however that all attempts to conceal it from him were in vain, they referred the matter to his decision. But their disingenuousness sadly appears, in that they propose the question to him only in a general way, as if they had felt no personal interest in it [Note: Compare St. Mark’s account, chap. 9:33–35. with ver. 1. of the text.]. Our Lord did decide it; but in a way they little expected. He exhibited before their eyes an emblem of true greatness, and shewed them,

I. The nature of conversion—

The conversion here spoken of means either a deliverance from that sin of which they were guilty, or a turning from sin in general [Note: Our Lord’s words may be understood either as a particular admonition to them, or as a general declaration grounded on this particular occurrence.]. Taking it in the more enlarged sense, it imports the becoming like a little child,

1. In humility of mind—

[A little child is not filled with notions of his own greatness and self-sufficiency, but feels his dependence on others for support. Happy would it be for us if such were the habit of our minds towards God. But fallen nature is far removed from such a state as this. We universally think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think, and imagine ourselves possessed of whatever is necessary for our salvation. But in conversion our views are greatly changed. We are brought to acknowledge our extreme guilt and helplessness, and are made willing to depend on Christ alone for righteousness and strength [Note: See St. Paul’s views of these things before and after his conversion, Romanos 7:9 and Filipenses 3:6.]

2. In teachableness of disposition—

[Man in his natural state is as prone to lean to his own understanding as to trust in an arm of flesh. Almost every one thinks he knows his duty; nor do they who confess their need of human instruction, feel any want of the teachings of God’s Spirit. But in this respect also their views are altered as soon as they partake of converting grace. As a little child is sensible of his ignorance, and ready to receive, without gainsaytug, the instructions given him, so the converted person, conscious that he knows nothing as he ought to know, desires to have the eyes of his understanding enlightened. He no longer disputes against the declarations of Scripture, but receives them implicitly, and looks up to God for that spiritual discernment whereby alone he can discover their truth and importance [Note: Jó 34:32.Salmos 119:18.]

3. In indifference to the world—

[The world is the idol which man in his unconverted state adores; its riches and honours are the great objects of his affection and pursuit. In this he is the very reverse of a little child. An infant has no solicitude about earthly distinctions: satisfied with the one object of his desire, he leaves others to contend for power and pre-eminence. Thus it is with the Christian that is truly converted to God. He has one great concern which occupies his mind, one great prize which he is seeking to obtain. Whether he have much or little of this world he judges to be a matter of little consequence. He does indeed covet riches and honour; but it is the honour that cometh of God, and the unsearchable riches of Christ: and excessive cares about earthly honours or wealth he leaves to those who have no inheritance beyond the grave [Note: Gálatas 6:14. δὐ οὑ, by which.]

Having shewn his Disciples by this emblematical representation what conversion was, our Lord proceeded to declare,


The importance of it—

This he suggests in two different points of view:

1. Without such conversion no man can be partaker of the kingdom of grace on earth, or the kingdom of glory in heaven—

[Conversion is necessary before we can be truly admitted into the kingdom of grace on earth. We are indeed received into covenant with God in baptism; but it is regeneration that really makes us his children. We can never come to Christ as a Saviour, till we feel our need of him; we cannot learn of him, till we be willing to be taught; nor can we ever glorify him, till we be dead to the things of time and sense. The gate is too strait for us; the way of admission is too humiliating. The laws of his kingdom are such that our carnal minds neither will, nor can, obey them [Note: Romanos 8:7.]. Nor can we ever partake of his kingdom of glory unless we experience this change. What could we do in heaven even if we were admitted there? We should have no meetness for it, no dispositions suited to the enjoyment of it. The glorified saints all cast their crowns before the feet of Jesus, and prostrate themselves in deep humility, ascribing all their salvation to him. How could we unite with them when we have never deigned to glorify him thus on earth? As for our worldly desires, what should we find to gratify them there? Heaven could be no heaven to us, if our affections were not set on the things that are there, and our employments suited to the exercises of that blessed state.]

2. In proportion as we experience such conversion will be our exaltation here and hereafter—

[Our Lord now plainly answers the question put to him. Let any one point out to us the person that most eminently resembles a little child, and we will immediately point out to him the greatest person in the world. It is not worldly grandeur that constitutes a person great, but moral excellence. “The righteous is more excellent than his neighbour,” whatever other advantages his neighbour may possess. Even the ungodly cannot but admire those most, who are most truly humble. At the very time that they revile and persecute them, they reverence them in their hearts, and have a secret wish that they themselves were like them. And the godly invariably admire those most who are the greatest proficients in this grace. The exaltation of such persons hereafter will certainly also be proportionably great. Perhaps there is not one in heaven nearer the throne of God than he, who, when on earth, called himself “less than the least of all saints [Note: Efésios 3:8.].” Indeed God has repeatedly assured us that “he who humbleth himself shall be exalted.”]

We may improve this subject,

For conviction—

[How few are there who truly resemble a little child! By the generality such a disposition would be considered as mean, abject, enthusiastic. But let it be remembered that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of our souls. If a conversion from one particular sin was necessary in order to the salvation of the Apostles, notwithstanding all they had experienced, how much more must conversion be necessary for us, whose sins are so multiplied, and whose attainments are so small! Let us receive this declaration then as from the lips of him who shall judge the world. Let us apply to ourselves that solemn word, Ye must be born again [Note: João 3:3; João 3:5; João 3:7.]. And let us instantly seek that change which is so difficult in its attainment, and so important in its consequences.]

2. For instruction in righteousness—

[Have we been renewed in the spirit of our minds? Let us seek to be renewed more and more. The Apostles had forsaken all for Christ, and yet relapsed into the sin of worldliness and ambition. We never can become so childlike but that there may be room for farther advancement. Let the presence then of a little child be always a source of instruction to us. Let parents in particular, and all who have the care of children, learn from them; yea, let them never look upon a child without learning from him what they are to be in the hands of God. Let every one of us observe his simplicity of mind, and unity of desire; and let us regard him as a pattern for imitation. This was the very mind of Christ himself, who, being in the form of God, humbled himself, and took upon him the form of a servant. Let the same mind therefore be in us that was in him [Note: Filipenses 2:5.]. “Seekest thou great things unto thyself? seek them not [Note: Jeremias 45:5.]:” “Mind not high things, but condescend to low things [Note: Romanos 12:16. in the Greek.].” “Whosoever would become the greatest of all, let him make himself the least of all, and the servant of all.”]

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