Mateus 23:37

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 23:37. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

THE enmity of the human heart against God, visible as it is in all our conduct, is discoverable in nothing more than in the treatment which has been shewn in all ages to his faithful servants. One might well expect, that persons commissioned by the Governor of the Universe to instruct and reform mankind, should be welcomed with every expression of love and gratitude. But historic fact precluded a possibility of reply to that pungent question of our Lord, “Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted?” Nevertheless, God in infinite mercy, after a host of messengers had in succession been cruelly put to death, vouchsafed to send his only dear Son, with credentials indisputable, with authority unparalleled, with compassion infinite. Yet was not even his ministry successful. The obduracy of man withstood all his kind solicitations; and constrained him, with his dying breath, to testify against his devoted country as self-ruined and self-condemned.
The words before us will naturally lead us to consider,

I. The tender compassion of Christ—

The simile by which our Lord illustrates his own tenderness, is admirably calculated to impress and edify our minds. It is familiar to all, and therefore intelligible to the meanest capacity: at the same time it gives us as just an idea of parental anxiety as any image can convey. A hen, observing a bird of prey hovering over her young, instantly sounds an alarm, and calls them to her for protection. Thus our blessed Lord warned sinners in the days of his flesh: and thus he still warns them,

1. By his providence—

[All the dispensations of Providence, whether relating to the world at large, or to ourselves in particular, have a voice which may be heard with ease, and interpreted with certainty. Whether they be of a more painful or pleasing nature, they may alike be regarded as calls to turn from sin, and to seek our happiness in God. And if we had been as attentive to the dictates of reason as the chickens are to the impulse of their natural instinct, we should long since have turned at God’s reproofs, “and been led by his goodness to repentance.”]

2. By his word—

[What are all the warnings, the invitations, the promises of the Gospel but so many expressions of that tender regard which Christ bears to his people [Note: Provérbios 1:22.Isaías 55:1. João 7:37.]? Surely, if we be not more deaf than the adder, we cannot but acknowledge, that in all these Christ is speaking to us, and entreating us to flee from the wrath to come. Moreover, whenever the ministers of the Gospel have spoken to us in the name of Christ, our adorable Saviour has addressed us by their mouth.]

3. By his Spirit—

[There is no man so obdurate, but he has felt, and perhaps still occasionally feels, some convictions and remonstrances within his own bosom, some secret admonitions to repent and turn to God. We call these properly ‘the voice of conscience;’ but they are also the ‘voice of Christ,’ that “small still voice” whereby he invites us to seek his face. And in them, no less than in the written word, we have a demonstration of the concern which Christ has for the welfare of our souls, and of his solicitude to gather us under the shadow of his wings.]
But these efforts, instead of being requited as they ought, afford us only an occasion of contemplating,


The unrelenting obstinacy of man—

In the midst of all these overtures of mercy, man continues insensible, and,

1. Denies that any danger exists—

[The Saviour beholds the law denouncing its curse against us, and justice unsheathing its sword to enforce its awful sanctions, and hell opening to swallow us up quick, and the fallen angels, as ministers of God’s vengeance, ready to concur in executing upon us the punishment we deserve. Of these things he warns us: but we, like the inhabitants of Sodom, laugh at the impending judgments, and, because we do not see them with our eyes, deny their existence. How lamentable is it, that we should be more stupid and incredulous than the brute creation; and that our conduct, instead of being suited to the nobler faculties we enjoy, should be in perfect contrast with theirs!]

2. Contents himself with false refuges—

[When we can no longer deny the existence of danger, we then look out for such refuges as will be most congenial with our natural feelings, and will leave us most at liberty to follow our own ways. Many speedily present themselves to our view. Some repentance, some reformation, some alms-deeds, some religious observances, afford, as we imagine, ample security for our souls, while yet they require no great exercise of self-denial in fleeing to them. But in choosing these refuges of lies, we renounce the Saviour: we turn from that adorable “Shiloh, to whom the gathering of the people must be;” and expose ourselves to inevitable, everlasting destruction.]

3. Prefers temporal and carnal pleasures to those which are spiritual and eternal—

[When the necessity of fleeing to Christ for refuge is not acknowledged, the vanities of the world are suffered to stand in competition with our duty to him, and are preferred before the security which he offers. Thus the Saviour’s calls are disregarded. The chickens, however occupied in picking up their food, will not disregard their parent’s call: but sinful man is obstinately bent on the prosecution of some favourite pursuit; and the complaint in the text is fully verified, “How often would I, but ye would not!”]

Let us improve this subject in a way of,


[Have we ever felt our danger of perishing, and taken shelter under our Redeemer’s wings? We can be at no loss to answer this question, if only we will consult the records of our own conscience. The necessity of fleeing thus to Christ is plainly intimated in the image before us, and attested by innumerable other passages of Holy Writ. Know then, that if your own hearts condemn you, you have an evidence within yourselves that you are yet exposed to the wrath of God. O tremble at the thought, and flee without delay to the refuge set before you!]

2. Admonition—

[It is to little purpose to deny our danger. If the helpless chickens should disregard their parent’s call, under the idea that the warning given them was the result of ungrounded fear, would their denial of the danger free them from it? Would not their presumption bring upon them the very destruction which they refused to shun? Thus it will be with those who despise the Saviour’s voice. Their security will be their ruin. Nor will they be at all more safe, if they content themselves with coming nearer to him in the ordinances, while they defer hiding themselves altogether under the shadow of his wings. It is there alone that they can find protection: and if they be not “found in him,” the “wrath of God will surely come upon them to the uttermost.” Be thankful then, that, after so many calls have been despised, the voice of mercy is yet sounding in your ears.]

3. Encouragement—

[Whom is it that the Saviour calls? The innocent, the good, the virtuous? No; but those who had embrued their hands in the blood of all his martyred servants: and these he calls with tenderest compassion, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem:” to these he appeals, that he had renewed his invitations to them times without number, and that, if they perish, they will be the sole authors of their own destruction: “How often would I have gathered you, but ye would not!” Know then, beloved, that your former sins, however numerous or heinous, shall be no bar to your acceptance, if only you will flee to Christ. Over you he weeps, as he once did over the murderous Jerusalem; and he declares unto you, that “Whosoever cometh to him, he will in no wise cast out.” Remember that, if you perish, it will not be through any want of willingness in Christ to save you: and that that very consideration, which is now so encouraging, will one day fill you with inconceivable anguish; “Christ would, but I would not.” O let not that reflection be suffered to embitter your eternal state; but now let your reluctance be overcome; and obey the voice that warns you only for your good.]

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