Provérbios 8:17

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Provérbios 8:17. I love them that love me; and those that seek me early, shall find me.

THESE are the words of our blessed Lord [Note: ver. 22–31.], who, under the name of Widom, addresses himself to the children of men [Note: ver. 4, 5.], and urges them to receive instruction from him [Note: ver. 32, 33.]. But to the young they are more particularly directed: and it is for their encouragement more especially that I have selected them for our consideration at this time.

Two things they declare to us most explicitly;

I. Who they are that already enjoy God’s favour—

God in some respects may be said to love the whole world, even in their present degenerate state: for “he so loved them, that he gave his only-begotten Son for them.” But there are some who are more particularly the objects of his favour. Mark,

1. The description given of them—

[“They love the Lord Jesus Christ.” They know his character, as set forth in the Holy Scriptures; they know him to be the only, and all-sufficient Saviour of fallen man — — — They have seen and felt their obligations to him, and have sought for redemption altogether through the blood of his cross — — — They live in daily habits of communion with him — — — They have a good hope of acceptance with God through him — — — And his very name “is precious to their souls” — — —]

2. The love he bears towards them—

[“He loves them,” and looks with peculiar complacency upon them, “rejoicing over them with joy, and resting in his love, and joying over them with singing [Note: Sofonias 3:17.].” To them he delights to “manifest himself, as he does not unto the world [Note: João 14:21.],” even to “come and sup with them [Note: Apocalipse 3:20.],” and “make his abode with them”

— — — “He rejoices over them to do them good [Note: Jeremias 32:40.].” imparting all needful supplies of grace and strengeth to their souls [Note: João 15:5; João 15:7; João 15:16.], and ordering all things both in heaven and earth for the promotion of their welfare [Note: Romanos 8:28.] — — — He accounts them “his jewels [Note: Malaquias 3:17.]” and “his peculiar treasure [Note: Êxodo 19:5.];” and esteems the salvation of their souls a rich recompence for all the sufferings he ever endured [Note: Hebreus 12:2.Isaías 53:11.] — — — For them does he interest himself day and night in heaven; ever “making intercession for them” with his Father, and preparing kingdoms for them, which they in due season shall inherit, in glory and felicity similar to his own [Note: João 14:2.Apocalipse 3:21.] — — —

O! who amongst you does not desire to partake of this blessedness? — — —]
But as amongst you there must be many who are not yet in this blessed state, and who yet desire to participate this happy lot, we proceed to shew,


Who they are that shall certainly obtain it—

In some respects it may be said, that “He is found of them that sought him not, and made known to them that inquired not after him.” But no person is authorized to hope for an interest in his favour, unless he seek after it. The promise is, “Ask, and ye shall have; seek, and ye shall find.” But
The persons to whom the promise is more especially made, are “those who seek him early.”
[Those who seek the Lord even “at the eleventh hour” shall not be cast out [Note: Mateus 20:6.]; but those who in the early dawn of their day are found desirous of entering into the service of their Lord, shall surely be employed by him. The very circumstance of their seeking the Lord while yet they are free from the cares of this life, and before their souls are vitiated with its sinful pleasures, whilst their consciences are yet tender, and their hearts open to every good impression, is a strong presumption in their favour: we should be ready, without any express promise from God, to say, that such persons “shall never seek his face in vain.” But we have an absolute promise in their favour: we can assure them from God himself, that they “shall never fail.”]

“They,” says our Lord, “shall find me”—
[Yes, he will delight to visit them: they are “the lambs which he will carry in his bosom [Note: Isaías 40:11.];” “the little ones, whom he will never suffer to perish [Note: Mateus 18:14.Lucas 12:32.].” Though they be weak both in knowledge and in grace, “he will not despise the day of small things [Note: Zacarias 4:10.].” He says, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” And when he sees them flocking around him, he will “take them up in his arms, and put his hands upon them, and bless them [Note: Marcos 10:14.]” — — — When he saw only “some good thing towards the Lord God of Israel” in the heart of young Abijah, he noticed it with a distinguishing mark of his favour [Note: 1 Reis 14:13.]: and how much more will he, when he sees “the babes desiring the sincere milk of the word, that they may grow thereby,” and actually growing in stature up to young men and fathers! — — — Verily their hosannahs, however despised by men, shall enter into his ears with acceptance, and their prayers shall return in “showers of blessings” upon their souls [Note: Lucas 19:40.] — — — They shall “find him” here an ever-present help, and hereafter their inestimable and everlasting portion — — —]


To the Young People here assembled—

[You are about to be confirmed. But do you know what confirmation is? You were consecrated to the Lord in your baptism; and a solemn engagement was then entered into in your behalf, that you should love him, end surrender up yourselves entirely to his service. This vow you are now going to take upon yourselves. And tell me Whether in my text you have not all the encouragement that your souls can desire? Give yourselves to the world, and you will inherit only vanity: but “seek to love the Lord, and you shall inherit substance [Note: ver. 21.].” Think how happy you will be through life, when you are the objects of the Saviour’s care and love — — — and think how happy you will be in death — — — O let me not plead with you in vain! but “remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come, in which you shall say, you have no pleasure in them [Note: Eclesiastes 12:1.]” — — — “Seek ye the Lord whilst he may be found: call ye upon him whilst he is near [Note: Isaías 55:6.]” — — —]

2. To Parents, and those who have an opportunity of influencing the minds of young people—

[This is a favourable opportunity for you to exert yourselves, and to concur with your minister in his labours of love. Be labourers together with him, with all your might — — — But do not forget that the glorious truths in our text are to be experienced by you also — — — And, if much of your day is already past, be the more earnest now in “redeeming the time” that yet remains to you — — —]

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