Salmos 138:6
Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon
Salmos 138:6. Though the Lord be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off.
WHATEVER we find in Scripture to have been God’s dealings with his people of old, the same may we expect to receive from him at this day, so far as our situation and circumstances require it. His interpositions, either in a way of chastisement or protection, may be less visible than formerly; but they are neither less certain, nor less real. We may imagine, that, because we are not under a Theocracy, as the Jews were, we are not authorized to believe that the great God of heaven and earth will interest himself about us: but in every age “his eyes are still both upon the evil and the good;” and “though he be high, yet will he have respect unto the lowly: but the proud he will behold afar off.”
In this declaration of the Psalmist we see,
I. A truth acknowledged [Note: This part of the subject, though essential to a just view of the whole, should be passed over very briefly; the bearing of it being the main point to be insisted on.]—
[God is high, even “the high and lofty One who inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy [Note: Isaías 57:15.].” “Heaven is his throne, and earth his footstool [Note: Isaías 66:1.].” “The heaven of heavens cannot contain him [Note: 1 Reis 8:27.].” “He dwelleth in light which no man can approach unto; and him no man hath seen, or can see [Note: 1 Timóteo 6:16.].” His greatness is displayed in all the works of creation, which sprang into existence at his command [Note: and] — — — In all the works of Providence, also, is it manifested [Note: —These are opened at great length by God himself, Jó 38:41. But the bare mention of the passage will be sufficient.]; for “in him all things live, and move, and have their being [Note: Atos 17:28.]” — — —
We may say, then, respecting him, that “He is great, and greatly to be feared; and that his greatness is unsearchable [Note: Salmos 145:3.].”]
This truth being unquestionable, let us consider,
The proper bearing of it on the different classes of mankind—
Because of the greatness of the divine Majesty, both good men and wicked, though on different principles, imagine, that he will not condescend to notice them; the good, from a sense of their own unworthiness; and the wicked, from an idea that it would derogate from God’s honour to concern himself about the affairs of men. But he will notice, and in a way suited to the characters of each,
1. “The lowly”—
[As David, in reference to the temple which he desired to build, said, “Will God in very deed dwell with man on the earth?” so persons under a sense of their own sinfulness are often ready to think that God will never listen to their prayer, or deign in any way to notice them [Note: Salmos 8:4.] — — — But greatly are they mistaken: for “though the Lord be high, yet will he have respect unto the lowly;” yea, if there were but one contrite soul in the universe, God would look through all the shining ranks of angels that surround his throne, to behold that favoured object: nay, more; he would come down from the highest heavens to visit and revive him. He would even make that man’s bosom his habitation. And though the man’s state on earth were so abject, that he had no better place whereon to rest his weary limbs than “a dunghill, yet would God raise him from thence, to set him among the princes in his kingdom [Note: Salmos 113:4.].” Such respect would God shew him, that his every prayer should be heard, and his every desire, so far as it was for his good, be granted [Note: Salmos 145:19.]. The very sighs of such an one would be as music in the ears of the Most High God; and “his every tear be treasured up in Jehovah’s vials [Note: Salmos 56:8.],” as a most valued monument of his creature’s love.]
2. “The proud”—
[Such are they who have no consciousness of their ill desert, no deep contrition on account of it — — — These, from a mistaken view of the divine Majesty, are ready to exclude Jehovah from the concerns of this lower world, as though they were beneath his notice [Note: Sofonias 1:12.]. Whereas, there is nothing great or small in the eyes of Jehovah; nor is it any more degradation to him to attend to the concerns of the smallest insect that floats invisibly in the air, than to the affairs of the mightiest empire upon earth. But, in fact, these persons wish to be from under the cognizance of the Most High: they have no desire that he should inspect their hearts, or interfere in any of their concerns. But God takes notice of them and of their ways, no less than the ways of others; and records in the book of his remembrance all their proud thoughts, and their atheistical imaginations. “He knows them afar off,” with holy indignation. No access have they to him; no gracious communications from him. “The lowly” can say, “Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.” But not so “the proud.” They may come, like the Pharisee, to the very altar of God, to tell God how good they are; but it is the self-abasing Publican alone that goes away justified, or receives any tokens of God’s approval. In death, too, the proud will be left, if not a prey to terror, yet, at all events, without any sense of redeeming love, or any foretaste of that blessedness which is the exclusive portion of the contrite and believing soul. And, O! what will be his reception in the eternal world? There, indeed, will God “know him afar off,” and dismiss him from his presence with that indignant reproof, “Depart from me: I never knew thee, thou worker of iniquity [Note: Mateus 7:23.].”]
Look well to your own character, as before God—
[It is not by your outward actions merely that you will be judged at the last day, but by the dispositions and habits of your mind. He that stands high in his own estimation will be proportionably low in God’s esteem; whilst the lowly will be approved of God, in proportion as he is abased in his own eyes [Note: Lucas 14:11.]. The parable of the Pharisee and the Publican sufficiently evinces this. The one had made great attainments in religion, and was free from every thing that could be a subject of self-reproach; whilst the other had shewn no attention whatever to religion, and had probably committed many great evils: yet the one, being penitent, was accepted; and the other, being unhumbled, was dismissed with utter disapprobation and abhorrence. I would, therefore, particularly entreat you to examine to which of the two, in the habit of your mind, you are assimilated. And I would have you also carefully to distinguish between the spirit of a creature and the feelings of a sinner: for there are many who have a consciousness of their insignificance as creatures, whilst they have very little sense of their guiltiness as sinners; and hence are looking for acceptance through their own works, instead of relying simply and altogether upon the Lord Jesus Christ. I say again, This will enter deeply into God’s estimate of your character at the last day; and, therefore, it must form a most essential part of your inquiry into your own state at this time.]
2. Expect that God’s dealings with you will be in perfect accordance with it—
[To all eternity will the declaration in my text be fulfilled. There will be no bounds to “the respect that shall be paid to the lowly” at the day of judgment. They shall be owned by that Saviour in whom they had believed; and be placed on his right hand, as distinguished monuments of his favour. To heaven itself also shall they be exalted, as heirs of the Saviour’s kingdom, and as partners of his throne for ever and ever. On the other hand, most tremendous will be the aspect of the Saviour’s countenance towards the proud, impenitent, and unhumbled sinners. They have despised him, and all the wonders of his love; and now, they themselves shall be banished from his presence with righteous scorn and contempt. They were too good in their own estimation to flee to him for mercy: and now they shall have no part in his salvation, nor any other doom than what their own works have merited. Would to God that the contemners of the Gospel salvation would consider this, ere it be too late! The great and glorious “God willeth not the death of any sinner, but rather that he would turn from his wickedness, and live:” nor is there a creature in the universe whom he would not most gladly receive to mercy. But he will never depart from what he has spoken, that “whose covereth his sins, shall not prosper; but that he who confesseth and forsaketh them, shall have mercy.”]