Gênesis 8:20-22

O Comentário Homilético Completo do Pregador



I. That Noah gratefully acknowledged his deliverance as from God. True, Noah had built the ark, and might have taken much credit to himself for so doing. He might have considered this an important element in his preservation from the waters of the deluge. And in contemplation of his own effort he might have lost sight of the Divine providence over him. How many men after a period of especial deliverance from peril, magnify their own forethought, their own skill; they almost entirely forget the aid which heaven has rendered them, and without which they could not have escaped the common doom.

Such conduct is most ungrateful, and those who are guilty of it show themselves unworthy of the help they have received. The truly grateful soul will always acknowledge the deliverances of life as from the loving care of God. He only can save men from the deluge occasioned by sin.

II. That Noah devoutly offered to God a Sacrifice in token of his deliverance. Noah built an altar for burnt sacrifice, to thank God for gracious protection and to pray for his mercy to come. This is the first altar mentioned in history. The sons of Adam had built no altar for their offerings, because God was still present on the earth in Paradise, so that they could turn their offerings and hearts toward that abode.

But with the flood God had swept Paradise away, withdrawn the place of His presence, and set up His throne in heaven, from which he would henceforth reveal himself to man (Gênesis 11:5). In future, therefore, the hearts of the pious had to be turned towards heaven, and their offerings and prayers needed to ascend on high if they were to reach the throne of God.”

1. This sacrifice was the natural outcome of Noah’s gratitude. Noah had been commanded to do everything else connected with his wondrous deliverance; he was commanded to build the ark, and was given the pattern after which he was to construct it; was told who were to occupy it, and when he was to leave it. But no command was issued in reference to the offering of this sacrifice; that was left to the judgment and moral inclination of the patriarch. A truly grateful soul has no need to be told to offer a suitable sacrifice to God upon deliverance from danger.

2. This sacrifice was not precluded by any excuse consequent upon the circumstances of Noah. Noah did not give way to excessive grief at the destruction wrought by the waters, and so delay his devotion till his sorrow was assuaged. He did not excuse himself upon the ground that his resources were scanty, and that therefore he would wait till his wealth was augmented before he would sacrifice to the Lord, and that then he would offer a sacrifice worthy the occasion.

Noah offered according to his circumstances and did not allow any duty to take precedence of this. He did not indulge the joy of triumph so as to forget the claims of God upon him. He was a true man, alike in sorrow as in success. He showed himself worthy to be entrusted with the care of the new world.

III. That the sacrifice of Noah was acceptable to God and preventive of further evil to the world.

1. It was fragrant. “And the Lord smelled a sweet savour.” He was propitiated. He had respect to the offering. It was welcome to him as the outcome of a grateful soul, and as emblematical of a sacrifice in the days to come, which would come up before Him as a “sweet smelling savour.”

2. It was preventive of calamity. “And the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every living thing, as I have done.” The more we sacrifice to God the safer we become in our circumstances of life. Sacrifice is wisdom. If God were to destroy the world on account of the sin of man, it would never exhibit leaf or fruit, it would be seldom free from the angry waters of deluge.

3. It was preservative of the natural agencies of the universe. “While the earth remaineth seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” There is a close connection between the sacrifices of the good and the fruitful springs of the universe. Devotion of soul is allied to the constancy of nature more than we imagine. The world’s Noahs are allied to the world’s seed time and harvest. What sacrifice have we offered to God for our many deliverances through life?



Gênesis 8:21.

I. The occasion on which this offering was made. It was no ordinary occasion. During the sixteen hundred and fifty years in which the world had existed, there had been no such manifestation of the Divine character as this family had seen.

1. On this occasion how impressively would Noah and his family be reminded of the Divine forbearance which had been displayed to the whole world. There had been since the Fall a gradual unfolding of the scheme of mercy in the institution of sacrifice, the preaching of the patriarchs, and the teaching of the Spirit.

2. With what solemn awe would Noah and his family now view the earth bearing on every part of its surface the marks of recent vengeance. When they entered the ark the earth was smiling with plenty and thickly populated; now all are gone. They are the sole remnant of the human population.

3. With what adoring and grateful feeling would Noah and his family view their own preservation on this occasion. Singled out by Divine mercy, preserved by Divine power, directed by Divine wisdom, they had built the ark in which they had been preserved, while all around was destroyed.

II. In its Nature.

1. An expression of gratitude. It was his first act. He stayed not to build a habitation for himself. His stock was small, yet he took the best of his flock.

2. An acknowledgment of dependence. Noah remembered his recent preservation, and in his offering expressed his confidence that He who had preserved him under such circumstances would still continue to provide for his safety.

3. The offering of Noah was a lively exhibition of his faith in the future atonement as well as an appropriate testimony that his recent preservation was owing to the efficacy of that atonement.

III. In its results.

1. The offering was accepted.

2. The promise which was given.

3. The covenant which was made [Sketches of Sermons by Wesleyan Ministers].

Obedience and sacrifice are sweetly set together by God, and kept together by saints.
The first work due to God’s salvation is the setting up of His worship in truth.
The saints in faith built altars and brought sacrifices to God upon His word.
God would have but one altar at a time in the place which he should choose.
Altar and sacrifice worship is most requisite for sinners to come to God. Therefore Christ is both for propitiation.

1. A believing priest.
2. A sanctified altar.
3. A clean sacrifice.
4. A type of Christ.

The sacrifice which God accepts must ascend and come up to Him, to be available.
The sacrifice which brings peace to man, giveth glory to God.

Gênesis 8:22. God pleased in Christ is resolved in heart, and promises to do good unto His people.

The sons of Adam are from birth evil in their principles to high provocations.
Grace in God’s covenant glories over sin and will overcome it.
Sinners may be exempt from one kind of punishment, though not from all.
The seasons:

1. Secured by covenant.
2. While the earth remains.
3. Varied in fertility.


Aceitação! Gênesis 8:21 . Como Abel veio com o cordeiro designado e foi aceito; então Noé veio com seu sacrifício, e seu serviço era um incenso de agradecimento. Ambas as ofertas ensinam que há uma virtude na morte de Cristo tão preciosa e poderosa que tem poder irresistível com Deus. Para usar a linguagem expressiva da Lei, “as cortinas do pavilhão de Deus estão aqui abertas e cada atributo parece regozijar-se na redenção.

O Espírito diz que o Senhor sentiu um cheiro doce - que nuvens de odores predominantes perfuraram os céus. Sua chama foi uma luz para os peregrinos piedosos nos tempos patriarcais e, após o decorrer dos séculos, ela nos deu esse brilho de diamante; quando desde a antiguidade—

“A fumaça do sacrifício
subiu , e Deus sentiu o cheiro doce da fé obediente.”

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construído. Gênesis 4:4 Gênesis 12:7 Gênesis 12:8 Gênesis 13:4 Gênesis 22:9