1 Reis 19:18

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


1 Reis 19:18. Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.

WE cannot always judge by outward appearances in religion. There is in some a forwardness, and display of piety; whilst in others there is a reserve and a delicate withdrawment from public notice. Amongst the former, a very great proportion turn out like the stony or thorny-ground hearers; who, if they fall not altogether from their profession, never truly honour and adorn it. Where, on the contrary, there is little of outward zeal, we are ready to imagine that the word has produced little or no effect. In the days of the Prophet Elijah, there were none to bear him in countenance, by a bold and open testimony for God; so that he conceived that he stood alone in the midst of an apostate and idolatrous people. But there were many of the class referred to, even seven thousand, who had not been carried away by the general torrent of iniquity, but had maintained in secret a faithful adherence to their God. This, in answer to Elijah’s complaint, was declared by God himself: and from that declaration I shall take occasion to shew,

I. That in the worst of times, God has an elect people in the world—

In support of this very position, St. Paul quotes the words before us:—
[It appeared in the Apostle’s days, that God had “cast off” his ancient people entirely. But St. Paul adduces himself as a proof to the contrary; and then, citing the answer given by Jehovah to his complaining servant Elijah, who thought that he was the only person in Israel that had remained faithful to his God, “Yet have I reserved to myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal [Note: Romanos 11:1.],” or “kissed it, in token of their religious veneration [Note: Oséias 13:2.],” he takes occasion to say, “Even so at this time, also, there is a remnant according to the election of grace [Note: Romanos 11:5.].”]

And on these words we may ground the same observation at this time—
[Through the tender mercy of God, we live in very different times from those of the Prophet Elijah. But the exercise of God’s sovereign grace is still the same; and every person who faithfully adheres to God, amidst the wickedness that abounds in the world, is indebted altogether to the distinguishing grace of God, whose power alone has quickened and upheld him.
This is a truth which many are extremely averse to hear: and, if it were really and of necessity connected with all the evils with which men load it, I should not wonder at the prejudices which are entertained against it. But indeed, when stated as it is revealed in Scripture, it is replete with godly comfort. For, who is there that would ever be saved, if he were left, like the fallen angels, without any succour from on high? Who would ever turn effectually to the Lord his God, if “God did not first give him both to will and to do of his good pleasure [Note: Filipenses 2:13.]?” And I may further ask, Who is there, of whom we need despair? I will suppose him to be at this moment as bitter a persecutor as ever Saul was; yet may he, if God see fit, become a vessel of honour, like St. Paul, who was, even in the midst of all his violence, a chosen vessel, and had been so even from his mother’s womb [Note: Gálatas 1:13 with Atos 9:1; Atos 9:14.]. If any man ever seemed beyond the reach of divine grace, it was Manasseh, who filled the temple of God itself with idols, and “made the streets of Jerusalem to run down with the blood of innocents:” yet even he, in consequence of God’s electing love, was converted, and sanctified, and saved [Note: 2 Crônicas 33:3.]. So it may be, that some of our dear friends and relatives, who are at this moment immersed in wickedness of every kind, may yet have the eye of God fixed upon them for good, and, in despite of all their impiety, be “made willing people in the day of God’s power [Note: Salmos 110:3.].” We read, that “whom God did foreknow, he did also predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son; and whom he did predestinate, them he also called; and whom he called, them he also justified; and whom he justified, them he also glorified [Note: Romanos 8:29.]:” and, for aught that we know, the same process may await some of whom we are ready to despair; and we may have the joy of seeing God’s purpose, which was formed before the world began, effected in the conversion of our friends, and consummated in their glorification before the throne of God. In fact, the persons who are now most eminent in the divine life were once dead in trespasses and sins, even as others: and they all, without exception, will gladly acknowledge, in their own case, the truth of our Lord’s declaration to his Apostles, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you [Note: João 15:16.]:” for all of them have within themselves an unquestionable evidence, that as soon would a cannon-ball return of its own accord to the orifice from whence it has been discharged, as they, if left to themselves, would ever have returned to God, from whom they had so deeply revolted.]

But to this cheering truth I must add,


That the number of these elect far exceeds all that the most sanguine of God’s saints would imagine— In the days of Elijah they amounted to “seven thousand men in Israel”—

[True, these were but few, when compared with the whole nation of Israel: but they were many, when compared with one single individual.]
And who can tell but that they may, even in this kingdom, be many times as numerous as they appear to be?
[We are apt to estimate the number of the Lord’s people by the numbers who make an open profession of religion: but there may be, and I doubt not are, multitudes throughout the land, who serve their God in sincerity, whilst, from a variety of circumstances, they have not been led to such displays of piety, as should attract the attention of the public. They conform not to the corrupt habits of the world around them, but “bow their knee to Jesus,” their Divine Saviour [Note: Romanos 14:10.]; and “kiss the Son,” as the exclusive object of their homage [Note: Salmos 2:12.]. They may possibly be secluded in the bosom of a family who are unfriendly to religion: or they may not be within the reach of an energetic ministry or pious associates: or they may be in a station of life where occupation and confinement preclude them from any great intercourse with their neighbours. But, whatever be the occasion of their privacy, I doubt not but the fact is as I have stated; and that God has, “in this and other lands, many hidden ones,” who, like plants in a wilderness, blossom unseen, and diffuse their fragrance unperceived, except by God himself.]

But to all of you I would say,

1. Let your religion be such that God himself may bear witness to it—

[God saw Nathanael under the fig-tree, and bare witness to him, as “an Israelite indeed, in whom there was no guile.” Let “your hearts also be right with God,” my beloved Brethren. Let him see that you resolutely withstand “the corruptions that are in the world;” and that you “walk with him,” even as Enoch did, in sweet communion, and in unreserved obedience — — —]

2. Let your religion be such, that God may be glorified by it—

[Certainly it is the duty of every man to confess Christ before men, and to glorify him by an open profession of his faith. Where an opportunity is afforded, this is absolutely indispensable: and, if we be deterred from it by any consideration under heaven, we must pay the penalty, even the loss of our immortal souls. “With the heart, indeed, man believeth unto righteousness: but it is with the mouth that confession is to be made unto salvation [Note: Romanos 10:10.].” Be not, then, ashamed of Christ; but “take up your cross daily, and follow him:” and “so make your light to shine before men, that all who behold it may glorify your Father who is in heaven.”]

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