Isaías 40:6-8

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 40:6. The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: the grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the Spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it; surely the people is grass. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

GOD doeth according to his own will in the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth. When his time was come for the deliverance of Israel out of Egypt, in vain did Pharaoh labour to retain them. Thus the prophet was inspired to declare the redemption of the Jews from Babylon, and the still greater redemption of the world from sin and Satan, in despite of all endeavours which might be used to thwart the divine purpose. This seems to be the immediate scope of the words before us. But they may also be taken as a general declaration respecting the instability of every thing human, and the immutability of God’s word.

I. The instability of every thing human—

The comparison of man to grass is very frequent in the Scriptures; and it affords a just description of,

1. Our temporal comforts—

[The grass in the early spring adorns and beautifies the face of nature; but, when parched by a burning sun or an eastern blast, it soon withers and decays: in the same manner the beauty and strength of youth are soon turned to weakness and deformity: the affluence and honour of the rich are quickly changed to degradation and want: and all our goodly fabrics of case and happiness are soon demolished. St. James illustrates this truth by the very comparison in the text [Note: Tiago 1:9.]: and as Job experienced it in the days of old, so in every age may numerous instances be found of such vicissitudes.]

2. Our spiritual comforts—

[God is pleased to give rich consolation to his people: and, while they enjoy it, their faces are made, as it were, to shine, as the face of Moses did, when he descended from the holy mount. But these comforts are often of short continuance. When Peter thought of building tabernacles to protract his happiness, a cloud immediately overshadowed him, and he was called down to renew his conflicts with the world [Note: Marcos 9:5; Marcos 9:7; Marcos 9:14.]. When David fancied his mountain so strong that he should never be moved, God hid his face from him and he was troubled [Note: Salmos 30:7.]. Thus it is also with all the people of God; whose manifold changes in this respect may well be compared with the diversified scenes of nature under the influence of kindly showers, or malignant winds [Note: Salmos 102:2.]

3. Our very life itself—

[In the midst of health we promise ourselves years to come: but, when God withdraws our breath, we instantly return to our native dust. Some look more gay and possess more “goodliness” than others; but they are only as the “flower of the field,” which cannot survive the grass, and not unfrequently falls before it. In this view the inspired writers describe our state [Note: Jó 14:1.Salmos 90:3; Salmos 103:15.]; and both observation and experience attest the truth of their representations: we must all confess, in the language of the text, “Surely, the people is grass.”]

But while every thing human is thus frail and transient, we have a firm foundation whereon to stand, namely,


The immutability of God’s blessed word—

The “word of God” here spoken of, may be understood as relating to Christ, who is often called by this name, and whose immutability is mentioned by the Psalmist in this very view [Note: Salmos 102:11; Salmos 102:26.]. But St. Peter informs us that the prophet spake of the Gospel-salvation [Note: 1 Pedro 1:24.]. Now

This “word” contains the most important and comfortable truths—
[There is no want, which it is not able to supply, no disorder, for which it does not prescribe a remedy. It proclaims health to the sick, sight to the blind, liberty to the captives, and life to the dead. So extensive are its invitations and promises, that there is not a human being excluded from its provisions, nor is there any limit to the blessings which it will impart. It assures us, that sins of a crimson die may become white as snow; that the most heavy-laden soul may obtain rest; and that none, who come to Jesus, shall on any account be cast out [Note: Isaías 1:18; Mateus 11:28; João 6:37.]

Nor is it a small excellence in these truths, that they are as immutable as God himself—
[How vain were the attempts of men and devils to stop the progress of the Gospel, and to make void the declarations of God respecting it! Equally vain shall be every endeavour to invalidate the promises which he has made to the believing penitent. Has he said, that “all manner of sin shall be forgiven; that he will cleanse us from all our filthiness and from all our idols; and that, where he has begun the good work, he will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ?” We may rest assured that he will fulfil his word: for “he is not a man, that he should lie, or a son of man that he should repent.” But it may be said, “Though God changeth not, yet we change, and therefore may forfeit our interest in the promises.” True; if God should leave us, we not only may, but most undoubtedly shall, both fall and perish. But God has said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee; so that we may adopt the confident declaration of St. Paul, “I know in whom I have believed, that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him.” We must be strong in faith, giving glory to God. Then, though difficulties may arise, and appear for a while wholly insurmountable, they shall surely be overcome; “Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill be made low, and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain; and we shall see the salvation of God.”]

We may learn from hence,

The folly of seeking our rest in earthly things—

[The injunction given to the prophet to “cry,” and to proclaim aloud that “all flesh is grass,” and the frequent repetition of this comparison, are strong intimations of the extreme vanity of every thing here below. And who amongst us has not found that the enjoyments he fondly anticipated, have either eluded his grasp, or deceived his expectation? Whatever then be our comforts in life, let us not set our hearts upon them, but “so use the world as not abusing it, knowing that the fashion thereof passeth away.”]

2. The wisdom of embracing the Gospel-salvation—

[They who trust in the word of God are sure of never being disappointed. However high their expectations are raised, they shall never be ashamed. The stronger their faith, the more abiding will be their comfort. Besides, their enjoyments, instead of cloying, will become more and more delightful; and, instead of bringing with them many inseparable ills, will produce nothing but good to their souls. But that which most of all must endear the Gospel to them is, that their happiness will then be consummated, when they, whose comforts were of an earthly nature, will want even a drop of water to cool their tongue. Let the word of God then be precious to our souls. Let Christ, as revealed in it, be the object of our faith, and hope, and love. Let us embrace the promises, assured that they shall all be fulfilled; and let us tremble at the threatening, knowing that they shall all be executed. Thus shall we be proof against the temptations of the world, and shall possess an eternity of glory, when the lovers of this present world will lie down in everlasting burnings.]

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