Marcos 13:37

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Marcos 13:37. What I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.

GOD is pleased to speak to us, not only in his word, but by the dispensations of his providence. Calamities, whether foreign or domestic, whether public or personal, are sent by him to awaken our drowsy consciences, and to stir us up to a remembrance of our latter end. By all of them, whether menaced only, or actually inflicted, he addresses us, as Jesus did his Disciples (whom he had forewarned of the evils coming upon Jerusalem, and hereafter also upon the whole world), “Watch therefore, for ye know not when the Master of the house cometh.”
On a subject like this we should in vain attempt to speak any thing new. But though we may do no more than remind you of truths with which you are already well acquainted, it will not be unprofitable for me to suggest to your thoughts,

I. The uncertainty of the time when our Lord will come to judgment—

[Our Lord, in illustrating what he had been speaking respecting the day of judgment, compares himself to a master leaving his house, and appointing his servants their work, and commanding his porter to watch, in order to admit him without delay at whatever moment he should return. He represents the precise time of his return to judgment as unknown to men, or angels, or even to himself; (so far at least, that the Holy Spirit, by which he was anointed to his prophetic office, had not communicated it to him as any part of the revelation which he was to make known to men;) and from thence inculcates the necessity of incessant watchfulness. Now, as the time of death is to us the commencement of our eternal state, and as it is equally unknown to us as the judgment itself, we shall direct our attention more particularly to that.
But what shall we say on such a subject as this? It needs neither proof nor elucidation: nor can any words make the uncertainty of life more evident, than the observation and experience of every man have already made it. We appeal to your observation of what takes place around you: does not our Lord call men to death and judgment at every age, and often when his summons is least expected? — — — We appeal to your experience: can you not recal to your minds many accidents which might have proved fatal? and do you not see, that you are yet liable every day and hour to be taken away by disease or accident? — — —]
Instead of dwelling on so obvious a truth, we will endeavour to point out,


Our duty arising from this consideration—

Thrice in the space of a few verses does our Lord repeat the same injunction, “Watch [Note: See ver. 33.].” To enforce this, we would say,

1. Expect the second coming of your Lord—

[Put not from you, as you are too apt to do, the thoughts of death and judgment, but cherish them in your minds, and labour to get them impressed upon your hearts. Reflect upon their uncertainty, as to the precise period of their arrival, their nearness, their awfulness; and keep yourselves, as it were, in the daily and hourly expectation of them — — —]

2. Prepare to meet him—

[Two things are indispensable for all who would behold his face in peace, namely, “repentance towards God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.” These must be experienced by you — — — neither the one nor the other can be dispensed with — — — Get a deep repentance therefore, and a lively faith: and rest not in any state short of that which the Scriptures require, and the primitive Christians actually attained.]

3. Guard against any measure of drowsiness which may interrupt or render doubtful your preparation for him—

[It will be a fearful thing if the Master of the house “should find you sleeping.” Yet who amongst us is not apt at times to be “weary in well-doing?” “The Wise Virgins, as well as the Foolish, slumbered and slept:” yea, even the Apostles slept, when our Lord had bidden them watch. We should therefore “exhort one another daily, and so much the more as we see the day approaching:” and, instead of giving way to sloth, should use all possible means, to “strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die.”]


The careless—

[How many continue such in spite of all the warnings which they have received from sickness in themselves, or the sudden deaths of others! But what will they think of their conduct, when once they are taken hence? If any one of us knew that a thief would certainly come this very night to break into his house, would he lay himself down to sleep as at other times? Should we not watch, and use our utmost efforts to frustrate his designs [Note: Mateus 24:43.]? Why then do we not act thus in reference to our souls? Are our souls of less value than our property, or the concerns of time than those of eternity? Are not the consequences of unwatchfulness sufficiently awful [Note: Mateus 24:48]? And is not our real danger increased, rather than diminished, in proportion to our security [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 5:3.Provérbios 6:9.]? To every one then who is unconcerned about his eternal state, and unprepared to meet his God, we address the reproof which even heathen mariners gave to a prophet of the Lord? “What meanest thou, O sleeper? arise and call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon thee, and thou perish not [Note: João 1:6.].”]

2. The half-awakened—

[Pardon the term: it is but too appropriate to the states of many, who, if good wishes would carry them to heaven, would not come short of it; but, when God calls them to run, and strive, and wrestle, and fight, will not exert themselves in the way that he requires. Nevertheless God’s word is true; “The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force:” “Many shall seek to enter in, and shall not be able:” none shall succeed but those who “strive.” Guard then against the fate of the Foolish Virgins, who were not aware of their want of divine grace, till it was too late to obtain it [Note: Mateus 25:8.]. Let the Apostle’s exhortation sink down into your ears [Note: Romanos 13:11.], and adopt instantly the resolution of the prophet, “I will stand upon my watch-tower, and will watch to see what God will say to me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved [Note: Habacuque 2:1.].”]

3. The professing people of God—

[Think not yourselves above the exhortation in our text: “What we say unto some, we must say unto all, Watch.” See what a caution our blessed Lord addressed to his own Apostles [Note: Lucas 21:34.]: and then say, whether any caution can be too strong for you. Many who have appeared to run well, have turned back again; and not a few have died without ever returning to the good way from which they have departed. Be ye then on your guard, “lest, having known the way of righteousness, ye turn from the Holy Commandment delivered unto you.” Beware of imitating the slothful conduct of the Spouse in Solomon’s Song, lest, like her, you provoke your heavenly Friend to depart from you [Note: Cântico dos Cânticos 3:1; Cântico dos Cânticos 5:2.]. Watch unto prayer with habitual persevering earnestness [Note: Efésios 6:18.]. You know the truths we have insisted on; act therefore agreeably to them, and to your holy profession [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 5:2; 1 Tessalonicenses 5:4.]. “Have your loins continually girt, and your lamps trimmed, and yourselves as those who wait for the coming of their Lord [Note: Supposing this were a Funeral Sermon for a truly pious person, some little mention of his character might be made here.].”

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