Salmos 72:18,19

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 72:18. Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things: and blessed be His glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and Amen.

RELIGION, as experienced by the generality, is selfish and superficial: it consists almost entirely in a desire to obtain mercy through the Lord Jesus Christ, and an endeavour, through faith in him, and a surrender of the soul to him, to flee from the wrath to come. The religion of the more eminent saints is of a more diffusive and ingenuous cast: it interests the soul in all that relates to God and to the world: it delights in heavenly contemplations: it surveys with wonder and gratitude all that God has done for a ruined world; and looks forward with holy joy to those richer manifestations of his glory, which, by all his holy Prophets and Apostles, he has taught us to expect. Of this kind was the piety of David, whose Psalms display a noble, generous mind, occupied with the honour of his God and Saviour, and deeply intent on the welfare of the whole human race. The psalm before us was written, primarily, to describe the kingdom of Israel, as it should exist under the government of his son Solomon. But, beyond all doubt, a greater than Solomon is here: and it is the Messiah’s kingdom to which David ultimately refers, and which alone fully corresponds with the description here given of it.
In our further elucidation of this truth, we shall consider,

I. The “wondrous things” here referred to—

These are particularly specified throughout the psalm. We notice,

1. The nature of the Redeemer’s kingdom—

[It is truly a kingdom of righteousness and peace [Note: ver. 7.]. In it no law exists which does not tend to promote the best interests of him that obeys it, and of all connected with him. Nor are the laws recorded merely in books that are inaccessible to the great mass of the people: they are inscribed on the very hearts of the people themselves; to whom a disposition is given to love and obey them: so that every subject of the empire is made both holy and happy: and of every obedient subject the King himself espouses the cause; so that, how numerous or powerful soever his enemies may be, they shall all be subdued before him, and the great leader of them all be bruised under his feet [Note: ver. 4.]

2. The extent of it—

[Solomon’s kingdom extended over the whole of that country which had originally been promised to Abraham: but the Messiah’s shall embrace the whole earth: “All kings shall fall down before him; all nations shall serve him [Note: ver. 11.].” “From the rising of the sun to the going down thereof his name shall be great among the Gentiles [Note: Malaquias 1:11.]:” he shall have “the utmost ends of the earth for his possession [Note: Salmos 2:8.];” and “all the kingdoms of the world become his” undivided empire [Note: Apocalipse 11:15.]

3. The means by which it shall be established—

[It was by the effusion of blood that David subdued his enemies, and conquered for his son that vast dominion: but it is not by carnal weapons that the Redeemer extends his empire. The word of God is that sword whereby he “subdues the nations to the obedience of faith.” The preachers of it go forth without any human aid, like sowers to sow their seed: and it is by “an handful of corn cast by them on the tops of the mountains,” that the vast field is cultivated: so that “the fruit thereof shakes like the woods of Lebanon, and the converts spring up and flourish like the countless piles of grass upon the earth [Note: ver. 16.].” It is “a atone cut out without hands, that breaks in pieces all other kingdoms, and that fills the whole earth [Note: Daniel 2:34.].”]

4. The duration of it—

[Solomon’s kingdom endured but for a little time. His son and successor had scarcely assumed the reins of government, before ten tribes out of the twelve revolted from him, and have never since been re-united into one kingdom. But Christ’s kingdom shall endure for ever [Note: Daniel 2:44.], even “throughout all generations [Note: ver. 5, 17.].” The mode of administering the kingdom will be changed, when there shall be no more occasion for the exercise of the mediatorial office. Then, I say, “the kingdom shall be delivered up to God, even the Father,” from whom it was received [Note: Daniel 7:13. with 1 Coríntios 15:24; 1 Coríntios 15:28.]: but of the kingdom itself there shall be no end: nor shall Christ ever cease to be the Head, the joy, the glory of his redeemed people [Note: Isaías 9:7.]

Such are the wonders here celebrated: and from the Psalmist we may learn,


The spirit with which they should be contemplated—

The Psalmist closes his review of these wonders, as we also should do,

1. With grateful adoration to God as the author of them—

[Truly, it is “God alone” that doeth these wonders. Whatever instruments he may make use of, the work is his alone [Note: 1 Coríntios 3:6.]: and his should be the glory. For these things he is adored in heaven: and from us on earth should they call forth the devoutest acknowledgments. In truth, we should be even lost in wonder at the contemplation of them;—that God should ever so pity our fallen world! that he should ever use such means for our deliverance from our great enemy! that he should send his own Son to die, and “by death to overcome him that had the power of death, and thus to deliver those who, through fear of death, were all their life-time subject to bondage!” What shall we say to these things? If they do not fill us with wonder and gratitude and praise, “the very stones may well cry out against us.”]

2. With an ardent desire for the manifestation of them to the whole world—

[However persuaded we may be of our own interest in these things, we should not be satisfied without seeing the whole world brought to the knowledge of them. We have a debt to God, and a debt to our fellow-creatures also: to Him, to glorify his name; to them, to diffuse as widely as possible among them the blessings of salvation. On both these accounts, if there be a promise in God’s word to extend this kingdom, we should say “Amen” to it. If there be a proposal amongst men to aid its extension, we should add “Amen” to it: and to every effort that is made, in whatever way, we should say “Amen, and Amen.” We should long for the time, when “there shall be but one King upon all the earth, and his name One [Note: Zacarias 14:9.];” when “the whole earth shall be filled with his glory,” and “all flesh shall see the salvation of God.”]

But, in examining ourselves in relation to these things, have we not need to be ashamed?

[How little sense have we had of these wonders; and of God’s glory or man’s happiness, as connected with them! If we might but be saved ourselves, it has been, with the generality amongst us, of little moment whether God’s glory were ever revealed to others, or his salvation experienced by others. Basely selfish as we have been, we need, every one of us, to be humbled in dust and ashes. O that we could imbibe a better spirit! Dear Brethren, let us henceforth determine, like David, to meditate on the wonders of God’s love [Note: Salmos 77:11.], and to recount them gratefully with songs of praise [Note: Neemias 9:5. Here the whole series of mercies, from the first election of the seed of Abraham to their complete establishment in Canaan, is distinctly mentioned, and might be very briefly noticed.]. Permit me to call upon you to bear your part, and to unite with me now in this blessed work. With David, I would say, “Blessed be thou, Lord God of Israel, our father, for ever and ever! Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty. Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name [Note: 1 Crônicas 29:10; 1 Crônicas 29:13.].” Having thus set them the example, “David said to all the congregation, Now bless the Lord your God. And all the congregation blessed the Lord God of their fathers, and bowed down their heads, and worshipped [Note: 1 Crônicas 29:20.].” O that I might be alike successful! O that this whole congregation might resemble them! Verily, if you considered what a mercy God has vouchsafed unto you, in “delivering you from the powers of darkness, and translating you into the kingdom of his dear Son,” I should not plead in vain. Let me then, in conclusion, first address our God in the words of David: “Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from among the heathen, to give thanks unto thy holy name, and triumph in thy praise!” And now let me also, in the language of that same holy prophet, offer unto God the acknowledgment due unto his name: “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting! and let all the people say, Amen: Praise ye the Lord [Note: Salmos 106:47.].”]


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1 Crônicas 29:10; 1 Crônicas 29:20; Daniel 4:2; Daniel 4:3; Êxodo 15:1