Salmos 78:19-22

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 78:19. They spake against God: they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness? Behold, he smote the rock, that the waters gushed out, and the streams overflowed; can he give bread also? can he provide flesh for his people? Therefore the Lord heard this, and was wroth: so a fire was kindled against Jacob, and anger also came up against Israel; because they believed not in God, and trusted not in his salvation.

HUMAN nature is the same in all ages. On a comparison of ourselves with the ancient Jews, we are ready to suppose that we are better than they. But, if we were subjected to the same trials as they, and as faithful a record were kept of all the workings of our hearts, I doubt not but that our incorrigible perverseness would be found to equal theirs.
This murmuring of theirs will lead me to shew,

I. The evil of unbelief—

Unbelief often assumes the garb of humility. But the evil of it appears,

1. From the construction which God himself has put upon it—

[He says, “They spake against God,” when they questioned his power to give them flesh. And this is what we do, whensoever we call in question God’s power to effect any thing which our necessities require. He has declared himself to be possessed of all power in heaven and in earth: “I am the Almighty God [Note: Gênesis 17:1.].” But when we limit his power, we represent him as unworthy of credit; or, as St. John strongly expresses it, “We make him a liar [Note: 1 João 5:10.].” We may not intend to cast this reflection upon him; but we do it; and, in fact, reduce him to a level with his creatures.

As for our acknowledgments of his past interpositions, these aggravate, rather than excuse, our doubts of his power; since they are standing witnesses for him: and our doubts are entertained in direct opposition to their testimony. Let us not, therefore, imagine that the giving of glory to God for past favours will at all palliate our refusal of credit to him for the future: for, on the contrary, he will rather say to us, “Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou calumniator of thy God.”]

2. From the indignation which he manifested on account of it—

[“When he heard these unbelieving doubts, he was wroth: and so a fire was kindled in Jacob, and anger also came up against Israel,” and “he smote them with a very great and fatal plague [Note: Números 11:33.].” Now, it is true, we do not see the same displeasure exercised on us; but we can have no doubt but that our unbelief is as offensive to God as theirs was: indeed, it involves us in deeper guilt; because his mercies to us, in our redemption by Christ, infinitely exceed all which the Jews experienced in the wilderness. And, if we still harbour it in our hearts, it will bring down a proportionably heavier judgment than what theirs brought on them. They were excluded from the earthly Canaan for their unbelief: but we shall be excluded from heaven itself, and from the everlasting enjoyment of our God [Note: Hebreus 3:19; Hebreus 4:1; Hebreus 4:11.].”]

Seeing, then, that unbelief is so offensive to him, let us inquire after,


The disposition of mind which God approves—

This is clearly intimated in our text: His anger was kindled against Israel, “because they believed not in God, and trusted not in his salvation.” Of all the images that human wisdom can suggest, no one can be devised so complete as that before us, for the purpose of illustrating a life of faith—
[The people of Israel were brought out of Egypt; but they knew not one step of the way that they were to take: they were unprovided with any sustenance: they were incapable of protecting themselves against any enemy: they had to pass through a country infested with wild beasts, and full of obstacles apparently insurmountable: consequently, they had to trust to God for every thing from day to day; and, in dependence upon him, to expect a successful termination of their labours in a peaceful enjoyment of the Promised Land. A new-born infant was not more incapable of providing for itself than they: yet were they to prosecute their journey without fear, and without any apprehension respecting its final issue. Now this is precisely the frame of mind which God expects from us. We must feel our dependence on him as much as they did. We must look to him in every difficulty; and expect from him a supply of every want; and never move, but as guided and directed by him. If trials arise, they must drive us all to him, and lead us to expect from him the more visible manifestations of his power and love. If he delay, we must wait his time: if he appear for a time to have forgotten us, we must regard it only as a call to give him a more abundant measure of glory, by a full persuasion, that “in the mount of difficulty he will be seen;” and that, though he were to suffer us all to perish, he would rather raise us up again from the dead than fail to accomplish any one of his promises. Such was Abraham’s faith; and such should be ours also [Note: Hebreus 11:17.]: and “sooner shall heaven and earth pass away” than one such Believer ever fall short of the promised inheritance.]

And now let me address,

The querulous—

[Alas! to what an awful degree has discontent raged in our hearts, under circumstances of trial; so that we have dared to question, not only the willingness, but even the power, of God to relieve us! Nay, we have even, like Jonah, vindicated our complaints, and thought that “we did well to be angry.” But remember, Brethren, that God is the disposer of all events: and, whilst you vent your rage against those who may have been accessary to your troubles, your murmuring is in reality against God. Beware, I pray you, lest you provoke him to anger, and bring down upon your souls his heavy displeasure. Your wisdom and your duty is, under every affliction, to “be silent before God,” or to say, “It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good.”]

2. The doubting—

[You do not well to limit the mercies of your God. “Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I have a child, who am old [Note: Gênesis 18:12.]?” And wherefore do you suffer any difficulties to shake your confidence in God? “Is there any thing too hard for the Lord?” Peter, when he saw the waves, began to sink through fear. But our Lord reproved him, saying, “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” So then I say to you, Look only to the promises: and think not whether they be more or less difficult of accomplishment: but take them; plead them; rest on them; expect the fulfilment of them: and be assured, that “not one thing shall fail, of all the good things which the Lord your God has promised to you [Note: Josué 23:14.].” “Faithful is He that hath called you; who also will do it [Note: 1 These. 5:24.].”]

3. The true believer—

[“Hold fast your confidence in God.” This will bring peace unto your souls, and will give glory to your God. Of all the graces that have been ever exercised by the Lord’s people, no one has been so much noticed, and so highly applauded by him, as faith. Even when as bright an assemblage of graces as ever were united, were called forth into exercise by the penitent Mary, nothing but her faith was noticed by our Lord: “Thy faith hath saved thee: go in peace [Note: Lucas 7:50.].” In fact, as it is that which, more than any other grace, honours God, that beyond every other shall be honoured by him. “Be strong then in faith, giving glory to God;” and “according to your faith it shall be unto you.”]

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