2 Coríntios 10:15-16

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Coríntios 10:15. Having hope, when your faith is increased, that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly, to preach the Gospel in the regions beyond you.

THE Apostle Paul was a man of an enlarged heart: he panted for the salvation of the whole world, and to the utmost of his power laboured to promote it. But, in his labours, he was under the direction of his Divine Master, who assigned to him the path in which he was to run. To the course that was prescribed to him he carefully adhered; neither going beside it, to interfere with others; nor going beyond it, as obtruding himself any where without an express commission. In these respects, he differed widely from some who sought to establish themselves on the foundation which he had laid at Corinth, and to subvert his influence in the Church which he had planted. To remedy the evils which had been introduced by them, he meditated another visit to that city; and hoped, after rectifying all abuses there, to proceed to other regions beyond them, for the purpose of diffusing more widely, than he had yet done, the Gospel of Christ. This intention, which he specifies in the words of our text, will lead me to set before you,

I. The desires of a faithful minister, in reference to any Church which he may have planted—

He will desire their growth in every grace—
[However numerous his converts may be, no faithful minister will be satisfied, unless they make their profiting to appear. Every believer is enjoined to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ [Note: 2 Pedro 3:18.]:” and it is in that way alone that he can either promote the honour of God, or advance his own happiness — — — Like persons engaged in a race, he must “forget what is behind, and reach forward to that which is before; and press towards the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus [Note: Filipenses 3:13.]. A mother, however rejoicing over her infant child, would soon cease to rejoice, if she saw no advancement in his stature: and so can no faithful minister find pleasure in his converts, if he see them not gradually advancing in the divine life, and “growing up towards the measure of the full stature of Christ.”]

He will desire their growth in faith more particularly—
[Faith is the root of every grace; and according to its vital operations in us, will be our growth in all that is good. When our Lord inculcated on his Apostles the exercise of a forgiving spirit, they replied, “Lord, increase our faith [Note: Lucas 17:3.]!” One would have supposed that they should rather have said, “Increase our love.” But they judged well; because their love was sure to be augmented in proportion to their faith. It is precisely in the same view that St. Paul speaks to the Corinthians, when he refers to an expected “increase of their faith.” It is by increasing discoveries of the great mystery of redemption, and of the glory of God as displayed in it, that we are to be assimilated to the image of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ [Note: 2 Coríntios 3:18.]; and to be rendered meet for the service of God on earth, or the enjoyment of him in heaven — — —]

The Apostle’s hopes of ultimately proceeding to regions beyond them, lead me yet further to notice,


The desires of a faithful minister, in reference to the whole world—

A truly benevolent mind will extend its efforts as far as possible for the welfare of mankind: it would not willingly leave one to “perish, for whom Christ died.” In diffusing the blessings of salvation to the whole world, the pious minister,

1. Will labour personally with all his might—

[A minister’s first concern is, to instruct the people committed to his charge: nor will the most enlarged philanthropy justify a neglect of his more appropriate duties. But, whilst it is his duty to pray, “Thy kingdom come,” it is his duty to exert himself, according to his ability, to extend that kingdom to the very ends of the earth. If by his own personal labours he can carry the Gospel to foreign lands, he will account it his highest honour to engage in that service; and, like the Apostle, will regard every advance which he makes, a step towards regions and services yet beyond. But if his proper labours be stationary, he will exert all his influence to accomplish, through the instrumentality of others, what he cannot effect by his own personal exertions — — —]

2. Will look for the concurrence and aid of all his people—

[St. Paul hoped that his Corinthian converts would unite in furthering, to the utmost of their power, his efforts for the benefit of others beyond them. It is possible enough that the partiality of some towards him might have made them desirous of enjoying his continued labours, even at the expense of others whom he hoped to benefit. But such selfish wishes are decidedly wrong. We should be willing to make sacrifices for the good of others; and to “seek not our own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved [Note: 1 Coríntios 10:33.].” By such sacrifices the people do, in fact, concur in promoting and propagating the Gospel of the kingdom: and, if to these they add their pecuniary contributions and their prayers, for the furtherance of this good work, they are, in the truest and sublimest sense, “fellow-workers with God.” To this, therefore, the faithful minister will endeavour to bring his people: that, through the united efforts of many, that work may be done, which cannot be effected by individual exertion.]

Let me now entreat you,

To improve your own privileges—

[Through the tender mercy of God, “the Gospel is come unto you;” and many of you, I trust, have been led to “believe in Christ, to the saving of your souls.” But let none of you continue “weak in faith.” Your faith must increase: your views must be more enlarged, your affiance more simple, your confidence more firm: you must “be strong in faith, if you would give glory unto God.” Remember, that it is “to perfect that which is lacking in your faith,” that our labours are directed: and you yourselves must ever keep that object in view. Go on then, from grace to grace: and let this testimony be borne respecting you, that “your faith and love grow exceedingly.”]

2. To extend those privileges to all around you—

[There is no need that any of you should overstep the line assigned you by Divine Providence: but, if your personal efforts are limited, your wishes and your prayers should know no bounds. I call upon you, then, to help forward the work of God in the world. Assist, to the utmost of your power, the different societies that are established for the conversion whether of Jews or Gentiles: for in this way, though you yourselves are stationary, the work of God will be advanced by you; seeing that the active agents of those societies, both at home and abroad, will “be enlarged by you abundantly.”]

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