2 Crônicas 29:31

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Crônicas 29:31. Then Hezekiah answered and said, Now ye have consecrated yourselves unto the Lord, come near and bring sacrifices and thank-offerings into the house of the Lord.

RELIGION is the brightest ornament of every state. Solomon was never more truly encircled with glory, than when he led the devotions of his people at the dedication of the temple: nor was Hezekiah at any period of his reign more honourably employed, than when he was purifying that temple from the abominations which had been introduced into it by his father Ahaz. The exhortation in our text was delivered by him to the whole congregation of Israel, after that the sacrifices for the purification of the temple had been offered. And to you who are of the younger part of our audience they may with great propriety be addressed, after the services which you have this day been called to perform.
With a more immediate view to your benefit, we will consider,

I. The act in which you have been engaged—

You have been to the bishop to be confirmed: and this is,

1. A solemn act—

[From the levity of too many who attend on these occasions, it may be thought to be a ceremony of no importance. But it is a most solemn transaction between God and your souls. You have this day been taking upon yourselves the vows which were made in your behalf at your baptism; and have been devoting yourselves to God as his servants: and, whether you have been sincere or not in the performance of the duty, the consequences of it will be very important: if you have given yourselves to the Lord in sincerity and truth, he has accepted you to his favour, and numbered you among his children: but, if you have lied unto God with your lips, you have riveted upon your souls your former iniquities, and provoked God to give you up to greater obduracy [Note: Isaías 28:22.Romanos 1:21.] — — —]

2. A reasonable act—

[The first-fruits of every thing were the Lord’s: nor could any man appropriate them to his own use without the greatest impiety. Thus are the first-fruits of your time and strength to be given up to God. It is generally thought that the Jewish children at about twelve years of age went up to Jerusalem to be presented to the Lord in a more solemn manner: and we know that our blessed Lord went thither at this age, that he might in a more peculiar way than he had ever before done, engage in the services of “his Father’s house.” We cannot do better than follow his example in this particular. As soon as we have arrived at an age when we are capable of understanding and executing the vows that are upon us, we should go up to the house of the Lord, and there solemnly acknowledge our obligations to serve our God, and implore from him the grace and strength that shall be needful for us. This, we are expressly told, is “a reasonable service [Note: Romanos 12:1.].”]

3. An irrevocable act—

[It was an established law, that if anything whatsoever had been devoted to the Lord, it could not be recalled. Least of all then can you be liberated from the engagement which you have this day entered into, and which would have been binding upon you, even though you had never obeyed the call of your diocesan in relation to it — — —]
But confirmation is to be the commencement of a new and more determined course of devotedness to God. I will therefore proceed to mark,


The duty which yet remains to be performed—

The act in which you have this day been engaged must be,

1. Continued—

[The whole remainder of your lives is the time for the performance of your vows. There never will arrive a period when you are absolved from them, or when you are at liberty to relax your attention to them. Every morning and evening were the sacrifices offered in the temple, and a double number on the seventh day: so must every day begin and end with fresh surrenders of yourselves to God; and the Sabbath in particular must be a day of more than ordinary communion with him. “If you look back, after having put your hand to the plough, you are not fit for the kingdom of God:” yea, “if you draw back, it is to certain and everlasting perdition [Note: Lucas 9:62.Hebreus 10:38.].”]

2. Progressive—

[After all had been done that was necessary for the purification of the temple, Hezekiah called on the people to present sacrifices and thank-offerings unto the Lord: and, in consequence of this exhortation, they were presented in great numbers. The sacrifices which God desires of you, are, not sheep and oxen, but the offering of a free, a contrite, a devoted heart [Note: See Romanos 12:1. before cited.]. And, as the first offerings which were presented, were from duty and necessity, and the last from a superabundant zeal for God, and gratitude to his name, so are your surrenders of your hearts to God to be daily more willing, more grateful, more entire [Note: Isaías 44:3.Jeremias 50:4.] — — —]


To the young, we recommend the counsel of Hezekiah—

[Never think you can do enough for Him, who has bought you with his blood — — —]

2. To the more advanced we recommend his admirable example

[Whatever influence you have, use it diligently for the Lord — — —]

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