Apocalipse 2:19-23

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Apocalipse 2:19. I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the Churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

IN reading these different epistles, we cannot but tremble, lest, after all our endeavours to serve the Lord, we come short at last, and, when weighed in the balance of the sanctuary, we be found wanting. Truly, to be Christians indeed, is no easy task. But “the grace of Christ is sufficient for us;” and will prove itself sufficient, if only we seek it in spirit and in truth. In dependence on that grace, let us proceed to consider,

I. The characteristic excellence of the Church at Thyatira—

Great were the virtues for which they were commended—
[Our blessed Lord, who with infallible certainty “knew all their works,” said to them, “I know thy charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience.” Under these expressions, I conceive, were contained their principal duties both to God and man. Their “love” both to God and man abounded: and it was operative in every kind of “service” both to the one and to the other, according as opportunity was afforded for the exercise of love. It sprang also from the only true source of all acceptable obedience; that is, from faith in God, as their reconciled God and Saviour. It continued also to operate under all circumstances, however difficult or distressing. No fires of persecution could quench it; no sufferings could abate its ardour: they took up their cross with cheerfulness, and bare it with constancy, and brought forth fruit with “patience;” so that “patience,” as well as love, “had in them its perfect work.” What St. Paul said, in reference to the Thessalonian Church, St. John might well have applied to those at Thyatira: “We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers; remembering, without ceasing, your works of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 1:2.].”]

But their chief excellence was, that their piety had been progressive—
[Our blessed Lord yet further testified respecting them, that their last works had been more than their first. They had not “left their first love,” as those of the Church at Ephesus had done; but had “grown in grace,” and had made a proficiency in every part of their duty. Now, to this progress in the divine life God has especial regard; insomuch that, however righteous we may have been in times past, “our righteousness, if we turn away from it, shall no more be remembered; but for the sin that we have committed we shall die [Note: Ezequiel 33:12; Ezequiel 33:18.].” “It is the character of the truly righteous man, that “he holds on his way, and his hands wax stronger and stronger [Note: Jó 17:9.].” His path must be like the shining light, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day [Note: Provérbios 4:18.].” “The man who, after having put his hand to the plough, looks back, is not fit for the kingdom of God [Note: Lucas 9:62.].” To be “weary in well-doing,” however arduous our labour may be, will deprive us of that recompence [Note: Gálatas 6:9.], which a persevering “continuance in it would have assured [Note: Romanos 2:7.].” Whatever we may have attained, we must “abound more and more [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 4:1.]:” our “love” must be more fervent, our “service” more abundant, our “faith” more steadfast, our “patience” more invincible, and our “works” altogether more consonant with our obligations, and more consistent with our professions. Like St. Paul, we should “forget what is behind, and reach forward to what is before; and press on, with ever-increasing ardour, for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus [Note: Filipenses 3:13.].” When this is our state, we may assuredly expect the approbation of our God [Note: 2 Tessalonicenses 1:3.]

Nevertheless, this was not the character of all in that Church: on which account our Lord proceeded to state,


The guilt and danger in which some of their members were involved—

A most fatal imposture was tolerated among them—
[Who it was that is here designated by the name of “Jezebel,” or whether there were more than one, we cannot say: it is not improbable that several were engaged in seducing others: at all events, whether one or many, they were justly called Jezebel, because of their resemblance to that abandoned woman. She, though married to Ahab, retained her zeal for idolatry, and used every device to support and propagate it. Thus, at Thyatira, some who professed themselves Christians were idolaters in heart, and exerted themselves, in the most subtle methods, to disseminate their principles; yea, they even pretended to a divine commission, to draw others to a compliance with their idolatrous practices, which in Scripture language is “fornication” and “adultery.” These persons “had space given them to repent; but they repented not:” and their obstinacy in sin greatly heightened both their own guilt and the guilt of those also who tolerated them in the Church. It is true, the members of the Church were not invested with any civil authority, and therefore could not punish the offenders with the sword: but they should have united in condemning the sentiments and conduct of those impostors, and, by a sentence of excommunication, have purged out this leaven from among them.]
Against those who had thus sanctioned the imposture, our Lord denounced the heaviest judgments—
[In these threatenings there is a striking reference to what had been accomplished towards Jezebel and her family. She had shed the blood of Naboth in Jezreel; and both her husband’s blood and her son’s blood were licked by dogs, in the very same place where dogs had before licked the blood of Naboth; yea, she herself also was devoured by dogs, almost on the same spot [Note: 1 Reis 21:9; 1 Reis 21:19; 1 Reis 21:23; 1 Reis 22:38 and 2 Reis 9:25; 2 Reis 9:36.]: and soon afterwards, the whole family of Ahab, even seventy sons, were put to death. Thus God threatened, that, for their spiritual fornication, “he would cast them into a bed, and those who committed adultery with them, into great tribulation, and that he would kill the teachers and their followers with death.” He further declared, that, as in the case of Jezebel, their sin should be so visibly marked in their punishment, as to manifest to the whole Church, that the Saviour, whom they thus despised, was indeed the omniscient Jehovah [Note: Mark the force of the words, “I am He that searcheth;” i. e. that I possess that which is the prerogative of God alone.] and the righteous Judge of all. He did indeed still offer to pardon them on their repentance: but if that offer, like those which had preceded it, should be slighted, his vengeance would come upon them to the uttermost.

And is there not, in every age, a remarkable correspondence between the judgments inflicted on false teachers and the sins which they commit? The contemners of vital godliness, whether of the Infidel or Antinomian class, are filled with pride and presumption: and God “gives them over to delusion, till they believe their own lie,” and “perish in their own corruptions.” O that both the deceivers and deceived might “repent them of their deeds!” and that all who have hitherto maintained their steadfastness might so zealously oppose the incursions of sin and error, as to “preserve” themselves, and all with whom they are connected, “blameless unto the day of Christ!” If, however, this warning be slighted, let it be remembered, that “the end of all shall be according to their works.”]

In conclusion, I would say to every one amongst you—

Imitate their virtues—

[It is to little purpose to call yourselves Christians, if ye be not “Christians indeed, and without guile.” If the Lord were to testify respecting the great mass of the Christian world, he must say, ‘I know thy works to be the very reverse of all that distinguished the Thyatiran Church: thou hast no love to me; nor dost thou render me the services I require: nor hast thou any of that faith which worketh by love; nor dost thou bear any cross for righteousness’ sake. Thy works, from year to year, are still the same, except so far as age or outward circumstances may cause them to vary: thou art still the same unhumbled, unbelieving, and disobedient sinner as ever thou wast.’ But let it not be so with you, my brethren: let God’s testimony rather be, ‘I know thy works, and thine, and thine, that they are altogether such as I approve; and that thou art advancing so manifestly in holiness, that “thy profiting appears unto all” ’ — — —]

2. Tremble, lest thou be exposed to their judgments—

[You are continually under the eye of the heart-searching God, who sees every defect in your obedience, and will judge you at the last day according to your works. He requires of you, not a personal obedience only, but a constant exertion, according to your power, to promote the same in others. You are responsible to God for your influence; whether it extend to the Church at large, or be limited to the narrower sphere of your more immediate neighbours. You should feel a holy zeal for God; and should labour, according to your ability, to uphold his honour in the world. God, I say, expects this at your hands; and he will call you to an account for the improvement of every talent committed to your charge. May you all approve yourselves faithful to him, that when he shall come to judgment, you may receive that plaudit at his hands, “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord!”]

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