Atos 16:29-31

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Atos 16:29. Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, and brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved.

VARIOUS are the ways in which God effects the conversion of sinners to himself. Some he draws by the attractive influences of his Spirit; causing his word to distil as dew upon their souls, and imperceptibly, as it were, opening their understandings (as he did Lydia’s [Note: ver. 14.]), and inclining their hearts to embrace his truth. With others he deals rather in a way of fear and terror; filling them with compunction (as he did the converts on the day of Pentecost [Note: Atos 2:37.]), and awakening them from their security by some awful dispensation of his providence. It was thus that he impressed the savage mind of the jailor, whose conversion we are about to consider. By an earthquake at midnight, (an earthquake that shook the very foundations of the prison, and opened all its doors,) he first rendered him sensible of his guilt and danger, and stimulated him to make the inquiries, which terminated in the conversion and salvation of his soul.

The jailor’s inquiry, and the answer given to it, will form the natural division of our text.

I. The jailor’s inquiry—

In this there are two things worthy of particular attention:

1. The importance of it—

[There is no other concern in this world of so great, or so universal, importance. The inquiring, “What we shall eat, or drink, or be clothed with,” is certainly necessary in this present state of existence: but those things are not worth a thought, in comparison of the salvation of the soul [Note: Mateus 6:31. The soul! Heaven! Hell! Eternity! what weighty considerations.] — — — Nor is there any human being who needs not this inquiry. All are sinners; and, as sinners, condemned: all therefore have reason to dread the wrath of God, and to ask how they may obtain mercy at his hands — — — Youth, learning, riches, do not at all supersede the necessity of this inquiry: all are liable to be summoned, at any moment, into the presence of their God, who is no respecter of persons, but will judge every man according to his works — — — They who have embraced the salvation offered by him in the Gospel, will be saved by him: they who have slighted and neglected it, whatever be their rank or condition in life, will perish.]

2. The manner in which it was made—

[Here we see an earnestness suited to the object inquired offer, and a determination of heart to follow any directions which these servants of God should give him. He did not, like Pilate, ask with indifference, “What is truth [Note: João 18:38.]?” and then go away without waiting for an answer: nor did he, like the Jews at Rome, ask in a mere speculative or inquisitive manner, “We desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest [Note: Atos 28:22.].” It was with him a personal concern; a matter of the greatest importance. He had no disposition to cavil or dispute: but an ardent desire to know how he might obtain mercy at the hands of his offended God. They needed only to point out to him the way of life, and he was ready without hesitation to use the means prescribed, how difficult soever the task might be, or whatever sacrifices he might be called to make in the pursuit of this great object — — —]

And now let us see what was,


The answer given him—


1. Its simplicity—

[Men, by cavils and disputes, have thrown obscurity over the plainest of all truths. To the proud and self—sufficient, the faith of the Gospel is made a stumbling-block: but to the humble and contrite, the light of the meridian sun is not more clear. Here are no conditions imposed, no limitations fixed. It is not said, “If you will do so many good works, Jesus Christ will accept you:” but simply, “Believe in him:” believe that he has died to save sinners; believe, that by the blood of his cross he has made reconciliation for you with God, and that he will save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him.” Think not to purchase the Divine favour by any thing of your own, but seek it as the free gift of God for Christ’s sake. “Look” to Christ, as the wounded Israelites did to the brazen serpent; and “wash” in the fountain of his blood, as Naaman did in the streams of Jordan: then shall you “be healed” from your leprosy, and “be saved” from the deadly wounds of sin — — — Yes, you, notwithstanding the treatment you have shewn to us, his servants, and notwithstanding you have never thought of salvation till this moment of terror and alarm, even you shall surely, shall instantly, be saved by him, if only you trust in him with your whole heart — — — What beautiful simplicity is there in this way of salvation!]

2. Its efficacy—

[“Sharper than a two-edged sword was the word” spoken by Paul and Silas. As it suited the jailor’s case, so it reached his heart, and proved “the power of God to the salvation of his soul.” It instantly turned his sorrow into joy [Note: ver. 34. He was enabled to see the freeness, the suitableness, the sufficiency of the Gospel salvation, and to trust with confidence in the promises made to him in Christ Jesus. Thus were his fears dissipated, and his terrors changed into exultation and triumph.] — — — It also with no less rapidity, changed and renewed his soul. But a few hours before, he had with unrelenting cruelty executed the commission which he had received from the persecuting magistrates; “thrusting these divine messengers into the inner prison, and making their feet fast in the stocks.” But now “he took them into his own house, and washed their stripes, and set meat before them:” yea, “the very same hour of the night” did he thus evince the truth of his conversion — — — Finally, it caused him, without hesitation, to become a determined follower of Christ. Though he saw what he was likely to suffer for the truth’s sake, he did “not consult with flesh and blood,” or temporize at all; but immediately, with all his household, devoted himself to God in baptism, and avowed himself a friend of this persecuted religion.

Surely the wonder-working rod of Moses did not more clearly display the power of God, when it divided the Red Sea, or brought water from the rock, than this simple declaration did in the change it wrought on this ferocious jailor.]


The secure—

[When do you intend to begin this inquiry? Is it a fit employment for a dying hour? — — — Will the consciousness of having neglected it excite no fears when you are just entering on eternity, or leave no room for regret when you stand at the judgment-seat of Christ? — — — O that you were wise, and would consider your latter end! — — —]

2. The fearful—

[Some there are who make this inquiry, we trust, in sincerity, yet do not derive comfort from the Apostle’s direction: they are so discouraged by a sense of their own unworthiness, that they are not able to lay hold on the promises of the Gospel: they are ready to think it would be presumption in them to expect mercy in so free a way. But, whatever have been their past state, they may come, yea, they must come to Christ in this way. If our unworthiness were a bar to our acceptance with God, who would ever be saved? — — — But the fact is, that such persons do not see enough of their unworthiness; for if they did, they would immediately perceive that they must come to Christ, as the most unworthy of his creatures, or lie down in everlasting despair.

Dear brethren, do not indulge pride under the garb of humility; but be willing to come to Christ as ye are. Only feel as the jailor did, and you need not fear but that you shall be accepted as readily as the jailor was — — —]

3. The believing—

[Doubtless some of you have been enabled to believe in Christ, and to found all your hopes on his atoning sacrifice. Let me then say to you, that you must not consider the work of faith as done, but merely as begun, and as necessary to be carried on every day and hour. You must “live still from day to day by faith on the Son of God” — — — At the same time, O let me remind you to “shew forth your faith by your works.” You see how the jailor honoured God, by a cordial acquiescence in the terms proposed, a bold confession of the crucified Jesus, a thorough change both of heart and life, and a joyful expectation that not a tittle of God’s word should fail. Go ye on thus, trusting in God with all your hearts, and glorifying God with all your souls.]

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