Atos 19:18-20

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Atos 19:18. And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and turned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.

IT seems that, in former ages, Satan had a greater power over the persons and concerns of men than we at this time imagine him to possess. That, in the days of Moses, there were persons who professed to have connexion with Satan, and to cause, through his influence, effects surpassing the power of man to produce, we cannot doubt: because he says to all the people of Israel, “There shall not be found among you any one that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer [Note: Deuteronômio 18:10.].” And it can scarcely be doubted but that powers superhuman were occasionally exercised by them. The magicians of Pharaoh, I think, gave a satisfactory evidence of this. Persons so influenced, were confederates with Satan. But there have been others, especially in the apostolic age, possessed by him against their will; and it should seem that he was permitted to infest men in a more than ordinary degree at that time, in order to give an opportunity for the Lord Jesus Christ to manifest, in a more abundant measure, how entirely the whole creation was under his controul. A remarkable occasion had just offered itself to the notice of the people at Ephesus. Seven sons of one Sceva, a Jewish priest, professing themselves exorcists, undertook to expel a demon from a person that was possessed; and, for that end, adjured the spirit, in the name of the Lord Jesus, to depart from him. But the spirit acknowledging his inability to withstand the command of Jesus, when uttered by one who was duly authorized to issue it in his name, stirred up the man to fall upon them with irresistible fury; and “they all fled out of the house naked and wounded,” happy to escape even with their lives. This was so strong a testimony to the Lord Jesus, that it carried conviction to the minds of multitudes; and determined them instantly to renounce their confederacy with Satan, and to approve themselves, in the face of the whole world, the faithful servants of Christ. Their conduct on this occasion will lead me to shew,

I. What effects the Gospel produced on them—

Some amongst them had already “believed” in Christ; but not so as to come under the full influence of the Gospel [Note: See João 2:23.]. Others were wrought upon at this time; the wonder, which they beheld, impressing them with a conviction which they had not felt before. A general sentiment now pervaded the whole assembly: and “many, who had used curious arts, now brought their books together, and burned them before all men;” thus shewing, that, through the grace of God, they were enabled to obtain a victory over,

1. The love of this world—

[They had been held in high repute for their skill in magic; and probably, like Simon the Sorcerer, had induced many to regard them with the utmost veneration, “as the great power of God [Note: Atos 8:9.].” But now they “confessed,” before all, that they had been impostors: “they shewed their deeds,” and took shame to themselves as deceivers of the people. The very books, whereby they had been enabled to keep up the deception, they devoted to destruction: and thus gave to all a most unquestionable evidence of their shame, their sorrow, and contrition.

Thus they shewed their disregard of worldly honour. And the same contempt they manifested, also, for their worldly interests. These books were numerous, and of exceeding great value. At the lowest calculation, they would have sold for 1500l. of our money: and, if the owners had been anxious about their temporal interest, they might easily have found an excuse for converting their property into money. But they preferred the honouring of God, in the destruction of property that must be so hateful to him. And in this sentiment they were all of one accord and of one mind.]

2. The principle of sin within them—

[Perhaps this was the greatest sacrifice that they could make; since, from a variety of considerations, both of honour and of interest, these books were regarded by them as their dearest treasure. But they were afraid lest these books, if retained by them, should become a snare to them in future; or, if sold by them, become an occasion of sin to others: and in either case the evil would be incalculable. They now felt the bitterness of sin; and would gladly, if possible, root it out of their own hearts, and prevent its continuance in the world. Hence, so far as they could by this act effectuate that holy purpose, they determined to do it. At all events, they saw that this sacrifice would glorify their Lord and Master; and evince, to all who beheld it, that nothing hostile to his interests and his honour should be suffered to exist.]
From this slight sketch of the power of the Gospel, we may see,


What effects it may well be expected to produce on us also—

Its effects are uniform in every age and every place [Note: Colossenses 1:6.]: in every soul where it gains a due ascendant, it will produce, so far as circumstances will admit of it, the same feelings in reference to sin;—the same feelings, I say,

1. Of shame and sorrow—

[The true penitent will call to mind the evils he has committed, and will be ready to “confess them” before God and man. The things which once contributed to the advancement of his reputation and interests in the world he will now be ready to paint in their true colours, and to take shame to himself on account of them. There is scarcely any sin which is not extenuated by some specious appellation, if not dignified also by some honourable name. But the true convert views every thing in its reference to eternity. He tries his ways by the standard of God’s word, and judges himself as he will be judged at the last day. Nor will he now be afraid to bear his testimony before all men, both by word and deed, that God alone is to be served, and that every thing contrary to His will is to be abandoned. He will not plead for sin of any kind, however fashionable, however gainful, however pleasant: he will endeavour to destroy it, root and branch; “not retaining a right hand or a right eye,” that may by any means displease his God, or prove a snare to his own soul [Note: Mateus 5:29.]

2. Of indignation and abhorrence—

[This, in particular, was evinced by the people at Ephesus, and is pre-eminently characteristic of real penitence. See it in the Corinthian Church, when they were made sorry after a godly manner: “Behold this self-same thing, that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you; yea, what clearing of yourselves; yea, what indignation; yea, what fear; yea, what vehement desire; yea, what zeal; yea, what revenge. In all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter [Note: 2 Coríntios 7:9.].” Thus will repentance manifest itself in every upright soul. It will not only mourn for sin, but will put it away, and most especially the besetting sin. Has a man been addicted to worldliness, or intemperance, or impurity? if he be a penitent, he will cut off occasion for the indulgence of his evil propensities, and shun the company, the scenes, the very thoughts, that would be likely to kindle in him a desire after his unhallowed gratifications. He will put far from him the incentives to sin; and as carefully avoid the becoming a snare to others, as the indulgence of sin in his own soul. Nor will he be content with this: no; he will enter his protest against the lusts by which he has been led captive; and will endeavour, by his public deportment, to undo all the evil which, by his example, he has countenanced in the world. O, brethren, tell me whether this be the habit of your minds; and whether it can be said of you, that “in all things ye are proving yourselves to be clear in this matter.”]

From hence we may see,

What a blessing the Gospel is to the World—

[This is its true and genuine effect, wherever it comes: this is its operation on individuals and kingdoms, so far as its influence extends. Truly, it will destroy the reign of Satan, and establish the authority of Christ throughout the world. Think what it did in the apostolic age: think what it has done even in this place. Say, has it not wrought on many of you, my brethren, as it did on those at Ephesus; so that you have not only “cast your idols to the moles and to the bats;” but you would, if it were possible, annihilate the very existence of sin within you? Well: the time is coming when these effects shall be seen over the face of the whole earth; and all those nations that are now under the dominion of Satan, shall “become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ [Note: If this were the subject of a Mission Sermon, the habits of the Heathen might here be depicted.].”]

2. How to judge respecting our reception of it—

[The calling of ourselves “believers” will not prove us to belong to Christ. Of those in our text many are said to have “believed,” whilst yet they were far from possessing saving faith. Till their faith wrought by works, it was no better than the faith of devils: for “faith without works is dead.” Take, then, the conduct of these Ephesians as a test whereby to try yourselves. Are you filled with the same holy zeal that animated them; the same determination to mortify sin in yourselves, to discountenance it in others, and to bear your testimony before the whole world, that Christ alone is to be served and honoured and obeyed? Bring yourselves, I say, to this test; and see whether your conduct speaks for you, as theirs did for them. Call not this enthusiasm: it is not enthusiasm, but duty, yea, and the duty too of all that believe in Christ. Rise, then, to this, my brethren; and beg of God so to assist you by his Holy Spirit, that you may come short of it in nothing, but “be lights” to all around you, and “salt” that shall keep all, who come in contact with you, from corruption. If ye profess to believe in Christ, and have a “hope in him,” see that ye follow him in all things, and “purify yourselves, even as He is pure.”]

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