Atos 20:24

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Atos 20:24. But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the Gospel of the grace of God.

OF all the employments under heaven, there is not one so honourable or so useful as that in which the ministers of the Gospel have the happiness to be engaged. The government of kingdoms has respect only to the things of time; whereas the ministry of the Gospel, both in its ordination by God, and its exercise by men, refers altogether to the concerns of eternity. We mean not to depreciate other offices; or to place the common office of a pastor on a footing with that of a Prophet or an Apostle: but still we must be permitted to “magnify our office” beyond that of any earthly magistrate, as far as things visible and temporal are excelled by things invisible and eternal.
But the trials with which a faithful discharge of our duty is attended are proportionably great. Fallen man does not like to be reclaimed: he wishes to banish God from his thoughts. If warned of his guilt and danger, he is indignant; and says to us, “Prophesy unto us smooth things; prophesy deceits; and make the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.” From the days of Cain, even to the present hour, has the exercise of vital godliness been an occasion of offence: and the more the Divine authority has been asserted, the more offence has been given to an ungodly world. Hence Prophets and Apostles have all, in their respective ages, fallen a sacrifice to their fidelity. St. Paul, at his first appointment to the apostolic office, was told what great things he should suffer for the Lord’s sake; and his trials far exceeded those of any other Apostle: but, in a review of all that he had endured, and in the prospect of all that he was yet taught to expect, he could say, “None of these things move me,” &c.
From these words I shall take occasion to shew,

I. What is the office of a minister—

The office of every minister is, “to testify the Gospel of the grace of God.”
This was the one employment of the Apostle—
[He proclaimed, with all fidelity, “the Gospel” of Christ, or, in other words, the salvation which the Lord Jesus Christ has wrought out for us by his own obedience unto death — — — This he proclaimed to be altogether “of grace,” in the first appointment of the Lord Jesus to be a Mediator between God and man; in the acceptance of his sacrifice as an expiation for sin; in the bestowment of faith on the individuals of mankind; and in the completion of the work in the souls of all that shall be saved. From the beginning to the end, in all its parts, this salvation was traced by him to the free and sovereign grace of God — — — Of these things, also, he “testified with much contention.” He was constantly opposed by Judaizing teachers on the one hand, and by conceited philosophers on the other; and he was constrained to exert himself with all earnestness, in order that the truth of the Gospel might be fully known, and be established on the firmest basis. The Epistles to the Romans and to the Galatians are the best comment on these words; and must fully evince the energy with which the Apostle maintained his testimony, whether against dissembling friends or violent opponents.]
This, also, is the employment of every faithful minister—
[To make known the way of salvation is the very end for which ministers are ordained. They come as heralds of the Most High God, to proclaim mercy to a ruined world, through the vicarious sacrifice of the Son of God — — — But against the testimony of a faithful minister all the prejudices and passions of mankind will rise; and he will be constrained to maintain his ground by a constant appeal to Holy Writ, as the only standard of truth, and the only arbiter that is competent to decide the controversy. In his disputations he must be firm, in order to support the honour of his God, whose grace alone must be exalted from first to last. If an angel from heaven were to broach a doctrine which derogated from this, he must withstand him to the face, and pronounce him accursed [Note: Gálatas 1:8.]. Whatever truths he may have occasion to bring forward, he must always mark their bearing upon the doctrines of grace; shewing how they lead to those doctrines, or arise out of them; that so the truth of the Gospel may be kept inviolate, and “Christ may be exalted as all in all [Note: Colossenses 3:11.].” In a word, he must determine, throughout the whole of his testimony, to “know nothing, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified [Note: 1 Coríntios 2:1.].”]

Whilst in this passage we see what the ministerial office is, we behold also,


How it is to be discharged—

We have reason to he thankful for the trials he sustained; since they drew forth from him a full statement of his feelings in relation to them. From his example we learn, that this testimony must be borne,

1. With undaunted firmness—

[Never was there a faithful servant of God who was not persecuted for righteousness’ sake. If bonds and imprisonments do not await the pious minister at this day, it is not because he is less an object of hatred now than formerly, but because he is better protected by the laws of the land. The men who build the sepulchres of departed saints are as ready as ever to persecute the living ones, if only the restraints imposed upon them were withdrawn. The continuance of the inquisition amongst Catholics sufficiently shews what ungodly hypocrites would yet do, if they had it in their power. But the servant of God must be ready to encounter every danger: he must die daily, in the habit of his mind; and be ready to lay down his life, at any time, and in any manner, for his Master’s sake. “He must make no account [Note: See the Greek.]” either of labours or of sufferings, if only he may approve himself to God, and be serviceable to the souls of his fellow-creatures — — —]

2. With inflexible perseverance—

[Never must he cease from his labours, as long as he has strength to follow them. He has begun a course, which must never end but with life itself. He has received a commission from his Lord; and to the Lord he must give account of the manner in which it has been executed. Never must he be “weary in well-doing.” St. Paul, when stoned and left for dead, was no sooner, as by miracle, restored to life, than he resumed his work, and prosecuted his labours with all his former intrepidity. He had respect to the account which he must speedily give at the judgment-seat of Christ; and he determined, through grace, that he would give it with joy, and not with grief. So must every minister have the blood of his people required at his hands: and he must so acquit himself in his labours for them, that, if he save not them, he may at least deliver his own soul.]

For an improvement of this subject, let us follow it up,

In a way of inquiry—

[If we are to bear our testimony with fidelity, you are to receive it with the simplicity of little children. But have we not reason to complain with the prophet, “Lord, who hath believed our report?” I know, indeed, that many receive it with outward approbation: but who amongst you accounts it more precious than life itself? If received aright, all things will be counted but as dung and dross in comparison of it. If received aright, it will be obeyed: your course of life will be directed by it: and you will be standing ready to give up your account to him, whose word it is, and whose salvation is proclaimed unto you. O! deceive not yourselves with a mere profession of faith in Christ; but give yourselves up altogether to him: and make him “all your salvation, and all your desire.”]

2. In a way of encouragement—

[Once more we bear our testimony before you; and declare, that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Saviour, the only Saviour, of the world. Once more we declare, that his salvation is free for all; as free as the light we see, or the air we breathe. The grace of God, as revealed in it is exceeding abundant; insomuch that, “where sin has abounded, his grace shall much more abound,” if only ye be willing to accept it as the gift of sovereign love and mercy. Do not, I pray you, place the smallest reliance on any thing of your own: for I testify to every one amongst you, that if you attempt to blend any thing of your own with the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ, you will make void the grace of God, and render Christ himself of no effect. “This is the record of God which we are commissioned to proclaim, that God hath given to us eternal life; and this life is in his Son: he that hath the Son, hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God, hath not life.” Receive this record, and all will be well: reject it, and you must inevitably perish: for “there is no other name given under heaven whereby we must be saved, but the adorable name of Jesus Christ.” If an adherence to Christ expose you to difficulties, be it so: and be content to bear the cross for his sake: but if, through the fear of man, ye deny Christ, know that he will deny you before the whole universe at his tribunal. “If, on the contrary, ye suffer with him, fear not but that ye shall be also glorified together.”]

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