Filipenses 2:14-16

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Filipenses 2:14. Do all things without murmurings and disputings: that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

THERE are times for laying the foundations of religion; and there are times for raising the superstructure. Neither the one nor the other must be neglected, since they are both equally necessary to the completion of the sacred edifice which is to be erected in the soul. St. Paul paid due attention to them both. “As a wise master-builder, he laid the foundation” with all possible care, declaring, that though an angel from heaven were to announce any other ground of hope than the Lord Jesus Christ, he must not be credited, but rather must be held accursed. So extreme was his jealousy upon this point, that, when the Apostle Peter sanctioned, by his conduct, a sentiment that militated against the doctrine of salvation by faith, he rebuked him openly before the whole Church. On the other hand, this holy Apostle was not at all less jealous respecting the performance of good works. In all his epistles, he inculcates the indispensable necessity of them, in order to our final happiness; and in most of them he enters very minutely into the different duties which we are to perform to God, our neighbour, and ourselves. In the beginning of this chapter he had recommended lowliness of mind [Note: ver. 3, 4.]; which he afterwards enforced from the example of Christ [Note: ver. 5–8.]. He here continues the same subject, and inculcates a constant exercise of humility towards both God and man, as the best means of adorning our profession, and of securing to ourselves the blessedness which we look for in the eternal world. Pride fosters in the soul a murmuring disposition towards God, and a contentious disposition towards man. Humility counteracts them both. Hence he says, “Do all things without murmurings and disputings;” engage in every thing with a mind full of submission to God, and of love to man; that whatever difficulties you may have to contend with, there may be nothing in your conduct unworthy of your high and holy profession, nothing that shall endanger your eternal welfare.

To enter properly into the subject before us, it will be necessary for us to consider,

I. The principles which are here assumed—

Notwithstanding his jealousy on the subject of faith, he does not hesitate to declare,

1. That the practical efficacy of religion should be the chief object of our attention now—

[It was so to the Jews of old. They possessed the highest privileges as God’s chosen people, and had ordinances divinely appointed for their stated observance: yet neither their privileges nor their observances availed them any thing, without holiness of heart and life: their circumcision, whilst they were disobedient to the law, was as uncircumcision. To those who boasted that they were Abraham’s seed, and therefore children of God, our Lord said, “If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham;” and, “If God were your Father, ye would love me.” To the same test must our pretensions also be brought. It is in vain for us to “cry, Lord, Lord, if we do not the things which our Lord commands.” It is by our obedience to his will that our blessed Lord estimates our love: “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me:” and again, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” On keeping of God’s commandments, so great a stress is laid, that it is made the one discriminating point between the children of God and the children of the devil. “In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness, is not of God [Note: 1 João 3:6.].” Nor is any profession or privilege available for our eternal welfare without it: for “circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping the commandments of God [Note: 1 Coríntios 7:19 and 1 João 1:6; 1 João 2:7.].”]

2. That it will be the chief object of inquiry at the day of judgment—

[If the Gospel produce not this effect, it is preached in vain; and they who dispense it, “labour in vain.” As now the tree is judged of by its fruits, so will it be “at the day of Christ.” In the account given us by our Lord himself, we are forewarned what will be the grounds of his decision, when he shall judge the world: those whose religion was productive of good works, will be approved and rewarded in proportion to their works: but those who lived in the neglect of good works, will be disapproved and punished. Whatever professions any may have made of faith and love, they will be brought to this test; and according to it they will be justified or condemned. Doubtless respect will be had to the principles from which their works have proceeded: for “God will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the heart:” but the works of all will he viewed as evidences of their internal dispositions, and will form the ground of the judgment which shall be pronounced upon them.]
These principles being established, let us proceed to consider,


The practice which is here inculcated—

We must not undervalue what may be called negative holiness; for, in truth, it is that which constitutes in a great measure the excellence of the saints. The absence of a murmuring disposition, is to a certain degree the same as positive contentment; and the absence of a contentious disposition as positive love. But it is not a low degree of these virtues that we are to seek after:

We should walk as lights in a dark world—
[It would ill become “the children of God” to walk as children of Belial: on the contrary, they should be patterns to the whole world; and should “give no occasion whatever to their enemies to speak reproachfully.” They should be “blameless and harmless, and without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse world.” Nor let this be thought a low attainment. Considering what an ensnaring world we move in, and what depraved and perverse creatures we have to deal with, it is no easy matter so to walk that no man may have any fault to find with us but concerning the law of our God. Such conduct requires incessant vigilance and circumspection on our part, and no small measure of grace from the Lord Jesus Christ. In this way we should shine as lights in a dark world, “holding forth” in the whole of our conduct and conversation “the word of life.” On every side of us there are rocks and quicksands, which prove destructive to thousands, who navigate this tempestuous ocean: and, whilst endeavouring to avoid them ourselves, we should so steer our course, as to perform the office of lights, or light-houses, to others; that they, following our luminous path, may escape the dangers that surround them, and reach in safety the haven of rest. This is the true view in which Christians should consider themselves: they are intended to be witnesses for God, and “epistles of Christ, known and read of all men.” They are so to walk, that others may see clearly in them a transcript of the mind and will of God; and that, conforming themselves to their example, they may advance daily in the paths of righteousness and grace]

This alone will answer the end of ministerial exertions—
[Pastors are appointed for the perfecting of the saints: and unless this be accomplished by the word, it is preached in, vain: instead of proving to the hearers “a savour of life unto life, it will be to them a savour of death unto death.” Till a minister beholds this change wrought in his people, he must of necessity stand in doubt of them [Note: Gálatas 4:11; Gálatas 4:19.]: but when it is wrought in them, he may well rejoice over them, seeing that they shall surely be his joy and crown of rejoicing in the last day [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 2:19.]. Yes;, blessed indeed will be the meeting which he will have with them in that day: he will recognize them as his spiritual children, and present them unto God, saying, Here am “I, and the children thou hast given me.”]

In conclusion, I will,

Guard against any misapprehension of this subject—

[Though we affirm that our works will be the ground of God’s judgment in the last day, we would not be understood to intimate, that there is, or can be, any merit in our works. It is not for any worthiness in them that we are saved, but solely for the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, and brought in an everlasting righteousness for our justification before God. Our works, it is true, will be the test by which our sincerity will be tried, and the standard to which the measure of our reward will be conformed: but it is not for our blamelessness that we shall be accepted; nor will any thing be conferred upon us on the ground of merit: the whole will be a reward of grace, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, and through his obedience unto death. It is highly necessary that this matter should be clearly seen, lest our very virtues become a snare to us, and we perish at last by rejecting the salvation provided for us.]

2. Give directions for attaining the state to which we are called—

[It can be attained only by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ: for it is only by faith that we can be united to him, and only by union with him that we can bring forth fruit to his glory. He himself tells us, that “without him, that is, separate from him, we can do nothing.” If we attempt any thing in our own strength, we shall fail. But “through Christ strengthening us, we can do all things.” To him therefore we must look; and of him we must say, “In the Lord have I righteousness and strength.” Relying on him, we shall never be confounded. Our trials may be great; but we shall be enabled to bear them: our difficulties may be great; but we shall be enabled to surmount them. Nothing shall be impossible to us, if only we live by faith in him. In the midst of temptations we shall “be preserved blameless,” and our “light shall shine brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.”]

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