Hebreus 11:7

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Hebreus 11:7. By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

OF all the principles which operate in the Christian’s mind, faith is the most distinguished. In some respects indeed love claims a preference, because it is the very image of the Deity [Note: 1 João 4:8.], and will exist when faith and hope shall be no more [Note: 1 Coríntios 13:13.]. But as faith is that grace which most of all honours God, so it is that which God most delights to honour. On many occasions wherein a bright assemblage of graces shone forth, our blessed Lord overlooked all others, and commended the faith [Note: Mateus 8:10; Mateus 15:28; Marcos 10:52.Lucas 7:50.]. The chapter before us recounts the exercises of faith in the most eminent saints from the beginning of the world to the days of the Apostles. We shall call your attention at present to the faith of Noah; and,

I. Illustrate it—

The different things here spoken respecting it require us to notice—

1. Its operations—

He credited the “Divine warning”—
[God had declared to him his intention to destroy the world by a deluge. And how did he receive the warning? Did he indulge vain reasonings about the practicability of such an event; or pretend to be more merciful than God? No. Though there was not the remotest appearance of such a thing, he believed it would certainly take place: and though to proud reason it seemed hard that all living creatures, old and young, men and beasts, should be involved in one undiscriminating ruin, yet he doubted not but that it should be as God had said; and was persuaded that “the Judge of all the earth would do right.”]
He was “moved with fear” on account of it—
[He had nothing to fear respecting his eternal state, because he was a perfect and upright man, and walked in holy fellowship with his God. But God was incensed by the wickedness of his creatures, insomuch that “he repented he had made them:” and he determined to pour out his fury upon them to the uttermost. Did it not then become Noah, as well as others, to fear and tremble? Did it become him to be so absorbed in selfishness as to be unconcerned about the destruction, the sudden, and perhaps everlasting, destruction, of all the human race? Indeed a dread of the Divine judgments was necessary, to stir him up to use the proper means for his own safety: and it was an unequivocal proof of his crediting the declarations of God concerning them.]
He exerted himself in God’s appointed way—
[God commanded him to construct a vessel of an immense size, and such an one as had not been seen from the foundation of the world [Note: It was above one hundred and sixty yards long, twenty-seven broad, and sixteen high.]. The expense of building it must be exceeding great, so as to swallow up all his fortune. The time it would occupy would be many years; during all of which the people would be scoffing at him as a deluded visionary, and taking occasion from the very forbearance of God to load him with grosser insults [Note: 2 Pedro 3:4.]. But he regarded not any labour, any odium, any sacrifice in the path of duty: he was intent only on executing the Divine mandate, and on providing for the security of those who should believe his testimony.]

2. Its effects and consequences—

He “condemned the world”—
[During the hundred and twenty years that he was engaged in building the ark, he preached to the world with much earnestness and fidelity: and therefore doubtless condemned them often in his discourses. But he condemned them yet more by his example. His faith condemned their unbelief; his fear, their security; his obedience, their disobedience. If he had not spoken one word with his lips, his constructing the ark would have been a tacit, but keen, and continual reproof to all around him.]
He “saved his family”—
[At the appointed time the flood came. The world, notwithstanding all the warnings given them, were as far as ever from expecting the event [Note: Mateus 24:38.]. It is probable that their contempt of Noah’s superstition and folly (as they would call it) had risen to its height, when they saw this immense vessel built, and filled with all different kinds of animals, and provisioned for many months; and Noah with his little family enclosed in it, before the smallest symptom of any inundation had appeared. But in the midst of their revels the flood came and swept them all away: and Noah only, with his family, were preserved. That his family owed their preservation to him is clear; not only because it was ascribed to the exercise of his faith, but because one at least of them was as deserving of God’s wrath as the generality of those who perished.]

He “became an heir of righteousness”—
[Noah knew that the whole of that mysterious dispensation was typical of the salvation which is given us in Christ Jesus [Note: 1 Pedro 3:20.]. He saw that a more terrible deluge was about to overwhelm an ungodly world: and that Christ was the ark which God had prepared for us. Into that ark he entered by faith: and thus, being “found in him [Note: Filipenses 3:9.],” and “preserved in him [Note: Jude, ver. 1.],” he “became an heir of the righteousness which is by faith;” or, in other words, he was accepted, justified, and saved through the Saviour’s merits.]

While we call you to admire the faith of Noah, we would also,


Commend it to your imitation—

Our circumstances being wholly different from his, there must be many particulars in his faith which we cannot imitate, but the substantial parts of it are imitable by all.

1. Believe God’s testimony respecting the judgments which he will bring upon the world—

[There are great and terrible judgments denounced against the ungodly, yea, “against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men [Note: Salmos 9:17; Salmos 11:6 and Romanos 1:18.]” — — — Nor shall gross wickedness only be the object of God’s wrath: a state of unregeneracy, whether attended with more or less open sin, will certainly involve us in the general doom [Note: João 3:3.]: nor shall one of all the human race, at least not one to whom the Gospel has been preached, escape, unless he get into the ark prepared for him [Note: Atos 4:12.].

Now do not presume to dispute against this. Do not, because there is no appearance at present of such calamities, imagine that they shall never come. Do not pretend to be more merciful than God, and to say, God will never execute such tremendous judgments: for “he has said, and he will do it; he has spoken, and he will make it good.” It may appear as improbable as the deluge; but, however improbable it may appear, it shall come to pass; and all who will not believe it now, shall experience the truth of it to their cost.]

2. Use the means of safety which God has appointed—

[You have not to build an ark: there is one constructed and provisioned by God himself; and the door is open for you to enter in, Do not absurdly ask, “How can that vessel save me?” neither attempt to form another for yourself: nor flee to this or that mountain for safety: but go to Christ: seek an interest in him by faith: commit yourself wholly and cheerfully to him: and then you may defy all the storms and billows that menace your destruction. Moreover, delay not to place yourself beyond the reach of danger; because, while you are loitering, “the door may be shut,” and all entrance into it may be barred for ever [Note: Mateus 25:10.]. It is not at all improbable that many who had derided Noah, or perhaps assisted in constructing the ark, clung to it when the floods came; and cried to Noah, “Open to us, and take us in:” and doubtless, if that were the case, Noah would pity their deplorable condition when he heard their cries or saw their unavailing endeavours. But God had shut the door; and Noah was not at liberty to open it: so that, one after another, they all “sank like lead in the mighty waters.” Thus many in the last day will say, “Lord, Lord, open to us;” or “they will cry to the rocks to fall upon them, and the hills to cover them from the wrath of the Lamb [Note: Apocalipse 6:16.]:” but the judgments they once despised, will come upon them irresistibly, and for ever. Cultivate then a holy fear; and enter into the ark while it continues open to you.]

3. Suffer nothing to divert you from your purpose—

[We have said that Noah incurred much odium as well as much expense in this exercise of faith. And it is certain, that you also will be called to make some sacrifices for your God. Not your reputation only, but your interests also, may be materially affected by your obedience to Christ. But what did Noah lose in the issue? What concern did he feel either about the reflections cast on him, or the labour and money he had bestowed, when he found himself safe in the ark, and saw the whole world perishing in the waters? Still less will ye feel, when we shall see the floods of divine vengeance deluging the ungodly, and yourselves, as “heirs of righteousness,” placed beyond the reach of harm. Fear not then to be singular in a good cause. It is better to condemn the world by a holy singularity, and to be condemned by them on account of it, than to be condemned with them, and endure the wrath of an incensed God.]

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II. _Desenvolvimento progressivo da fé durante as dispensações patriarcais e mosaicas. Hebreus 11:4-40_ . UMA. _O antediluviano: fé em Deus. Hebreus 11:4-7_ . _TEXTO_...

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